Breath of the Dead

Chapter 150: Level 3 Aridovi City (32141)

 Chapter 150 Level 3 Alydovi City (32141)

I posted a recommendation yesterday, and the average subscription increased rapidly to 1413. I want to say, is there any such recommendation that I can afford?


After everything calmed down, Gu Xi noticed that the tentacle that he had nailed to the ground had turned into a tree root full of lifeless energy. The root was stuck straight into the deep pit, and the part of it that was exposed to the ground was enough. It is more than a hundred meters long.

 There were scars of all sizes on the tree roots, and there were also some skull fragments and half-cut zombies hanging on them.

Before Gu Xi could understand what was going on, dark green rain fell on him.

At the same time, Gu Xi noticed that when the dark green rainwater fell on the ground, a large number of weeds grew on the ground.

In just a blink of an eye, the ruined medieval area was completely submerged in weeds. It felt as if this place had been abandoned by humans for decades, and nature and abandoned buildings merged into one.

Before Gu Xi could see clearly what was going on, a force surged from the direction of the ancient city gate.

Under the influence of the dark green liquid, the lush weeds quickly turned into dark purple or dark green, and the dark green liquid falling from the sky also began to flow towards the deep pit made by the tentacle tree roots.

 After a while, the deep pit at the root of the tree turned into a small green lake.

Looking at the changes in front of him, Gu Xi didn't know what happened. He looked back at the incarnation of death.

 But the incarnation of death had no way to communicate, and no way to tell Gu Xi what was going on.

Just Gu Xi watched the nearby land quickly grow new weeds, and even some inconspicuous small trees.

And in the far distance of the Middle Ancient District, close to the black fog, the rolling black fog there has also subsided. An invisible defensive shield is blocking the invasion of the black fog.

Has the occupation been successful?

 Gu Xi's mind suddenly moved. Could it be that Luna's side has also annexed this medieval area?

 That would be great if that were the case.

Although the medieval area in front of us has been completely destroyed, it has finally been occupied.

 At worst, we’ll just deal with it again later.

 “All troops, gather to me.”

Understanding this, Gu Xi no longer struggled. He held up the cold wind staff and called for the troops to come closer to him.

However, the call-up was much slower this time, and Gu Xi could also see that in the battle with the tentacles just now, Gu Xi's troops suffered considerable losses.

Even many undead have been scattered, and now it will take time for them to rush over.

  But Luna arrived very quickly. Before Gu Xi could gather all his troops, Luna had already rushed over from the meeting hall.

"grown ups."

“Luna, you’re here, what happened just now? Has this medieval area been occupied?”

“It has been occupied, but because more than half of the medieval area was destroyed, the size of the available plots is obviously much smaller. The most important thing is that these plants cannot be processed, which affects our layout in this area.”

“Forget it, if you can’t handle it, you can’t handle it. It’s a good thing if you can occupy it. By the way, do you know what’s going on here?”

 Gu Xi is actually very curious about what is going on, and how a good medieval district could become like this.

"I don't know much about this. The only thing I know is that there is an extra passage at the end of the medieval area."

 “Go over and have a look.”

As soon as he heard about this situation, Gu Xi said quickly.

Luna didn’t say much, and quickly led the way, with the incarnation of death following behind, protecting Gu Xi as he headed toward the edge of the Medieval District.

Reaching the edge of the medieval area, Gu Xi saw more and more vegetation growing on the edge, even forming a path full of flowers and thorns.     “This is it.”

Following the weird path to the edge of the black fog, Gu Xi found that the black fog in front of him had obviously been opened by external force. There seemed to be something twisting in the depths of the black fog.

Just taking a look inside, Gu Xi made a judgment in his mind.

 “Save it up until we become stronger.”


 Luna responded decisively.

At this time, Gu Xi had time to sit down. He pressed his forehead. His mana was drained, and his head still hurt a little.

 But now is obviously not the time to rest.

 Gu Xi still has things to deal with.

  The reason why such a thing happened in Zhonggu District, if you don’t know, then you don’t know.

 But it has been occupied, so it naturally needs to be developed properly.

“Luna, from now on, don’t call this the Medieval Area, let’s call it the Magic Plant Area.”


Luna actually didn't care what this area was called, and Gu Xi just looked at the weird plants in front of him and felt inspired. In fact, he was more concerned about the current situation in Alidovi City.

  【City name: Aridovi

 City Direction: City of Death

 City characteristics: Primitive city (this city is the starting point of a metropolis, which can be expanded through occupation, attack, integration, annexation, etc.)

 City level: Level 3 (23/100)

 Core buildings (4/6): Assembly Hall (gives 1250 negative energy points every day), tavern, dock warehouse, dock market

 Large buildings (5/11): Evil Church, White Bone Evil Temple (regional linkage is in progress), Skeleton Sword Soldier Battalion (Bone-cutting Battalion is stationed), Dragon Bone Laboratory, Ghost Tower Bridge

 Medium-sized buildings (6/16): White Candle Factory, Library, Owl Building, Haunted Pier, Weird Pier, Evil Pier

 Small buildings (2/21): wells, city gates

 Auxiliary buildings (35/60): street lights*20, small dock for parking boats*15

 Special buildings: Sword of Courage, Evil Wood Lake (inactive)

Garrison Heroes: None

Garrison troops: Bone-cutting Battalion]

 Looking at the information from Alidovi City, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

“It’s a pity. If the Middle Ancient District had not been destroyed, we would have many more large-scale plots to utilize.”

 Luna nodded affirmatively on the side. As an elf of Alidovi City, Luna’s level is linked to that of Alidovi.

 Only by building new buildings or occupying other cities, Luna's experience can be improved.

If most of the medieval area had not been destroyed, the number of large buildings that Gu Xi could build would be at least two more. Once built, it would give him 6 points of urban experience.

 Perhaps sometimes it is this gap in urban experience that represents the difference between heaven and earth in the hierarchy of dead cities.

If it were before, Gu Xi might not care about this.

But as Gu Xi learned about the prerequisites for activating his talent, Gu Xi understood that he had to upgrade the two skills of Death City and Death Incarnation to level 4 as the key skills for activating his talent.

 Now the difference here is just a little bit.

 Gu Xi had to consider how he would deal with this matter if the city's experience was a little worse by then.

 (End of this chapter)

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