Breath of the Dead

Chapter 139: Relic Sword of Courage (27128)

Chapter 139 Holy Object-Sword of Courage (27128)

Gu Xi didn't care about anything and gently took out the holy object he had just obtained.

It was a two-handed long sword carved from stone, with moss even growing on the tip of the sword.

  【Holy Artifact - Sword of Courage (Level 1): It can be placed in the city. Every boss, hero or leader in the city, or the player occupying this city, will receive a permanent +3 bonus in attack power. 】

  【Note 1: Once the sacred objects are placed, they cannot be moved. After the city is captured, the sacred objects will be destroyed. 】

  【Note 2: Holy objects can be placed in auxiliary building slots. After placing holy objects, city experience +3. 】

  【Note 3: Holy objects can be upgraded through special methods or with human hands. 】

Looking at the properties of the holy object, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment. He couldn't judge whether the holy object was good or bad.

The only sacred object he knew about was from the textbook when he was in school. It was said that the sacred object could cause enemies who attacked the city where the sacred object existed to have a 3% chance of turning into flowers on the spot.

 This has a completely different effect from the sword of courage in Gu Xi's hand.

 For a while, Gu Xi hesitated.

At this moment, footsteps were heard on the pier. Gu Xi stretched out his hand and the Cold Wind Staff sent Gu Xi to the deck.

 “Sir, I called Kane over.”

Luna said as she floated to Gu Xi's side.

Seeing Luna coming over, Gu Xi also smiled and said, "Luna, you came just in time, take a look at this."

Gu Xi raised the sword of courage, and Luna's eyes lit up.

 “Holy object?”

 “Hey, can you tell?”

Gu Xi was a little surprised. He didn't expect Luna to have such insight.

“Well, it can be seen that there was one in Victoria City before, and it was even copied to Alidovi City, which is in the upper city.”

Hearing this, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

 Is this a double happiness today?

He never expected that after he had just obtained a sacred object, he would immediately hear news about another sacred object.

However, Gu Xi immediately asked seriously: "Luna, I saw in the description on the holy object that the city was captured and the holy object was destroyed. If we take the upper city, will this holy object be destroyed?" Dropped?"

"Probably not. Although we are currently in a hostile relationship with the Uptown District, both our area and the Uptown District are called Aridovi. We are actually a city.

As long as we can capture the upper city area, the holy object will be ours. At most, it will be where we put the holy object, and we can't move it. "

“That’s good, you take this sacred object back first, and then give this one to you too.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he took out the building stones.

 “It will be used directly when the keel laboratory is built.”

Luna took the building stone and just took a look at it, and she knew what it was used for.

This is actually a construction accelerator that compresses the construction work that originally took a day or two to complete into a moment.

Although this kind of thing is not very common, it is not that rare. Luna just glanced at it and put away the building stone.

“Sir, let me deal with the sacred objects first.”

Seeing that Gu Xi didn’t take out anything else, Luna said immediately.

 “Okay, I will wait for you here, please hurry up.”

Luna showed a look of understanding, turned around and floated out again.

At this time, on the dock, Kane and several of his zombies were cleaning up the corpses of the strange coral people.

Seeing Gu Xi coming out of the boat, Kane quickly said: "Sir, what do you want to do with these corpses?" "Is there anything wrong with these corpses?"

 Gu Xi took a look at the corpse that had turned into corals of different colors, and was still somewhat curious.

“These corpses are some good medicinal herbs. Different colors have different properties. If adults don’t need them, I will store them as medicinal herbs.”

Hearing what Kane said, Gu Xi lost interest.

“Herbs, please save them first. I remember I have a blueprint in my hand called the Graveyard Herb Garden. I will see if this kind of coral can be grown as a herb.”

 Cain had no objection to Gu Xi's order.

"Don't worry, sir, I will store all the herbs. These are my job."

While talking to Kane, Kane's men suddenly came over dragging something.

When he saw Gu Xi standing next to Kane, the subordinate hesitated a little. He didn't know whether to hand the thing in his hand to Kane or to Gu Xi.

“I don’t know how to identify it, let Kane see it.”

 Gu Xi could see where the zombie was hesitating at a glance, so he gave up a position.

However, he still glanced over there curiously, wanting to know what the zombie had found and whether it would be specially sent to Kane for identification.

Kane took the thing and took a look and found that it was a rusty short knife.

Kane frowned. He thought the zombies had picked up a weapon. Although this weapon was better than the zombies in front of him, they were zombies guarding the dock warehouse. They did hard work and did not need to fight.

 What's the use of holding a rusty dagger.

 But as he looked at it, Kane felt that something was wrong. There seemed to be something wrong with this short sword.

"This is it?" Kane touched the dagger with his hand, and then turned to look at Gu Xi as if he had discovered something, "Sir, take a look."

Gu Xi didn't expect that he was watching a show and had his own business. He took the short knife and took a look and found that it turned out to be a mission item.

【Ding! You find a quest item and you can activate a temporary quest! 】

 【Temporary Mission: Map Engraved on the Blade】

  【Task description: Open the hidden secret room and kill the guardian in the secret room! 】

 【Task requirements: Open the hidden secret room (0/1), kill the guardian (0/1)】

  【Task reward: Secret room treasure chest (the level is mainly based on the level of the secret room). 】

   【Note 1: There is a map on the blade of the blade, just pierce it wherever you think it looks like a secret room. 】

  【Note 2: The secret room is always located in the enemy's place. Sometimes a secret room will bring you different things. 】

 “This is interesting.”

Gu Xi gained quite a lot at Weird Pier today.

Such an ordinary improvised weapon can no longer attract much attention from Gu Xi.

However, Gu Xi would not refute Kane's kindness. He patted Kane on the shoulder and said.

“Okay, I’ll take this dagger away. If there are any temporary tasks like this in the future, just put it in the warehouse and see if anyone is willing to take on these tasks.”

“Sir, please don’t worry, I know how to deal with it.”

At this moment, another voice came to Gu Xi’s ear.

  【The holy object - the Sword of Courage is placed in Aridovi City, and the attack power of all bosses, heroes and leaders in the city will permanently +3. 】

  【You are affected by the Sword of Courage, and your attack power is permanently +3. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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