Breath of the Dead

Chapter 169: Harvest on the battlefield (please subscribe)

Chapter 169 Harvest on the battlefield (please subscribe)

"Everyone, take action for me. Send all the corpses that are not affected by spiritualism to the area of ​​influence of the undead natural disaster circle, and all the things that can be picked up on the ground. Pick them up and transport them away. Don't leave any of them behind." ”

Just taking a look at the leader of the skeleton mage, Gu Xi turned his attention to the battlefield outside.

 Things like cleaning the battlefield need to be speeded up. After all, other nodes are still fighting, and Gu Xi is not sure when new enemies will arrive at his location.

However, the newly recruited undead are hardworking and hardworking. Whether they are skeletons or zombies, they are all skilled in cleaning the battlefield.

 Their cooperation with each other is much more tacit than fighting.

 After a while, a large number of intact corpses were dragged into the undead natural disaster ritual circle.

Just as Gu Xi guessed, as soon as these corpses were thrown into the magic circle, they were immediately affected by the magic circle and began to transform according to the condition of the corpses.

 Those with intact flesh and blood will be transformed into zombies on the spot.

 Those whose flesh and blood are not so complete will turn into skeletons.

Those who are unlucky and don't even have a whole body, it depends on the situation.

 Having a sufficiently high level or a relatively complete soul can be transformed into a ghost.

 If there is nothing, it can only be turned into a bone weapon to equip the newly undead.

Of course, due to incomplete reasons, the corpses thrown in will always leave part of their flesh and blood after becoming new undead.

 But these flesh and blood will quickly turn into black liquid and be absorbed by the undead natural disaster circle, leaving no residue behind.

This makes it much more convenient for players guarding these nodes. At least they don’t need to clean up the battlefield, they only need to count the harvest left behind.

 But Gu Xi has no such good things.

 He placed the battlefield outside the node he was guarding.

Although this is safer, the final result is that after each battle, he has to send people to clean the battlefield, and sometimes miss some good things left on the battlefield.

This forced Gu Xi to go out in person and check whether there was anything missing on the battlefield.

 This kind of move really allowed Gu Xi to find some good things.

Two white baboon skins of different qualities. One is from a midfield commander-type boss. His baboon skin is well-preserved and of green quality. It can be used as evidence for Gu Xi to kill the White Walker leader.

The other piece was torn into pieces. When Gu Xi got it, only the head of a baboon was left. Of course, this thing was gray and could be used to study the special information in the baboon skin.

In addition, because one of the bosses was transformed into the Skeleton Mage boss, his original equipment was also affected and nothing was left.

  It was another leader of the White Walkers. Because Luna rushed back to support Gu Xi, she did not deal with and clean up the battlefield.

 Coupled with the fact that Gu Xi's spiritualism did not affect this area, two pieces of undamaged equipment were retained.

  One piece is a tattered hood, which looks like a hood used by a normal mage.

But the attributes of this thing have nothing to do with mages. Instead, it is the favorite of bosses such as commanders.

  【Blood Brain Hood (green, helmet)】

  【Defense: 1】

 【Equipment requirements: Intelligence 1】

  【Special: Leaders, such as bosses, heroes or leaders, when equipped, can double the number of people they command. 】

  【Explanation: This hood looks shabby, but it can make you look more like a leader. 】

Handing this [Blood Brain Hood], Gu Xi thought about it seriously. If Dimi replaced the bohemian-style hat on his head with this rag, Dimi would definitely go crazy.     As for others.

 Gu Xi finally summoned the skeleton leader of Combat Team 1 and handed him the [Blood Brain Hood].

  After all, the spear skeleton soldiers are the most useful unit on the battlefield.

 Now combat team 1 can also expand its manpower.

 Another piece of equipment would be relatively better for Gu Xi.

 This is a half-person-high basket that looks a little damaged. There are some obviously out-of-date food in it, and the food is even a little rotten.

But this is a good thing for Gu Xi.

 【Rotten endless food basket (green): Provides 100 units of rotten food every day, which can be eaten by the undead. After eating, the undead's certain attributes will be temporarily +1. 】

  【Explanation: Eat with an open belly, even if you are a ghost, you must be a satiated ghost! 】

This thing is for the undead to eat. Although I don’t know how much rotten food there is in 100 units, I can be sure that the undead soldiers under Gu Xi will definitely like these foods.

Moreover, on the battlefield, being able to improve an attribute by one point is equivalent to an extra chance of survival. For Gu Xi, it is equivalent to an extra chance of winning.

This is definitely better than getting some potions.

"This is a good thing. Take it to the city gate."

 Gu Xi pointed at the [Rotting Endless Food Basket] and called two skeletons to carry it away.

 Finally, he searched for the remaining items with other skeletons on the battlefield.

 At first, Gu Xi thought he would get a lot of gray garbage or white useless items this time.

 But Gu Xi never expected that this time he would actually dig out something among the garbage.

It is a small ball of grass that looks like waterweed.

 Gu Xi didn’t pay much attention to this thing at first. It wasn’t until he took it in his hand that he realized that it turned out to be a blue item.

  I don’t know if this is his luck or what the reason is.

  【Kurderous Water Plant (Blue): It can be placed in the city moat. Killer Water Plant will grow in the moat. All enemies who enter the moat will stay in the moat for 30 seconds. 】

 At first, Gu Xi was still thinking about why the aquatic plants that could only trap enemies in the moat were called murderous aquatic plants.

 But he reacted immediately.

 The characteristics of the moat should also be included.

Judging from the architectural design drawings Gu Xi obtained, the moat in his hand could cause enemies entering the moat to suffer 3 points of damage per second.

  In other words, in 30 seconds, 90 points of life are gone.

 General enemies with relatively weak vitality may not even be able to pass the moat level, let alone attack the city.

 This is a good thing, and it will come in handy when the moat is built.

With this thought, Gu Xi casually put the [Murderous Water Plant] into his pocket.

He looked at other things again, hoping that his luck would be better and he would pick up one or two more good things.

 It's just that until he finished cleaning the battlefield, Gu Xi didn't find any suitable items. At most, he sorted out the gray garbage and white materials, packed them and sent them to the city gate for further processing.

 (End of this chapter)

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