Breath of the Dead

Chapter 148: Exploding medieval area (please subscribe)

Chapter 148 The Exploding Medieval Area (Please subscribe)

Haunted building?


 Well, Gargoyles are really one of the few serious troops that can cooperate with the undead.

  Gargoyles belong to the inanimate army. Even if they say they are alive, they are not. Even if they say they are dead, they will not be recognized by the undead.

  It is said that it is a machine, but it really has no mechanical part. It is said that it is a magical creature, but it does not belong to the elements.

So he can be said to be nowhere. Only various mages are willing to place some gargoyles in front of their towers to guard their homes and courtyards.

The appearance of some gargoyles here is not a bad thing for Gu Xi. At least the initial level of gargoyles is equivalent to that of zombies.

Moreover, they are flying troops and can move very fast.

 Having such a force is very beneficial to Gu Xi's battle.

Facing this, Gu Xi finally nodded his head, acknowledging the existence of such a training camp.

 Then Gu Xi shook his head at the battle team 1 that had been called out.

 “Forget it, let’s make arrangements next time when we have a chance.”

At this time, there was a sudden bang in the distance, as if something exploded in the distance.

 Gu Xi glanced in the direction of the sound and found that it was another medieval area where fighting was taking place.

Gu Xi was startled and quickly jumped onto the evil coffin without having time to think about it.


Without waiting for Gu Xi's order, all his undead troops quickly followed up and rushed towards the Middle Ancient District.

 When Gu Xi rushed to the Zhonggu District, Luna was already on her way.

 When they met on the road, Gu Xi couldn't help but ask.

 “Luna, what happened?”

“I don’t know either, but I just found in the Assembly Hall that a lot of land in the Middle Ancient District was destroyed. Sir, could something happen to the incarnation of death?”

"No, if something happens to the Death Incarnation, I will feel it immediately. Because I don't feel it, I don't pay attention to the battle situation over there."

Gu Xi and the others were talking as they rushed towards the Middle Ancient District.

Just as they were on their way, a dragon roar came from the sky. Gu Xi looked up and found that the incarnation of death was turning into black mist and flying towards the Dragon Bone Laboratory.

“The incarnation of death is fine, don’t worry about the rest. Luna, go back and pay attention to the situation in the medieval area. I will lead my men over to clean up the battlefield.”

 Luna also knew the priority of the matter and did not refuse. She turned around and went back to the meeting hall.

 Gu Xi, on the other hand, led his troops and quickly rushed to the ancient city gate in the Middle Ancient District.

 Before getting close to the ancient city gate, I felt that something was not right nearby.

 Gu Xi had also been near the city he occupied before and had seen the ancient city gate in the distance.

That city gate is much larger than the ones Gu Xi usually uses. The thick city wall is thirty meters thick. There is also an iron fence that can be raised and lowered inside the door opening.

 When the iron bars at both ends are lowered, an army of at least thirty people can be trapped inside.

At the same time, this city gate is more than thirty meters high, and there are thick walls on both sides of the city gate. It is the most difficult area to defeat among the three areas of Aridovi City.

There is a reason why Gu Xi chose to build the Tower Bridge himself at the beginning and let the incarnation of death deal with the ancient city gate.

but now.

 In front of Gu Xi was a ruins. The ancient city gate had simply disappeared. Everything had been razed to the ground. Only the broken city bricks and molten iron showed that there was originally a tall city gate here.

Standing on the scrap bricks of the city gate and looking toward the medieval area, Gu Xi saw ruins.

 The medieval area that originally had the same style as Aridovi seemed to have been plowed through, and there was no way to find a complete building here. Even the ground was beaten to pieces, and at the same time countless black energy was pouring in from the outside.

 “Attack! Clear out all the shadows.”

Although he didn’t know what happened, Gu Xi made a judgment immediately.

 Now is not the time to think about what is going on. What we need to do now is to clear out all the shadows here so that Luna can have a chance to occupy this medieval area.

As for what happened here, it was after occupying the Lower Middle Ancient District.

Following Gu Xi's order, the undead troops rushed forward quickly. They had just done this in the upper city, so it could be said that it was a time when they were rich in experience.

  They all know what they want to do without having to worry about the command.

At this time, Gu Xi jumped down from the evil coffin, stood on the ruins of the ancient city gate, touched the broken bricks on the ground, and couldn't help but say something.


  Yes, a good city gate is gone.

Moreover, all the buildings in the medieval area have been smashed, and they are full of building materials.

How much effort will it take to rebuild these houses?

 Gu Xi's heart was bleeding. Everything that was originally his was now gone.

At this moment, another dragon roar came from the sky, and the incarnation of death flew back from the direction of the Dragon Bone Laboratory.

At this time, Gu Xi noticed that the body of the incarnation of death had obviously changed. The black mist around him was filled with silver-blue powder.

This makes the black fog around Death Incarnation look even more dazzling.

At the same time, the incarnation of death seemed to have put something down. His movement speed was obviously much faster, and the spread of the black mist also became wider.

While flying over Gu Xi's head, the incarnation of death also saw Gu Xi, but instead of saying hello to Gu Xi, he rushed towards the end of the Middle Ancient District.

As the incarnation of death crashed in, Gu Xi noticed blue electricity and green light coming from the black mist.

A hundred-meter-long dark green vine-like tentacle came out of the black mist and slapped heavily on the ground.

As the tentacles flapped, the ground quickly cracked, and the buildings that had become ruins were smashed into powder. However, the tentacles seemed to be absorbing the power of the earth and replenishing their physical strength.

This made Gu Xi's eyes flash with anger.

 “This is my territory, all this is mine.”

Angry Gu Xi jumped onto the evil coffin and rushed forward.

With Gu Xi's move, all the undead rushed towards the tentacle. The leader of the skeleton archers immediately locked the position of the tentacle and shot the first arrow at the tentacle.

 Concentrate fire and shoot!

More than a hundred skeleton archers shot the arrows in their hands at the same time.

 In an instant, the arrows were pierced all over the tentacles.

At the same time, the iron hooks of the heavily armored zombies were also nailed to the tentacles. The heavily armored zombies dragged the iron chains hard to prevent the tentacles from having any chance to return to the black mist.

 Gu Xi, who rushed to the front line of the battlefield, raised the cold wind staff.

 “Storm of Bones!”

 “Skeleton Priest!”

  "Bone-cutting camp, cut off this tentacle for me!"

 (End of this chapter)

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