Breath of the Dead

Chapter 166: Conjuring a new boss (40149)

 Chapter 166: Soul Calling to Recruit a New Boss (40149)

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When the fierce leader was killed in front of Gu Xi, the incarnation of death turned into black mist and rushed out. When the fierce leader was slashed at him, the incarnation of death's head pressed against the leader's blade, knocking him down. go out.

After the leader was knocked back, without any hesitation, he raised his hand and slashed at the incarnation of death with the big knife in his hand.

Looking at the knife slashing at him, the incarnation of death turned his body, and the black mist rolled towards the leader of the fierce generals.

Since the death incarnation of Dragon Bone Laboratory, although the level has not been improved, the attributes have changed. In addition, he can choose to install different combat attributes in different situations.

 This time Death Incarnation was called out to deal with the large legion, so in addition to the four basic abilities that cannot be removed, he also added the fusion skill of Crystal Storm.

In order to expand the black mist and increase the movement speed, Death Incarnation even dismantled some useless bones.

 In this way, the incarnation of death’s defense power and attack methods will be reduced.

 So in that attack just now, Death Incarnate was not able to kill the fierce leader with one blow.

But even so, the strength of the incarnation of death is much greater than that of the fierce general leader.

Facing another attack from the enemy, Death Incarnation directly used the power of the crystal storm to roll up the leader and send him into the sky.

Then the incarnation of death threw his body forward, and his whole body turned into black mist and advanced towards the enemy's battlefield.

 As long as the enemies are carried by the black mist, all enemies will be carried into the air.

By the time they hit it from the sky, it was often a corpse.

With such an impact, the Death Incarnation directly advanced nearly three hundred meters. At least more than 700 enemies died in the Death Incarnation's attack.

 The moment the incarnation of death took action, Gu Xi's eyes were filled with pop-up messages.

  【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the drowned blood corpse (level 3), you get 11 experience points (experience +5%, level cap, overflow storage). 】

  【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the underwater zombie (level 5), you get 22 experience points (experience +5%, level cap, overflow storage). 】

  【Death incarnation (spell product) kills the blood-skinned wet corpse (level 4), you get 18 experience points (experience +5%, level cap, overflow storage). 】

  【Death incarnation...】

 After rushing out of the enemy's battle formation for more than a hundred meters, the incarnation of death stopped.

When he looked back, Death Incarnate realized that he had penetrated the enemy's battle formation.

 Because the route he rushed out was wrong, the leader who commanded the enemy's battle formation at the beginning was fine, but the mage leader who had been in the rear was quite unlucky.

He happened to be in the path of Death Incarnation's impact. Death Incarnation didn't look at all at that time. He turned himself into black mist and rushed forward, ignoring everything.

 As a result, the leader of the legal system was brought in.

 As a legal leader, he should actually have some self-protection spells.

 But the problem is that this man is quite confident about the situation at hand. He has always believed that he is located at the rear of the battlefield, and no matter how hard he attacks from the front, he cannot be hit.

 But he never expected that Gu Xi would have such a big killer weapon as the incarnation of death.

 And when it was released, it jumped directly in front of him.

As a result, when he raised his head, he saw the black mist falling on his head, and then he was rolled up by the black mist, and finally he was torn into pieces in the sky.

 Gu Xi didn't even know that he was dead. After all, there were so many pieces of information, and Gu Xi couldn't confirm them one by one. At this time, Gu Xi had just drank a bottle of magic potion and was using spiritualism to find the body of the general leader who died in the battle.

  【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

 【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

  【You failed to use spiritualism and gained 1 spiritualism experience point. 】

  【You use spiritualism successfully and get a skull (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】


  The newly transformed skull leader is carrying a two-handed sword that is about as tall as him, and the bones on his body are obviously much thicker than a normal skeleton.

 After summoning it, he immediately turned his attention to the battlefield, as if he wanted to hack something to death.

  【Skeleton boss (level 0, summoned object): experience (0/500) attack 3, defense 1, life 14, skills: combat elite, beheading, squad command (32 people). 】

 Looks like a very strong skull boss.

 Gu Xi thought for a moment, then pointed at the skeleton leader and said: "You will be incorporated into the Bone-Destroying Camp and become the second leader of the Bone-Destroying Camp. You can take the skeletons you just summoned with you."

After receiving Gu Xi's order, the skull leader headed towards the bone-cutting camp.

 Only something was left on the ground.

Looking at the white baboon skin that was already in disrepair, Gu Xi was also a little surprised.

 He didn’t expect that after calling the soul, there would be something left behind.

So he pointed forward, and several skeletons quickly brought the things left by the skull leader to Gu Xi.

  【You get white baboon skin (gray, damaged)*1】

  【White baboon skin (grey, damaged): A piece of torn white baboon skin, although it has lost its function, has also lost its influence on the user. You can find some clues from it. 】


 Looking at the white baboon skin that he got, Gu Xi's movements obviously paused.

 He did not expect that there were some clues on this white baboon skin.

This surprised Gu Xi. At this time, Gu Xi became a little curious. Could there be some big secret hidden behind this white baboon skin?

While Gu Xi was thinking about this, the last red-skinned leader on the battlefield also realized that something was wrong.

At this time, he quickly locked eyes with Gu Xi, who was meditating at the back of the battlefield, "Over there, kill over there and kill the man riding the skeleton horse."

 Under his order, all the red-skinned troops squeezed towards Gu Xi.

Seeing this situation, Death Incarnation quickly rose into the air, trying to shoot a Death Dragon Breath at the enemy boss's position.

When he saw the incarnation of death rising into the sky, Gu Xi immediately knew what he was thinking, "Don't waste the death dragon's breath. I can withstand it."

After receiving Gu Xi's order, the incarnation of death did not breathe out the dragon's breath of death, but turned into black mist and fell from the sky, landing in the center of the enemy.

The thousands of undead men under Gu Xi also raised their weapons and fought forward. The two sides collided in front of Gu Xi and started the final fight.

 (End of this chapter)

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