Breath of the Dead

Chapter 140: Wharf Market (please subscribe)

 Chapter 140 Terminal Market (please subscribe)

 “Bone spur!”

Holding the Cold Wind Staff, he aimed a blast of bone spurs at the sea. Gu Xi was finally sure that the 3 points of attack power added this time were not only added to the creatures summoned under him, but also increased to his own attack power. In terms of skills.

 At this time Luna floated back again.

"grown ups."

"Okay, let's go, Kane, I'll leave this to you."

After saying hello to Kane, Gu Xi jumped onto the evil coffin and headed towards the next dock.

The next pier is the haunted pier among the three piers. There is also a ship docked here, but it is different from the ship at the weird pier. The ship parked on the pier is obviously a ghost ship.

 The sailors on the ship have come down and are milling around the dock.

 Gu Xi took a look at these sailors and found that most of them looked like skeletons.

When they saw Gu Xi passing by the dock, these sailors would take off their hats and say hello to Gu Xi.

Since the other party was not hostile, Gu Xi would naturally not have any conflict with them. After taking a look at them, Gu Xi headed towards the Evil Pier.

 “What ship is coming out of the Evil Pier this week?”

"The smuggling ship has been identified by someone at the market. They brought a ship of wine, but we didn't ask for it. The wine was only of ordinary quality, and their asking price was relatively high."

Luna stayed in the city of Aridovi all day long, and she was well aware of every change in the city.

As soon as Gu Xi asked, she responded immediately.

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi had no intention of going to the Evil Pier again. "Let's go directly to the Pier Market. We will go to the tavern later. There are still many things to do today."

Luna didn’t say anything and just walked in front of her on the spot.

They bypassed the Evil Pier and the Haunted Pier, and soon arrived at the Pier Market located at the other end of the dock area.

This dock market is larger than the dock warehouse, but the layout is more messy.

There are many stalls in the market that have no owners for the time being. A chubby zombie is sitting in front of the stall, swatting flies out of boredom.

Seeing Luna leading Gu Xi over, the chubby zombie immediately stood up.

 “Sir, you are here.”

“Well, let me come over and see. Are you the manager of the dock market?”

“Yes, sir, I am the tax collector of the dock market. You can call me Darosnin.”

 Gu Xi raised his head and took a look, and Darosning took another look at the dock market in front of him, and the information automatically appeared in front of him.

  【Building name: Pier Market

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


 In the market, resources can be bought and sold (the exchange rate depends on the market level and quantity).

 The black market is open every night from 2 to 4 o'clock, and you can buy some different things in the black market.

 Allows the sale of treasures for half the purchase price.

 Priority will be given to purchasing smuggling ships to transport supplies. 】

  【Dock Market Tax Officer: Darosnin (Level 1)

 Characteristic impact:

 Qian Chuan Zi: Master accounting skills and be able to quickly calculate the highest and lowest price points.

 Excellent eloquence: When trading, you can automatically increase the selling price by 10% and lower the buying price by 10%.

 Black Hand: The probability of dangerous items appearing on the black market will be increased by 35%. 】

  【Explanation: Darosnin's level is equal to the level of the dock market. At the same time, he has no combat effectiveness, but he is not attacked in the dock market, even if he angers the enemy. 】

"What a powerful tax collector." Gu Xi's eyes lit up when he looked at Darosin's attributes.

At his level, Gu Xi must be taking advantage during transactions.

 “Thank you for the compliment, sir.”

“Here, I’ll give this to you. Help me change it to negative energy.”

Gu Xi stretched out his hand and turned out the gold coins he got from the strange ship.

 While waiting for Luna, Gu Xi studied these gold coins. These gold coins had no communication effect.

 It can only be regarded as a collection of some pirates.

 It's okay to use it as an antique, but it's really useless for trading.

Tarosin's eyes lit up as he took the gold coin from Gu Xi.

“Sir, do you plan to sell them as a package or separately?”

“Sell them separately. I know you can get a better price by selling them separately. I only want negative energy now, and you can take care of the rest.”

Gu Xi could see Darosning's thoughts at a glance.

“Sir, don’t worry, just leave this matter to me. It just so happens that those smugglers like these things the most. Let me deal with it and the results will be available today.”

As Darosning spoke, he carried these gold coins to a nearby stall.

He didn't see any movement. All the gold coins were placed on the stall and started to be sold. A zombie was sitting behind the stall, staring at everything in front of him dully.

 Gu Xi walked over and took a look, and found that all 317 gold coins had been appraised just now, and the prices had been arranged. The cheapest gold coin could be exchanged for 3 points of negative energy.

  The most expensive gold coins can even be sold for 500 points of negative energy.

 This is almost half a day’s negative energy income of Aridovi City.

This price shocked Gu Xi.

However, he was also worried about whether anyone would be willing to buy it at such a high price.

But Gu Xi did not expect that after he took a few glances here, several drunken smuggling sailors and smuggling businessmen staggered over from the smuggling dock.

As soon as they saw Darosnin, they said loudly: "Brother, you really can't raise your hands. We brought a large boatload of wine here, you can't let us run away in vain."

“It’s not that I don’t accept your things, but the price you charge for these drinks is too high, and you have also seen who we are here, the undead.

The undead cannot drink your wine. If you drag a boatload of corpses over, I will buy them all without saying a word, but this wine cannot be drank. Do you understand? "

Daros Ning also looked helpless. He had spoken to these smugglers countless times.

 The drinks they brought were not suitable for the undead, but why didn't they believe it.

 The smugglers wanted to say something more, but suddenly their eyes lit up.

 “Hey, are these gold coins for sale?”

 “For sale, do you want it?”

“Of course, the quality of these gold coins is good, but you see I have shipped so much wine and I don’t have any spare money on hand. Can the price of these gold coins be lowered?”

“How is that possible? Let me tell you, I don’t value these gold coins at all. Look at this one. This is a gold coin from the Arotu Empire. You should know what it means.

Arotu Empire, the ghost empire on the sea, maybe this is the key to enter the ghost empire, the asking price is really not high. "

 (End of this chapter)

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