Breath of the Dead

Chapter 164: Reorganized undead army (please subscribe)

Chapter 164 The reorganized undead army (please subscribe)

“Sir, the equipment has been transported. Kane is conducting an appraisal on the materials sent in. I believe the results will be available soon.”

After being driven out of Alidovi again, Luna immediately reported the situation in the city to Gu Xi.

 “Okay, thank you for your hard work.”

As Gu Xi spoke, his hands were not idle.

At this time, Gu Xi was dragging several skeleton leaders there to classify the skeleton soldiers.

  The Skeleton Leaders of the Skeleton Battalion and the two combat teams all have their own criteria for judging outstanding soldiers.

 Through their analysis, it can actually be seen where the 876 skeleton soldiers fit.

Although these skeleton soldiers are not organized into the team, the most important characteristic of the undead is that they are obedient. Gu Xi is planning to let these skeleton soldiers fight together behind the boss like skeleton shooters.

 In this way, the next time a fight breaks out, the situation will not be as chaotic as the last battle.

Seeing this situation, Luna also stepped forward to help.

 And beside Gu Xi, he was still talking about the final situation of the battlefield.

Gu Xi also listened carefully. He knew very well that the current situation was no joke. There were some things that Gu Xi had to be aware of.

Just as Luna was saying this to Gu Xi, several gargoyles suddenly flew down from the city gate tower.

Luna looked at the gargoyle and was about to say something, but Gu Xi stopped her.

"I arranged it. I asked them to keep an eye on the battlefield outside. If there is any movement there, they will come over and notify me immediately. It seems that an enemy is coming."

 Gu Xi turned his head and glanced at his side. The evil coffin was still shrouded in a black mist and could not be used for the time being.

 On the other hand, the skeleton soldiers have already assigned their positions and are now undergoing the final formation of the team.

 As soon as the enemy appears, they can send troops at any time.

 The controllable military strength made Gu Xi instantly full of confidence.

 “I’ll go up and have a look.”

As he spoke, Gu Xi climbed up the city gate tower and looked towards the direction of the previous battlefield.

At this time, there were many corpses scattered on the battlefield. Most of these corpses were red-skinned mummies, and some of them were skeletons that had been killed.

 When Gu Xi was cleaning the battlefield, he only considered usable things. These corpses could not be used as materials for corpse explosions, and Gu Xi did not have that much magic power to summon their souls, so he simply gathered them together and threw them on the spot.

But Gu Xi never expected that these piled corpses would actually be affected by the undead natural disaster magic circle, and they would actually get up from the ground at this time.

The number of corpses that climbed up was only about half of the corpses, but regardless of whether they got up or not, all the remaining corpses rotted rapidly under the influence of some mysterious force, and finally turned into black water that seeped into the ground and disappeared on the battlefield. superior.

More than 80% of the corpses that got up again turned into skeletons, while some of the rest turned into zombies and undead, and a small number turned into ghosts floating in the air.

When they got up, they all stood still, motionless as if they were waiting for some order.

Gu Xi, who was standing on the city gate tower, saw this situation and suddenly felt something in his heart.

Could this also be the effect of the undead natural disaster magic circle?

 The killed corpses can be immediately transformed into new undead to join the battle?

  No wonder Liu Zishi specifically told him at the beginning not to use corpse explosions.

 I think the enemy's corpse is also part of the materials for the undead natural disaster magic circle.

It's just that Gu Xi dragged the battlefield outside the magic circle and did not drag the corpses back after cleaning the battlefield. This also caused the influence of the Undead Natural Disaster Ritual to weaken. It was only now that he completed the treatment of these corpses. Transformation.

These undead souls are now waiting for Gu Xi’s orders. Of course, it was not Gu Xi who provided them with the power of resurrection, so Gu Xi could only command them, but was not their master.

 There is no way to change this.

 But this addition of 1,500 soldiers gave Gu Xi another hope.

“Luna, call all the undead outside and send the organized troops outside. In this battle, our chances of winning are a little higher.”

Looking at Gu Xi's excited look, Luna drifted away even though she didn't know what was going on.

At this moment, another gargoyle flew over from a distance. He landed on the city gate tower and made gestures to convey a message to Gu Xi.

 “What did you say? New enemies appeared, many of them this time?”

 Gu Xi saw many things from the gargoyle's movements. Looking at Luna who was about to come out, Gu Xi shouted loudly.

 “Luna, take the troops out, the enemy is coming, prepare to fight.”

Luna, who was about to float out of the range of the undead natural disaster magic circle, decisively pointed at several undead leaders.

  The undead that had just been assigned went out together with the undead leader. Behind them were ordinary skeletons that were organized together but no one wanted.

 Before they reach level 3, their status is cannon fodder.

After Luna attacked, Gu Xi's eyes turned to the evil coffin wrapped in black aura. He didn't know how long it would take for the evolution of the evil coffin to be completed.

  There is no way to use it now anyway.

With no choice, Gu Xi could only release the skeleton war horse, holding the cold wind staff, and rushed to the edge of the undead natural disaster magic circle.

 At this time, Luna had also come into contact with the undead that had just climbed up from the pile of corpses.

 As soon as they came into contact, these undead souls had already accepted Luna's control.

 As long as Luna’s order is given, they will execute it quickly.

 Under the influence of Luna, these undead quickly integrated into the undead army controlled by Gu Xi.

However, because they are newly summoned undead and have not been affected by the undead natural disaster magic circle, no matter what type they are, their levels are all level 0 now.

 At this point, they are obviously no match for the undead who climbed up from the undead natural disaster magic circle.

The current group of more than 1,500 undead can be considered cannon fodder.

Then more than 2,100 skeletons were the second-class troops, and then came the skeleton soldiers and Gu Xi's main force who had reached level 3.

 This arrangement allowed Gu Xi to easily control the entire battle situation. At the same time, Gu Xi had already considered that he wanted to drag the battlefield back a little.

The effect of the undead natural disaster ritual circle is still very good. It would be a waste if we don't make good use of everything available.

 Only by making good use of the undead natural disaster array in front of him, Gu Xi can survive in the subsequent battles.

While Luna was organizing her team, the enemy the gargoyle mentioned had also appeared.

 The number of enemies that appeared this time was no longer just three to five thousand, but a steady stream of troops.

Looking at the enemy coming out of the darkness, Gu Xi tightened the cold wind staff in his hand.

"Ready to fight!"

 (End of this chapter)

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