Breath of the Dead

Chapter 143: Assign tasks (29131)

 Chapter 143 Assigning tasks (29131)

 “My lord, are you ready to fight?”

In the tavern, Gu Xixi was talking to the wine girl about two city area intelligence matters, when Dimi suddenly poked his head over.

Dimi was much taller than Gu Xi because of her height. When she spoke, Gu Xi felt something soft pressing on his head.

“Yeah, it’s time to take the other two districts.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he pointed at the two pieces of information in his hands. The wine lady and her men had spent a lot of effort to obtain them.

[Shangcheng District, covering an area of ​​1.2 square kilometers, with a population of 3229 (Shadow), can be occupied by 3 large plots, 4 medium plots, 6 small plots, and 1 core plot (limited to the construction of magic tower) 】

[Tower Bridge (Garrison Attack +2), Uptown Defense Office, 400 Shadows (Level 2), 150 Shadows (Level 3), 60 Shadows (Level 4), and Shadow Leader (Level 5) ) 1 (violent type, attack 11), 1 Shadow Boss (level 5) (Mage type, masters the cone of ice technique), 1 Shadow Boss (level 6) (combination type, elite)]

  【After taking down the Tower Bridge, you will get 1 large plot of land (which can be used to build large bridges). 】

  【Special note: Uptown seems to have a special power, please pay attention! 】

【Zhonggu District, covering an area of ​​1.1 square kilometers, with a population of 4533 (Guiying), can be occupied by 3 large plots, 6 medium plots and 7 small plots. 】

[Ancient city gate (garrison defense +3), Medieval District Defense Office, stationed with 260 Shadows (Level 2), 80 Shadows (Level 3), and 1 Shadow Leader (Level 4) (defensive type, defense 28), 1 Shadow Boss (Level 5) (Knight type, masters charge)]

 【After taking down the ancient city gate, you will get 1 large plot of land (which can be used to build city gates and arrow towers). 】

Looking at the information in front of him, Gu Xi was filled with regret. If he had known that the enemy's strength was like this, he would have come in to deal with it.

 When asked by Dimi, Gu Xi also looked confident.

“These two places should have been taken down long ago, and the city of Alidovi should be maintained in its due integrity.

 After I take these two cities, my next target will be Alidovita. "

“Sir, there are no strong enemies in Aridovi City, but the situation in Aridovi Tower is different. According to the information I have obtained now, it is a key area, and the military strength is stronger than the two cities combined.”

The wine girl supported her chin with both hands, and her empty eyes seemed to have eyelashes blinking, which was clearly what she was talking about.

"Come and beg me quickly. If you beg me, I will help you get information."

 Just the drunkard didn’t even think about it. With her skull face, no serious person would like her.

 Even a beautiful skeleton won’t do.

 Being stared at by the drunkard was unbearable, and just as Gu Xi was about to turn his head, he felt his head being held down by Dimi.

“Sir, do you need my help to dismantle this pile of bones?”

 “No, no need.”

 Gu Xi twisted his body, trying to get himself out of the feeling of cotton.

“Drunkard, help me keep an eye on Alidovita’s affairs.

 In addition, after I take over the entire city of Aridovi, new enemies will definitely appear nearby. I need you to stay vigilant and find out all the enemy's information. Don't let me know nothing when the enemy comes in. "

“Okay, okay, don’t worry, I will help you keep an eye on this matter, but I say, sir, we are just a group of wine sellers and laughers, you can’t put all the scouting matters on us.

If we really have that ability, we won’t be allowed to go out in the city. "

"I know, I will remember this matter, but there is no manpower now, and Shaya hasn't come back, so I can only leave this matter to you first."

 Gu Xi made a gesture to show that he still had something to do, picked up two pieces of information and ran out of the tavern.

  When Gu Xi left, the wine lady took out a glass of rat wine and placed it in front of Dimi.

"I said, Madam, why are you doing this? If you really want to have nothing to do, just find a coffin and bury yourself. Don't bother me all the time." Dimi gave the mouse wine in one sip. After drinking it, she stuffed the mouse into her mouth and chewed it.

“It’s just you, you can protect yourself first. I’m idle, but I can be of great use later.”

"What use can you do? You can be exalted and demoted."

Dimi rolled his eyes and ignored the wine girl's words.

At this time, Gu Xi had already arrived at the square in front of the gate of Alidovi City.

 This is where Gu Xi usually gathers his troops.

 Gu Xi's Bone-Zhanying Battalion and 7,788 troops have arrived.

 Those who were organized followed their leader, while those who were unorganized all stood together, waiting for Gu Xi's order.

 “Luna, is everyone here?”

Standing on the coffin lid, Gu Xi handed the information to Luna.

 “Everyone has arrived.”

"Okay, then Death Incarnation will attack the Middle Ancient District, and we will attack the Upper City District. You should pay attention to the situation in the rear. No matter whether I take the Upper City District first, or Death Incarnation takes over the Middle Ancient District first, you will be there. Occupy the city immediately."

“Don’t worry, the expansion of the city is in my best interest, and I will keep an eye on it.”

Hearing what Luna said, Gu Xi felt relieved.

With so many undead subordinates, Gu Xi believed in Luna the most.

After explaining the matter clearly, Gu Xi led all the troops and rushed towards the bridge in the upper city.

 At this time, the incarnation of death was already standing at the bridge waiting.

 Because of the level and momentum of the incarnation of death, although he has not yet entered the range of the Tower Bridge, the strange shadows on the Tower Bridge have already stood up.

There are a lot of these ghosts, and the most important thing is that they seem to have received some order, and now they have formed a battle formation on the bridge.

When Gu Xi came over, he happened to see a group of shadows about three meters high climbing to the highest level of the tower and directing the positions of the troops below.

This mysterious shadow is the strongest one in the upper city. Now he looks like a ball more than three meters high, looking like it is composed of countless arms.

With every breath, all the arms on his body spread out, much like a flower blooming rapidly.

 Seeing such a strange existence, Chen Gu not only was not surprised, but instead ordered calmly.

“Leave this to us, Death Incarnation, your target is the Middle Ancient District, you attack their city gate first, I don’t care what method you use to kill all the shadows in the city.

If you feel seriously injured, return to the Dragon Bone Laboratory to recover and replenish your blood. You don’t have to worry about the enemy coming to our city. "

 At first, when Gu Xi said that this was left to him, the incarnation of death was still a little dissatisfied.

 But as Gu Xi’s order was issued, the black fog around the incarnation of death became thicker and thicker.

From the perspective of Death Incarnation, Gu Xi is willing to let himself handle one distinction, which is trust in himself. As for which area, it actually doesn't matter to Death Incarnation.

Then the incarnation of death flew high into the air, circled in the sky, and then flew towards the Middle Ancient District.

At this time, Gu Xi looked at the strange shadows on the bridge and raised the cold wind staff.

"bring it on!"

 (End of this chapter)

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