Breath of the Dead

Chapter 144: Set the fire boss (please subscribe)

Chapter 144: Gathering the Fire Boss (please subscribe)

【Ding! You are entering the upper city area. Your actions will cause a reaction from the upper city guards. Please retreat quickly! 】

【warn! You are entering the uptown area. Your actions will cause a war. Please return quickly! 】


 “Bone spur! Attack!”

 As Gu Xi fired the first shot of the attack, his undead troops also began to enter the tower bridge.

Although not all of these undead were led by undead leaders, Gu Xi had arranged their positions from the beginning.

The Bone-Smashing Battalion rushed to the front, followed by all the skeleton shooters led by the Skeleton Shooter Leader.

  Combat Team 1 and Combat Team 2 were standing in front of Gu Xi, and the remaining soldiers were scattered on both sides, preparing to charge together.

The zombies were right next to Gu Xi's evil coffin. It wasn't that Gu Xi didn't want them to charge, but they were moving too slowly and charging would have no effect.

 Instead, the ghosts flew up on the spot and pounced on the shadows from the sky.

They were flying quite fast. It was obvious that the skeleton soldiers were the first to charge, but the ghosts were the first ones to rush in front of the enemy.

The number of these ghosts is quite large. The ghosts that Gu Xi originally got from the academy, plus the ghosts that drifted away during the delivery, totaled 52 people.

Their strength is also quite high. Even the ghosts obtained from the academy start at level 5, not to mention the ghosts that disappeared, starting at level 7.

As soon as these ghosts rushed out, they brought up a thick dark wind on the spot. They didn't even look for the level 2 and 3 ghosts in front of them and pounced directly on the ghost leader at the highest position on the bridge.

The shadow leader didn’t expect that someone could hit him from the position he was standing on.

At first, Gu Xi hit him with a bone spur. Before he could react to the bone spur attack with ice effect, now these ghosts pounced on him again.

This really means you don’t regard yourself as the leader.

 What's the matter, your level is higher than mine, but I am a BOSS template, and I have higher life, attack and defense than you, so why do you think so?

The angry shadow leader screamed on the top of the bridge, and the black arm wrapped around his body opened instantly, revealing the most real part of his body.

 Only then did Gu Xi see clearly. He discovered that there were really all kinds of things in the shadow. Forget about the ones that looked like centipedes and huge eyes before, the one in front of him actually looked like a tree.

It should be a big tree like a mimosa. It usually shrinks itself into a ball, but when needed, it spreads out its body and doubles in size.

After opening his arms, the shadow leader reached out to catch the ghosts flying towards him.

Such behavior even made Gu Xi wonder if the ghost leader had no brains. Didn't he realize that all the ghosts flying towards him were stronger than him?

 Still trying to catch the ghost.

 But the next moment, Gu Xi was stunned. These outstretched arms actually caught the ghost floating by.

After catching the ghosts, the shadow leader kept dragging the ghosts towards him, clearly intending to eat them.

 “Damn it, bone spurs! Concentrate the fire!”

Gu Xi was speechless when he saw this situation. While he released the bone spurs, he asked the leader of the skeleton shooters to focus the fire.

The leader of the skeleton archer also saw this situation. Although he did not know what the situation of the shadow leader was, under Gu Xi's order, he still led his men to shoot all arrows at the shadow leader.

But something that surprised Gu Xi happened again. The Shadow Leader's arms were flexible enough to block all the arrows.

 And he hasn't let go of the ghosts yet. This situation left Gu Xi speechless. This was obviously wrong. There was such a huge difference in level and quantity. How could he be suppressed and beaten?

But now Gu Xi has no time to deal with this matter, because the shadow leader has the upper hand and improves the morale of the shadows below. Those shadows with only level 2 and 3 actually take the initiative to charge towards Gu Xi's team. Come over.

“Ignore it and attack the boss head-on.”

Gu Xi took a look at the situation in front of him and made a judgment in his heart.

Now use all of Gu Xi's troops to defend against the approaching little sneaks. The battle will be over soon, because the weakest skeleton soldiers under Gu Xi are at level 3 now. They can defeat the sneaks one on one even if they fight hard film.

 But so what, the key now is this shadow leader.

 In the current situation, if Gu Xi focuses on those small ghosts, it would be equivalent to giving up on these 52 ghosts.

 After killing the little shadow, Gu Xi had to turn around and ask his men to assemble the leader of the shadow.

Rather than that, it would be better to focus all the combat power on the Shadow Leader.

As for the small soldiers who rushed over, Gu Xi didn't take them seriously at all.

  【Tendrils of the Dead】

  【Bone Storm】

  【Skeleton Priest】

Three magic spells were released by Gu Xi in a row. In front of the battlefield of Juying, a passage composed of white bone arms and tentacles appeared for the first time.

This passage directly blocked the sneaky shadows rushing towards them, making their bodies all dyed with blue light.

 The shadows moved slower and even collided with each other.

Even the two shadow leaders who were mixed in the shadows were affected.

Then countless white bone fragments spread out from the center of these shadows. Each white bone fragment was like a blade, cutting into the bodies of the shadows and harvesting their lives.

It can be said that with these two magics, Gu Xi blocked all the strange shadows that rushed towards him.

As for the skeleton priest released at the end, it was Gu Xi’s last support for his undead men, because when Gu Xi withstood the attack of the Shadow Army alone, he no longer had the intention to look at the situation in other directions.

At this time, Gu Xi was squeezing his magic power with all his strength, and kept throwing bone storms again and again into the group of ghosts.

In order to better seize the position, he even rushed across the battlefield of the undead troops and rushed to the forefront of the battle. When the evil coffin moved, Gu Xi's spells did not stop for a moment.

 Each spell will accurately fall on the place with the largest number of shadows.

At the same time, a series of messages kept popping up in Gu Xi's eyes.

 【You kill the Shadow (level 2) and gain 6 experience points (experience +5%, level cap, overflow experience storage). 】

 【You kill the Shadow (level 2) and gain 11 experience points (experience +5%, level cap, overflow experience storage). 】


 (End of this chapter)

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