Breath of the Dead

Chapter 153: Level 3 Holy Object (please subscribe)

Chapter 153 Level 3 Holy Objects (Please subscribe)

Led by Luna, Gu Xi and the others arrived near a manor located to the north of the upper city.

As he approached the manor, Gu Xi saw something standing in the manor.

When he got closer, Gu Xi's eyes widened, "Isn't this a sacred object?"

"Yes, in my memory, they spent a lot of effort to find the exact same holy object. Isn't it amazing?"

 “It’s really, really awesome.”

Looking at the style of the thing in front of him, Gu Xi was really impressed. He couldn't help but ask Luna a question.

“Luna, I really want to know, when the people in Victoria City saw this sacred object in front of them, didn’t they have any other reaction?”

"I don't know about this. Maybe they have never seen this sacred object?"

Luna was also a little unsure. After all, the holy object in front of her was too conspicuous. It was a thirty-meter-high bell tower, and the bell tower was surrounded by ivy climbers.

However, when the wind blows over, you will find that what is climbing on the bell tower in front of you is not a serious ivy, but a group of snakes of various colors.

This style of thing is actually quite harmonious when standing in front of an old English manor.

This made Gu Xi feel quite speechless.

But the scene before him had to make Gu Xi admit that such a big thing, even if someone knew it was a sacred object, would not be able to transport it away.

 Gu Xi shook his head, and walked towards the bell tower in front of him with the cold wind staff. He wanted to go up and have a look to see what the condition of this sacred object was.

As a result, before he even got close, Gu Xi suddenly had a feeling that his bones seemed to be a little rusty, and they would make a clicking sound when he moved forward.

Before Gu Xi could react, Luna dragged Gu Xi out of the bell tower.

“Sir, be careful. Anyone who comes close to this sacred object will be turned to stone for no apparent reason, so don’t go there.”

 “Then how can I check the properties of this holy object?”

Gu Xi asked somewhat speechlessly.

It can’t be that while the holy object is there, he can’t do anything.

Luna also shook her head, "I don't know, even a ghost can't get past this place."

After hearing this, Gu Xi felt a little unwilling. He pointed at the bell tower with the cold wind staff, "Death incarnate!"

 The incarnation of death flew over as soon as he heard it, and the black mist directly rushed away from the snake-shaped creeper on the bell tower.

 But just when the incarnation of death was about to rush to the top of the bell tower, his movements suddenly froze, and as soon as the black mist dissipated from his body, he hit the ground heavily.

Looking at the situation of the incarnation of death, Gu Xi quickly pointed over there.


The disbanded incarnation of death disappeared from Gu Xi's front and returned to the Dragon Bone Laboratory, and Gu Xi also knew the situation of the holy object in front of him.

 He looked back at Luna.

“Is the petrifying effect of this thing present from the beginning, or does it appear later?”

Luna shook her head. There was no situation here in her memory. After all, living people rarely appeared in Alidovi City. As for the shadows, who cares whether they are petrified or not.

 But now Gu Xi obviously wants to go there and take a look, and Luna has no way to guarantee Gu Xi's safety.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself. I'll ride over to the evil coffin later, and I'll let the heavy-armored zombies drag the evil coffin away. If anything goes wrong, give me the order to drag me out." After finishing speaking, Gu Xi He began to prepare. He first let the evil coffin circle around the bell tower to find the most suitable position to attack.

After the heavily armored zombies came over, Gu Xi picked up the iron chain, jumped onto the evil coffin, and rushed toward the bell tower in the direction he had chosen at the beginning.

When Xie Coffin rushed forward, Gu Xi didn't hear any different changes in himself, but his movements obviously slowed down a lot.

 But Gu Xi stared at the bell tower with no intention of stopping.

Just as Gu Xi was about to rush to the bell tower, Xie Coffin stopped.

Gu Xi had already thought of this possibility. He jumped forward and shook his hand, and the skeleton war horse that had not been sold appeared just like this.

An iron chain dragged the evil coffin outward, while Gu Xi rode a skeleton war horse and rushed into the bell tower.

Entering the bell tower, Gu Xi heard a voice in his ears.

You have come into contact with the holy object and found that it is located in your city. Should you dismantle the holy object, or directly occupy the holy object building? 】

Hearing this voice, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief and said decisively.


Following Gu Xi’s order, Gu Xi finally understood what was going on.

Luna’s memory was correct, but she didn’t see some details.

When the city of Aridovi was built to imitate the city of Victoria, another holy object was taken out, but they actually took advantage of it.

The sacred object in Victoria was a large clock gear, so they built a bell tower around it.

And in order to build the city of Aridovi, they couldn't find the same gear again.

So they built a bell tower on the spot and put a sacred object in it, but it was not a gear, but a pointer on the bell tower.

Although both sacred objects represent clocks, the properties of the sacred objects are completely different.

 So there will be some deviations here.

As a result, this sacred building slowly lost control, and the sacred object like a pointer was left to play by itself.

And Gu Xi just felt like his body was rusty, and there was a sense of petrification that he couldn't rush in. In fact, it was not petrification, but that time had been extended.

Now that Gu Xi occupies this place, it can be regarded as cutting off the connection with the same location in Victoria City. Now this sacred object has fallen into Gu Xi's control.

  【Sacred Object - Time Pointer (Level 3): It can be placed in the city and provides corresponding effects according to the level of the building where the sacred object is stored. 】

  【Sacred object effect (level 1): Activating the sacred object pointer allows a building in the city to quickly produce a week's worth of output (it can be a training camp or resource building, used once a week, and cannot be superimposed). 】

 【Sacred object effect (level 2): ​​Reversing the sacred object pointer can return the combat status of all soldiers in the city to an hour ago (used once a week, cannot be superimposed). 】

  【Sacred object effect (level 3): Activate the sacred object pointer, causing the person who is subject to the fatal or unsolvable effect to stay in this state until the locking effect is released (it can only be targeted at one person at a time, and cannot be used at the same time). 】

  【Clock Tower (Level 3): An auxiliary building built for the sacred object - the time hand. It can exert all the functions of the sacred object - the time hand, and prevent outsiders from entering the clock tower and controlling the sacred object - the time hand. 】

  【Note 1: The clock tower can store two holy objects. Please put the same or similar holy objects. 】

  【Note 2: A defense line can be deployed outside the clock tower, but please do not damage the structure of the clock tower. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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