Breath of the Dead

Chapter 149: Cut off everything (please subscribe)

 Chapter 149 Cut off everything (please subscribe)

Although he didn’t know what happened, Gu Xi could clearly feel that the tentacle in front of him was the main culprit for the destruction of the Medieval District.

 Let him continue to destroy it like this, and the medieval area in front of us will no longer be available.

So the angry Gu Xi decisively issued an order. He only had one request: to keep the vine tentacles in front of him.

The undead under Gu Xi quickly surrounded the tentacles, not caring that every time the tentacles hit the ground, they would take away some nearby lives.

 At this time, the undead warriors exerted their most powerful characteristics and did not care about life or death.

Even if they die, they will still cause some damage to the tentacles. Some even bite the tentacles and hang their bodies on the tentacles.

Gu Xi, who used the evil coffin to dodge the tentacle attack, seized the opportunity and unleashed a burst of powerful output such as corpse explosion and bone storm on the corpse hanging on the tentacle. He did not stop until all his mana was consumed. Not far away, magic potions began to be poured.

At this time, the tentacles were somewhat injured under the attack of Gu Xi's undead and spells. There were a lot of wounds on the surface of the tentacles, and even a green juice flowed out.

But no one pays attention to this now, and the undead are trying to bring some damage to the tentacles.

Especially the soldiers from the Bone-cutting Battalion, they all climbed onto the tentacles and tried their best to kill them without risking their lives.

However, the life of the tentacle has not yet reached the end, and killing it can only leave a wound on the surface of the tentacle.

By this time, Gu Xi had recovered most of his mana. Looking at the tentacle that was about to be raised high and hit the ground, Gu Xi decisively pointed at the tentacle.

 “Storm of Bones!”

 “Corpse explosion!”

 “Storm of Bones!”

Gu Xi’s spells fell on the tentacles again and again. The bone storm would cut open the skin of the tentacles, and the corpse explosion would take away the life of the tentacles.

 It was okay once or twice, but the attacks again and again made the tentacles discover Gu Xi's existence.

The tentacles began to chase Gu Xi.

Gu Xi didn't care about this. He stepped on the evil coffin, held up the spiritual lamp in his left hand, and laughed loudly: "Come, come to me, if you have the ability, come!"

Attracted by the soul lamp, the tentacles kept chasing Gu Xi as if they had lost their minds, their length getting longer and longer, and their movements became slower and slower.

Finally, the tentacle reached its limit. No matter how hard it tried, it could not reach Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi, who discovered this, said decisively: "Come on, take one more step forward."

The provoked tentacle was still about to be raised high. At this moment, Gu Xi suddenly jumped up from the evil coffin. The cold wind staff pierced the tip of the tentacle heavily, nailing the tentacle to the ground. on the ground.

At the same time, the cold wind staff began to deform, and the seven-and-a-half-meter-long vine kept hitting the tentacle's skin. Each blow took away a large amount of the tentacle's skin and some black-green juice.

At this time, Gu Xi was not idle either. He released the cold wind staff but did not let go of the attack on the tentacles. The Bone Storm exerted all its strength and hit the tentacles again and again.

 The undead under Gu Xi also seized this opportunity and quickly rushed to the tentacles, using their own abilities to drag or attack the tentacles.

 At this time, in the dark fog outside the medieval area, the incarnation of death was also engaged in a final battle with the tentacle's body.

 Previously, the tentacles could move flexibly in the black mist. No matter how the incarnation of death pursued, he could easily dodge.

 But this time one end of the tentacle was nailed to the ground by Gu Xi, and the situation became different. The movement of the tentacle became obviously rigid, and it could only move back and forth within a few ranges.

This gives the death incarnation a chance, and the body of the death incarnation turns into black mist and flows upstream along the tentacles.

 Where he flew, a large number of wounds appeared on the skin of the tentacles, and there was a strong black aura above each wound. These black breaths are like salt on a wound, destroying everything under the skin of the tentacles.

 But the incarnation of death didn't care about this. He followed the direction in which the tentacles stretched out and kept heading towards the source of the tentacles.

 Until you reach the end of the black mist and can no longer fly.

At this time, the incarnation of death can see that this tentacle is stretching out from the void. At its thickest point, it is even more than a hundred meters in diameter.

 When he arrived here, the incarnation of death no longer remained. He glared with his right eye, and the gray melting light shot out directly. At the same time, he opened his mouth, and the death dragon's breath spurted out at the same time.

When the death dragon's breath fell to the base of the tentacles, one after another melting light also melted in, increasing the power of the death dragon's breath.

In the end, the originally pure green death dragon's breath turned into a gray-green color. The dragon's breath was like a hacksaw, cutting back and forth at the base of the tentacles.

With each blow, a large amount of dark green liquid will spurt out from the wound and onto the body of the incarnation of death.

 But Death Incarnation didn't care about this at all. He discovered that every time the melting light fell on the Death Dragon's Breath, the power of the Death Dragon's Breath, which already had little effect, would be enhanced again.

 As a result, the death dragon's breath, which originally only lasted about ten seconds, was increased to more than a minute on the spot with the support of the melting light.

 Under this kind of death dragon breath attack that can directly destroy a city gate, even if the tentacle comes from a more powerful existence, it will be useless.

More than a minute of death dragon breath attack finally cut off the tentacle.

 Then there was only a crashing sound, and the originally tight tentacles quickly bounced away.

 The incarnation of death, which had been fighting beside the tentacles, had no time to dodge and was beaten to pieces on the spot.

And Gu Xi, who was playing magic in the medieval area, suddenly felt a pain in his head and his nostrils were bleeding.

 Death incarnates and dies in battle.

 Gu Xi reacted immediately.

Without thinking, he raised the Shattering Staff and said to the tentacle stuck on the ground by the Cold Wind Staff in front of him.

 “Death incarnate!”

The black mist surged out, and the incarnation of death rushed out of the black mist. He turned around and stood in front of Gu Xi.

At this moment, Gu Xi suddenly saw something rolling in the black mist in the distance.

At this time, Gu Xi had just exhausted all his mana, and he was about to take out a magic potion to replenish his mana.

 As a result, I heard a roar, as if something was rushing from the black mist.

 Gu Xi roared immediately.

 “Be prepared to react.”

The next moment, a large amount of dark green liquid fell like a downpour, drenching the land in the Middle Ancient District.

At the same time, Gu Xi saw that the tentacle he had nailed to the ground was also pushed hard by a strong force, shaking constantly on the ground. Finally, it got rid of the cold wind staff that Gu Xi had nailed to it, and opened a diameter of 10 meters on the ground. A deep pit of more than 200 meters.

 (End of this chapter)

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