Breath of the Dead

Chapter 154: Big point soldiers (34146)

 Chapter 154: Big Points (34146)

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 After taking down the clock tower and getting the second holy object, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He waved to Luna outside, and then followed the stairs of the clock tower to the second floor. From here, he could see the outside situation and at the same time remove the influence of the holy object.

 Gu Xi cleaned up the effects that fell on the evil coffin, and then took a look at the situation inside the clock tower.

This clock tower is divided into three floors. The first floor is the door to enter the clock tower. The second floor is a small room that can control the defense of the clock tower. The third floor is the real bell tower of the clock tower. This thing can actually operate.

In the city of Victoria, the sacred gear is installed in the big clock of the clock tower, and the sacred object in front of you is the huge pointer placed outside the clock tower.

If Gu Xi wants to remove the sacred object - the time pointer, there is absolutely nothing wrong with going up to the third floor.

But Gu Xi is not stupid. All the sacred objects have been arranged. Why would he want the clock tower to be demolished?

After seeing how the clock tower worked, Gu Xi had nothing to check. He hurried downstairs and opened the door.

 “Luna, this building has been captured.”

After hearing Gu Xi’s words, Luna approached Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi talked about the effects of the holy object - the time pointer.

 Luna immediately nodded to express her understanding, "Don't worry, Sir, I will make good use of the effect of using it once a week and will not waste such a good effect."

  When Luna said this, she felt happy. As an elf in this city, she knew all too well how it felt to be just a little bit worse sometimes.

Having such a sacred object now is equivalent to having a hand that can control the output at any time. When there is a slight difference, a little push will make the situation different.

After Luna took over the Clock Tower, Gu Xi took everyone around the uptown area again. After making sure that nothing was missed, Gu Xi said to Luna.

“I’ll leave the work here to you first. The core building will be built first. If there are no design drawings for other buildings, they will be left empty. The planning must be completed first, and we will wait until I get the design drawings.”

Luna said firmly: "Sir, you can rest assured."

Gu Xi didn’t say anything more. He raised his hand and exited the city of Alidovi.

 As the master of the city of death, Gu Xi can enter and leave Alidovi City at will.

However, the entry and exit locations are restricted.

Outside the city, where did Gu Xi enter the city of Aridovi and where he will be after he leaves.

 As for entering the city from outside the city, he would appear at the meeting hall every time. As for leaving Alidovi City, there were no restrictions.

This is actually an alternative type of teleportation, a trick that allows him to return to the council hall from anywhere in Alidovi City.

When he raised his hand, Gu Xi saw a flower in front of him, and then a metal armor appeared in front of him.

The armor was about the same height as him, and there was a piece of black translucent cloth hanging on the helmet.

 Looking back, Du Wushuang was sleeping soundly with the quilt in his arms.

 Gu Xi shook his head helplessly, why did all these players in Sanxian Garden look like bastards?

 Don’t they have some ambitious goals?

 He has returned to Alidovi City and captured two districts. Why is Du Wushuang still sleeping?

Gu Xi lowered his head and glanced at his clothes, then opened the door with the Cold Wind Staff.

There is still some time now, and Gu Xi plans to go to Sanxian Garden for a stroll.

 But just when Gu Xi was about to push the door open, suddenly there was a bang in the sky.

The sound was like thunder or drums. Just when Gu Xi didn't know what was going on, a fierce drum beat sounded again.

 This reminded Gu Xi of the situation he encountered when he first came to Sanxian Garden.

 There won’t be any more White Walkers coming to attack the Sanxian Garden.

 “Get up quickly, there is a battle to be fought.”

Although Gu Xi didn't understand the meaning of the drum sound, he still instinctively looked at Du Wushuang.

Unexpectedly, Du Wushuang reacted faster than him. Du Wushuang, who was holding the quilt and exposing his short legs just now, had already jumped out of bed.

She didn't care what clothes she was wearing. She found a piece of pink cloth from somewhere, tied her hair up, and jumped in front of a piece of armor.

 “Do you want me to help you?”

 Looking at Du Wushuang working hard to dismantle the heavy armor, Gu Xi couldn't help but ask.

"No, you don't know how to do this. If you come to help me, it will only make it more difficult. I'd better do it myself."

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he didn't go up to help. Instead, he asked about the meaning of the drum sound in Sanxian Garden.

“Can you hear what the drum sounds mean?”

"You can't hear it, and there is no need to hear it. The more urgent the drum sounds, the more urgent the matter is. The sound is obviously not so urgent now. When we go to report to Wood later, we can bring something to eat."

As she spoke, Du Wushuang had already put the armor on her body. Then she hugged the helmet into her arms and tried hard to look outside with the eyes exposed from her neck.

 “How about it, it looks good.”

“You look good, but I remember you don’t have any clothes on. Is this okay with you?”

"It's okay. There is a lining inside the armor and it won't hurt my skin. Let's go. Otherwise, Wood will be there again later."

After finishing speaking, Du Wushuang quickly opened the door, turned his body, looked around, then pointed in one direction and said.

“At the General Tower, it seems that there is a big mission today. Let’s go there quickly and grab a good mission, but there will be good rewards.”

As he spoke, Du Wushuang held up his helmet and dragged Gu Xi with one hand and ran towards the direction of the drum sound.

Looking at Du Wushuang like this, Gu Xi turned over his hand and jumped onto the evil coffin. At the same time, he temporarily lent the skeleton war horse to Du Wushuang.

 When Du Wushuang was sent to the skeleton war horse, Gu Xi realized why Du Wushuang's mount had been sent for training.

 Her legs are still too short. It might be better if she wears armor made according to her proportions, but Du Wushuang doesn't want people to think that she is shorter.

 She usually wears tall armor, so her fine control over her mount is definitely not that good.

 In addition, the mounts of the death knight are all undead creatures. They do not have that much intelligence and require subtle control by the death knight.

As for Du Wushuang's subtle control, Gu Xi just thought about it and let it go.

With this thought, Gu Xi stretched out his hand to control the direction of the skeleton war horse.

In this way, the two of them moved forward much faster. Du Wushuang showed the way in front, and soon they came to the general's platform where the drums were played.

Wood, whom Gu Xi had seen once, was standing on the platform with his hands behind his back. Beside him stood a necromancer with a long white beard and a death knight in golden armor.

“The knight commander and the mage leader are here, something big is going to happen this time.”

 (End of this chapter)

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