Breath of the Dead

Chapter 167: War breaks out (41149)

Chapter 167 The war breaks out (41149)

 As the troops from both sides fought together, Gu Xi's attention returned to the battlefield.

He ignored the incarnation of death in the sky, and kept releasing a storm of bones at the place where the enemy was the most numerous.

 Gu Xi has already experimented, and this kind of Bone Storm is the most useful for the big scene in front of him.

Often when a bone storm goes down, all enemies within five meters will be smashed into pieces.

 Outside the Bone Storm, there will always be some enemies who are squeezed into the scope of the Bone Storm due to the squeezing of the troops behind them, thereby increasing the success of the Bone Storm.

With Gu Xi's blessing, and the incarnations of death rushing downwards from the sky from time to time, although the number of people was about the same, Gu Xi's troops slowly gained the upper hand.

Several undead leaders were leading their troops to press forward. The Skeleton Battalion, which had just gained another leader, was even more excited. Under the leadership of the two leaders, all the skeleton soldiers waved their long hands. Sword or long knife, rush into the enemy's battle formation.

They didn't care about the enemy's attack at all. They just raised and dropped the weapons in their hands, and their forward speed was no slower than that of a full combat team.

Where they rushed through, most of the enemy corpses were beheaded or split into two pieces on the spot, and the direction of their attack was towards the enemy leader.

At this moment, Gu Xi, who was riding on the skeleton horse, suddenly heard a bang from behind.

He turned back and looked back, and was surprised to see a white defensive shield appearing above the undead disaster ritual formation.

 The explosion just now came from there.

 Could it be that while Gu Xi was dealing with these enemies, someone snuck around and went to the Undead Natural Disaster Array to steal the house?

This thought shocked Gu Xi. His mission was to guard the token, not to kill as many enemies as he could.

If you lose the token in order to kill the enemy, then the gain outweighs the loss.

So Gu Xi didn't think much, turned around and ran towards the city gate.

 After running a few steps, Gu Xi found that the token was still under the protection of the city gate and had not been attacked.


 Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief and was able to think about the situation in front of him.

 What happened to the explosion just now? Not only was it loud, but it also stirred up the defensive shield.

 Actually, Gu Xi didn't know that just now, the one hundred outermost nodes of the Undead Natural Disaster Ritual Array were all attacked by a large group of White Walker troops at the same time.

The Necromancer players guarding these node locations have no ability to rest and can resist the enemy from the Undead Natural Disaster Array.

They can only use 3,000 skeletons at each node to set up a defense line at the node, and then bring hundreds of graded undead in their hands to act as elites, waiting for the enemy to attack.

Of course there is an advantage to doing this, the skeletons killed in battle will be quickly replenished by the Undead Scourge Ritual.

 The corpses of enemies killed at the same time will be transformed by the undead natural disaster ritual circle immediately, and become new undead to join the player's army.

As long as you can withstand the first wave of enemy attacks, the number of undead will only increase, and failure is generally impossible.

And the players chosen by the mage leader for these one hundred nodes are usually necromancers who are relatively famous and powerful in Sanxian Garden.

 Everyone has one or two special skills.

 They can still withstand the first two or three waves of attacks.

The explosion that Gu Xi heard just now was just the natural effect of the undead natural disaster ritual formation caused by the enemy's impact. This is the first wave of defense against the enemy, and it is also a reminder to players in other nodes that some nodes have been attacked, so you'd better pay attention.

Gu Xi has never experienced this kind of thing. He had just arrived at Chaoyang Guild and was sent to Sanxian Garden before he had received any special training from the guild.

So he didn't know this. When he heard the explosion, Gu Xi still thought that the position he was guarding was under attack, which made him voluntarily withdraw from the battlefield and rush back to the city gate.

Seeing that the token that needed to be guarded was fine, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 He did not want the token to be stolen by the enemy at this critical moment.

After checking the token, Gu Xi was about to return to the battlefield, but at this moment, Gu Xi noticed that because of his early exit, Luna thought something had happened behind him, so she quickly arranged Some of the troops came over.

This gives the enemy who was originally suppressed a chance to breathe.

 Looking at the troops of ghost and skeleton shooters arriving, Gu Xi was somewhat moved in his heart.

Luna sent the most important troops over despite knowing that the fighting outside was the fiercest. From this, we can see how much Luna takes herself to heart.

“I’m fine, leader of the skeleton shooters, lead the skeleton shooter troops out, the battle outside is not over yet.”

When the leader of the skeleton archers heard this, he decisively turned around and headed back the way he came.

 Following behind him were all the skeleton archer troops in Gu Xi's hands.

Just when they were about to leave the scope of the Undead Natural Disaster Ritual Circle, the light on the token suddenly brightened.

  The voice of the mage leader came from the token.

“Attention everyone, the first wave of attacks has arrived, and the enemy has already taken over in some places.

I don’t care what the situation is now or what kind of enemies we face. I just hope that my comrades can protect the nodes they are guarding and not use corpse-destroying spells such as corpse explosions.

 This battle will last for a long time. Please be sure to calculate your troop strength and support it for at least 24 hours.

 Twenty-four hours later, the undead natural disaster ritual will enter the second stage, and then our pressure will not be so great.

 During this period, the enemy will carry out three to four waves of attacks. If you encounter an emergency, you can activate the distress signal on the token, and nearby patrol troops will rush over to support you.

 But everyone has only one chance to ask for help, so don’t use it casually.

Also ask some comrades who have spare strength not to interfere in the defense of other nodes.

 That would be irresponsible to oneself..."

Hearing the chattering voice of the mage leader, Gu Xi finally felt relieved.

In the words of the mage leader, he had already heard that the explosion just now was not because of any problem on his side, but because someone at other node locations had made contact with the White Walkers.

The White Walkers even hit the inside of the Undead Scourge Array, which caused an explosion.

 It seems that his decision to stay away from the undead natural disaster ritual circle was correct.

 Otherwise, he may be the one who is embarrassed.

 (End of this chapter)

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