Breath of the Dead

Chapter 142: Strengthen Death Incarnation (28131)

Chapter 142 Strengthening the Incarnation of Death (28131)

The average number is 1313. Looking at this data, I get more energetic and work hard to update!


  【Building name: Keel Laboratory

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


 The residence and resurrection point of the Death Incarnation. Whether the Death Incarnation is dismissed on the battlefield or the Death Incarnation who dies in battle will come out here, and the summons for the Death Incarnation will also be summoned from here.

 The incarnation of death is no longer limited by combat and time, and will no longer return to nothingness.

 Each time the incarnation of death returns, its vitality will be automatically restored, and the number of used combat skills will be restored.

Every battle harvest of Death Incarnation can be saved in the laboratory, and you can choose whether to load the battle in the next battle.

  Can produce regional linkage with other buildings that produce bone dragons, ghost dragons, and ghost dragons, and the production speed of all undead dragon units will be +1. 】

【Note: Dragon Bone Laboratory cannot change the rules of Death Incarnation itself. Players cannot pass through the gate of Death City and bring Death Incarnation into the battlefield without spending mana. 】

Looking at the information from the Dragon Bone Laboratory in front of him, Gu Xi was obviously stunned for a moment.

 The situation in the Dragon Bone Laboratory was either what Gu Xi had imagined or what surprised him.

 At first, Gu Xi’s idea was to build a dragon bone laboratory and let the incarnation of death stay in the dragon bone laboratory and live in the city of Alidovi.

 If necessary during battle, Gu Xi can use Death City's skills to send the incarnation of death to the battlefield, which can somewhat reduce the consumption of mana.

 But judging from the current situation, this does not seem to be true.

Especially the note below, which directly negated this point, which made Gu Xi unable to fix the bug even if he wanted to.

 The only thing that is certain now is that the incarnation of death can always exist now, unlike before, it will automatically disappear as soon as the battle is over or the time is up.

If Gu Xi were more ruthless, he could just release the incarnation of death into the Sanxian Garden. He would definitely be the most handsome boy in the Sanxian Garden, and the pets he carries around him would be much bigger than others.

However, in Gu Xi's opinion, this item actually doesn't mean much, and he doesn't rely on it to fill his cup.

 When encountering a strong enemy, Gu Xi still needs to disband and then summon to solve the bug of the Death Incarnation skill, and the mana still needs to be consumed.

On the contrary, Gu Xi was a little surprised by the fact that he could choose whether to load the battle gains.

 In the previous battle, the incarnation of death devoured the enemy's various powers, which clearly showed the growth characteristics of the incarnation of death.

 Gu Xi thought this would continue to improve.

  I didn’t expect that I could choose how to arrange things in the laboratory.

This means that in the future, the incarnation of death can be a melee tank dragon with strengthened steel bones all over the body, and the body becomes larger and heavier dozens of times.

It can also be a speed dragon that only carries black mist that destroys all black mist and moves very fast.

 Gu Xi can put forward different requirements for the incarnation of death according to the situation facing the enemy.

 It seems that with the Dragon Bone Laboratory, the attacks of the incarnation of death will become more targeted and extreme.

"grown ups."

While Gu Xi was studying the Dragon Bone Laboratory, Luna also rushed over, "The Dragon Bone Laboratory has been built."

“Well, I see, how many resources do we have?”

“There is still a lot of wood and stone, but the negative energy has been exhausted.”

“It seems that Aridovi City has been under a lot of pressure this time in order to build this dragon bone laboratory, but it will not be the same next time.

Luna, get ready and gather all the troops. I will go to the tavern to get the information first. Once the information is obtained, we will capture the other two districts in one fell swoop. "

After speaking, Gu Xi raised the cold wind staff and pointed at the sky. “Death incarnate!”

Under Gu Xi’s command, the incarnation of death drained his mana and surged into the sky with black mist.

Then, as if the incarnation of death understood the purpose of the building in front of him, it hovered in the sky and landed above the Keel Laboratory.

Seeing the incarnation of death falling, all the black fog around him was gathered up, revealing the skeleton of a body shining with metallic luster.

After lying down in the dragon's nest, the incarnation of death glanced at Gu Xi, as if waiting for his order.

“Improve yourself and wait for me at the bridge outside Shangcheng District in half an hour.”

Hearing Gu Xi's order, the incarnation of death flew up on the spot. He clearly didn't want to stay in the Dragon Bone Laboratory for half an hour.

Regarding this situation, Gu Xi could only helplessly shake his head.

Fortunately, Gu Xi could clearly feel that as long as the incarnation of death could hear his orders, no matter whether he asked him to attack or return to the Dragon Bone Laboratory, Gu Xi's mana would not be consumed.

 In addition, returning to the Dragon Bone Laboratory can also restore the vitality and various skills of the Death Incarnation. This is equivalent to telling Gu Xi that the Death Incarnation can always be used in Alidovi City.

This made Gu Xi's depression dissipate a lot.

At the same time, it also made Gu Xi understand that the biggest benefit of the establishment of the Dragon Bone Laboratory this time was not in external battles, but in the battle for Alidovi City.

This made Gu Xi more confident, and he turned to look at Luna.

 “How about it, is the current incarnation of death very energetic?”

“He’s very energetic. Judging from his appearance, he wants to rush out and fight. What do you think, sir, if you don’t let him deal with an area alone?”

Gu Xi looked at Luna unexpectedly. He didn't expect Luna to joke again.

However, when staring at Luna's empty eyes, Gu Xi found that there was no joke on Luna's face.

 At this time, Gu Xi became silent.

 “Is this feasible?”

"It depends on the final information, but I think it is feasible. We have all seen the combat effectiveness of the Death Incarnation. Whether it is one-on-one or one-to-many, the Death Incarnation has strong enough combat effectiveness.

As long as there is no one with a combat power above level 12 in these two cities, it is absolutely not a problem for the incarnation of death to fight alone. "

Hearing this, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

 Yes, his death incarnation is strong enough, and there are no very strong enemies in the several districts of Alidovi City.

If there were really powerful enemies that exceeded level 10, he would not dare to take the initiative to touch them even with the few troops under his command.

 As for enemies below level 10, will Death Incarnate be afraid of them?

That is simply not possible.

Gu Xi's eyes lit up when he wanted to understand this.

"That's right, that's it. Luna, you go organize the troops first, and I'll find the wine girl. We must take down two city districts today."

After saying that, Gu Xi took the cold wind staff and knocked hard in front of Xie Coffin, and Xie Coffin took Gu Xi quickly out of the dock area and headed towards the tavern.

At this time, Luna had also begun to mobilize the troops in the city to prepare for the next battle.

 (End of this chapter)

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