Breath of the Dead

Chapter 165: Join the battle (please subscribe)

Chapter 165: Fight (please subscribe)

 Luna did not ask Gu Xi why he wanted to take the initiative to attack. After receiving Gu Xi's order, she began to guide the troops in the direction of the enemy.

At this time, Gu Xi also saw the appearance of the enemy.

The first enemies that appeared in front of Gu Xi were a group of corpses that looked like they had just been fished out of the water. Water was dripping from their bodies. Some had water plants hanging on their heads and fish or crabs biting on their bodies.

 Some bodies have been swollen in the water, and their bodies are no longer human-like.

But no matter what their appearance is, they all have one thing in common, their skin is red.

 Be it vermilion, pink, or even blood red or dark red, the main focus of these enemies is a red skin.

 Their movement speeds are also obviously different. Some can even run and charge, while others can only move forward step by step.

 When I rush out, I always give people a very chaotic feeling.

 Among the enemies, the leader of the opponent can be clearly seen this time.

Three red-skinned leaders covered in white baboon skins commanded the chaotic troops in an orderly manner.

 Their division of labor is quite clear.

There is one person who rushes to the front of the battlefield with a weapon, another person in the middle of the team who directs everything, and finally there is another person at the back of the battlefield who seems to be preparing some magic there.

 It can be seen that when they rushed out, they already had all the plans.

 But when Gu Xi rode the skeleton war horse and came to the battlefield, he also had his own plan.

 Looking down at the remaining mana, Gu Xi tightly held the magic potion in his hand.

The spiritual lamp was hung on the neck of the skeleton war horse, and the cold wind staff was always held flat, watching every move on the battlefield.

After Luna’s undead men killed the first red-skinned enemy, Gu Xi immediately pointed at the corpse.



With this combination, the blood and flesh of the killed red-skinned enemy quickly dispersed, and a skeleton stood up from the ground.

  【You successfully use spiritualism, get a skeleton (level 0), spiritualism experience 1 point, undead control automatically strengthened, incorporated into combat team 1, team members +1. 】

The skeleton leader of Combat Team 1 quickly stepped forward and made a move towards the skeleton, which was only level 0. A spear appeared in the hands of the skeleton.


 A hint of joy flashed in Gu Xi's eyes.

 In fact, when he was on the city gate tower, Gu Xi had been thinking about how he would conduct the next battle.

But he had no idea until the news brought by the gargoyle made Gu Xi see the corpse thrown outside. It was being affected by the undead natural disaster ritual and turned into a new undead.

This made Gu Xi think of a possibility.

These corpses can be used by the undead natural disasters, and naturally can also be used by his spiritualism.

 He took this opportunity to replenish his troops, so this should be nothing.

 Gu Xi’s requirements are not high either. He only needs to fill up the two combat teams plus the Bone-cutting Battalion.

 As for the newly summoned skeleton being only level 0, it doesn't matter at all. As soon as the battle begins, all undead have the possibility of upgrading at any time.

Especially for a battle like this, the attack method of Combat Team 1 will be the most suitable fighting method. As long as there are a sufficient number of spearmen, they can quickly dominate the battlefield, even if it is only a small battlefield.

 After the experiment was successful, Gu Xi took action decisively.

He rode a skeleton war horse and followed behind the undead army, constantly drawing and summoning souls.

 Combat Team 1 has been replenished, and the new skeletons quickly join Combat Team 2 and the Bone-cutting Battalion.

 Slowly, the situation on the battlefield was quickly controlled by Gu Xi.

Gu Xi's actions also attracted the attention of the red-skinned enemy. The man in the middle of the opponent's camp sent a signal, and the fierce general who rushed at the front immediately turned his attention to Gu Xi.

The red-skinned leader was about two meters tall. He was holding a big knife about the same height as him. There were long upside-down bone spurs around his eyes. Where the bone spurs broke through the skin, black blood was flowing. It was flowing downward, clearly looking like tears of blood.

Except for the bone spurs next to his eyes, this leader has no other barbs or bone spurs on his body. He is wearing a bone armor made of white bones, with a bone shield hovering around him, and a white baboon draped behind his back. Pi proves his identity as the leader.

When he was staring at Gu Xi, he swung the big knife in his hand faster. It was clear that he had the idea of ​​appearing directly in front of Gu Xi and hacking Gu Xi to death with one strike.

However, where he was now, he was still some distance away from Gu Xi. When he saw the leader staring at him with a vicious look, a look of disdain even flashed in Gu Xi's eyes.

Facing the direction of the enemy leader, Gu Xi raised his hand and made a gesture on his neck, making a motion to kill you.

 Then Gu Xi's eyes turned to the red-skinned corpse that had just been killed.

 With the strength of Combat Team 1 fully replenished, the situation was actually under Gu Xi's control.

 The skeleton leader of Combat Team 1 has a strong commanding ability. His fighting style is to line up his men in a row, move forward, thrust straight, and then go up to the next row.

 Such a simple and crude attack method is quite useful on such a battlefield.

Almost every time, ten to fifteen enemies will be stabbed to the ground by spears. Then there will be no need for them to hit the ground, and skeletons will immediately come forward to kill the drowned dogs.

 After that, Gu Xi's soul-drawing and spiritualism techniques will immediately throw him over. No matter whether they are successful or not, combat team 1 will not make any stop at all and rush forward directly.

As this battle unfolded, the battlefield turned into a whirlpool of flesh and blood with combat team 1 as the center, attracting red-skinned enemies to rush towards this side.

Now Gu Xi can only follow behind and keep calling for spirits.

Even if you observe the situation around you and provoke the enemy leader, you can only take the time to do it.

 At present, his attention is still on soul extraction and spiritualism.

 But at this moment, the fierce leader of the other side was angered by Gu Xi.

He roared, swept away the skeleton in front of him with one stroke of his knife, and strode towards Gu Xi.

Gu Xi naturally noticed his roar. He glanced at his remaining mana and said with some displeasure.

"I still have 201 points of mana. I can recruit at least two hundred more skeleton soldiers. You have ruined all of this. You deserve to die!"

After saying this, Gu Xi pointed the cold wind staff at the charging leader.

 “Death incarnate!”

 (End of this chapter)

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