Breath of the Dead

Chapter 147: Ghost Tower Bridge (31133)

Chapter 147 Ghost Tower Bridge (31133)

As Luna began to annex the upper city, Gu Xi noticed that the power with the aura of the undead was flowing toward the upper city from where he stood along the bridge that had just been knocked down.

As the aura of the undead surged through, a large number of strange energy beads on the bridge that had not yet been cleaned up rapidly changed in front of Gu Xi, turning into negative energy crystals.

At the same time, the decorative style of the bridge deck also changed, and skull statues began to appear on the floor of this tower bridge.

The speed of this transformation was relatively slow at first, but as Gu Xi's undead army returned from the direction of the upper city, the speed of this transformation suddenly increased.

Standing at the Tower Bridge, Gu Xi looked at the returning undead troops, with a hint of smile flashing in his eyes.

“Clean up the battlefield, all the tricks... No, all the negative energy soldiers can get 10%, the combat team can get 10%, and the rest can be handed over to me.”

As soon as the undead soldiers heard this, they immediately changed from fighting troops to laborers.

They are already quite familiar with this kind of transformation, and they don’t think there is anything wrong with picking up things and tidying up the battlefield by themselves.

At this moment, Gu Xi took a few steps forward.

The Tower Bridge in front of you is different from ordinary bridges. There is a square defense tower in the middle of the bridge.

 This part is somewhat similar to the border tower built by Gu Xi last time, but it is obviously smaller.

The strongest shadow boss before was standing at the top of the defense tower. After being attacked by Gu Xi, he jumped down.

 When Gu Xi attacked the Shadow team, he also hit the defense tower.

However, there is no arrangement at the defense tower. Even the door inside the defense tower is open, so you can see the situation behind it at a glance.

 After the leader of the Shadow Shadow was killed in the battle, all Gu Xi's men went to the upper city area, and he was not in a hurry to enter the defense tower to investigate.

Now that all his troops have returned, Gu Xi has become somewhat interested in the defense tower. He holds the Cold Wind Staff and walks towards the defense tower.

  【You are approaching the Tower Bridge which is no longer deserted. How do you choose to deal with the Tower Bridge? Occupy it or abandon it? 】

Looking at the instructions in front of him, Gu Xi was not surprised at all. When he killed all the ghosts on the Tower Bridge before, he had actually seen the prompt to take down the Tower Bridge.

It’s just that Gu Xi was a little confused at the time as to why the choice this time didn’t include the option of destroying this place.

Later, after thinking about it seriously on the Tower Bridge, Gu Xi realized that while other places could be destroyed, this Tower Bridge was really difficult to destroy.

If such a bridge is destroyed, the connection between Aridovi and the upper city will be cut off, and Gu Xi will have to spend time rebuilding it.

Now that the undead have retreated, Gu Xi has no idea of ​​waiting any longer. After directing the undead to pack their things, Gu Xi sets his sights on the leaders of the undead.

 "Occupy, arrange combat teams... Huh?"

 Gu Xi also plans to arrange for a combat team to enter the defense tower and use it as a base.

 Unexpectedly, something went wrong at this step.

 Clearly the information said that after the tower bridge is taken down, it can be converted into a garrison. How come such a prompt pops up?

  【Please choose the future function direction of Tower Bridge, training camp, treasure room, prison, ordinary bridge! 】

This is how the same thing?

Didn’t you agree on the location of the barracks?

 Two border defense stations and two garrisons. Gu Xi had already arranged the places when he came.

 At that time, there will be one battalion of skeleton soldiers holding spears and one battalion of skeleton archers.

 It turned out that this place was not converted into a military camp. This time Gu Xi was a little confused.

But after being confused, Gu Xi could only admit it. He couldn't let go of the Tower Bridge. Now he could only choose whatever they gave him.

So Gu Xi quickly checked the four options.

Among these four options, the ordinary bridge is definitely not an option. After fighting for so long, he excitedly chose to occupy this place not just to keep an ordinary bridge.

 So as long as he has no water in his mind, he will not make such a choice.

 Among the remaining three options, prison is the one that I cannot understand the most.

 Does this mean you want to imprison people on the bridge?

 But where to close it?

  No, Gu Xi shook his head, why did he consider such a problem? Shouldn't he consider that there are no people under him who can be imprisoned?

 So Gu Xi immediately gave up the option of prison.

 Then training camp and treasure room are more reasonable options.

 Training camp Since there were no other prompts, Gu Xi could not tell what kind of training camp was given this time.

But judging from the situation in Alidovi City for so long, the ones that can give hints should not be some weird training camps, but rather undead training camps.

 The most important thing is that this is a large plot of land. If it is not used as a training camp, it will be a loss if it is used as a treasure room.

 When his thoughts turned to this point, Gu Xi already had an idea in his mind.

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t need a treasure room or anything like that. He has nothing to hide now, but he must have one in the training camp. He can’t waste such a large plot of land in vain.

 “Choose the direction of the training camp.”

Just after Gu Xi finished speaking, the Tower Bridge shook again. Gu Xi discovered that the appearance of the defense tower originally located in the center of the Tower Bridge had changed.

The decorations full of undead style that had just been put on were taken down again, and windows appeared everywhere on the originally tight defense tower.

 At every window, there are dark figures looking out.

This strange situation shocked Gu Xi.

After taking a closer look, Gu Xi found out who these figures were. They were clearly unfinished statues, and he didn't know who had erected these statues in the window.

As the statues appeared one after another, Gu Xi noticed that some squatting stone statues also appeared on the railings on both sides of the bridge.

These stone statues all look like demons, with fangs, curved horns, bat wings and long pointed tails.

This look reminded Gu Xi of a military unit he had learned in the academy.


Sure enough, the next moment, the notification sound that the conversion was completed rang.

  【Function transformation completed, Tower Bridge is transformed into Ghost Tower Bridge! City experience +3! 】

  【Building name: Ghost Tower Bridge

 Level: Level 1

 Trainable troops:

  Gargoyles (Level 3), automatically train 15 gargoyles every week, each gargoyle costs 20 points of negative energy]

  【Gargoyle (level 3, summoned troops): experience (0/500) attack 6 (stone claws), defense 4 (stone skin), life 16, skills: inanimate troops, flying creatures, extremely fast movement. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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