Breath of the Dead

Chapter 170: Organize the troops and evolve the evil coffin (42149)

Chapter 170 Organizing the Troops and Evolving the Evil Coffin (42149)

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Back in front of the city gate, Gu Xi found that the corpses that had been brought back at the beginning had completed the soul-calling transformation, and Luna had also organized the team.

 After the last battle and replenishment, Gu Xi's military strength has undergone new changes.

The number of skeletons given away as part of the undead natural disaster ceremony is still 3,000, but this time the number of skeleton soldiers who have reached level 3 has reached 1,372.

 It can be said that this unit has made great progress now. Even if it encounters a melee, they can play a certain role. Unlike before, they could only be used as cannon fodder.

In addition, because Gu Xikuang used spiritualism, his bone-cutting battalion and two combat teams were fully staffed.

  Because new bosses have been added to the Bone-Severing Battalion, and the level has been improved during battles, the current Bone-Severing Battalion can be considered quite powerful.

 Replenishing two combat squads with full manpower at the same time can also play a considerable role in the subsequent battles.

[Bone-cutting Camp (level 3, characteristics: attack +7, defense +3, life +5, experience 193/1000): Commander (2/2) Level 3 skeleton boss, Level 1 skeleton boss, team members (479/479 ) 56 level 5 skeleton two-handed swordsmen, 67 level 4 skeleton two-handed swordsmen, 109 level 3 skeleton two-handed swordsmen, and 247 skeletons below level 2)]

[Combat Team 1 (Level 3, unnamed, characteristics: attack +4, life +4, experience 42/1000): Captain (1/1) level 3 skeleton leader, team member (88/44+44) level 4 skeleton soldier (9 people), level 3 skeletons (27 people), level 2 skeletons (16 people), level 1 skeletons (18 people), level 0 skeletons (34 people)]

[Combat Team 2 (Level 2, unnamed, characteristics: Defense +6, Life +5, Experience 296/500): Captain (1/1) Level 3 Skeleton Leader, Team Members (53/53) Level 4 Skeleton Soldiers (6 name), level 3 skeleton soldiers (24 people), level 2 skeletons (23 people)]

 In addition, the number of skeleton shooters is still at 133 because they have not received new reinforcements.

There are still about 651 ordinary skeletons without formation. The number of skeleton soldiers in Gu Xi's hands has exceeded a thousand for the first time, reaching 1404.

 This can be regarded as a big gain. It can be seen how much Gu Xi gained from this battle.

At the same time, the same is true for zombies. After Gu Xi's spiritualism reached level 5, most of the spiritualism summoned were zombies. Gu Xi just used all his mana in one breath.

 The chances of success and failure are equal, plus some are converted into skeletons.

This time he harvested a total of 213 zombies, plus the heavy armored zombies that Gu Xi got from the academy before, and now he has 226 zombies, which can be regarded as a strong force. Stronger.

 Finally, adding 28 ghosts and 15 gargoyles who hardly participated in the battle and suffered no losses, this was almost all Gu Xi's troops.

In addition to these two troops, there was also a group of troops mixed with skeletons, zombies and ghosts standing in front of Gu Xi's city gate.

 Because this unit is affected by the undead natural disaster ritual circle, the success rate of summoning souls will be relatively high, and the number of zombies and ghosts will be relatively large.

This army has a total of 1,677 people, including 892 skeletons and skeleton soldiers, 651 zombies, and 134 ghosts.

Although their levels have also been affected by the Undead Catastrophe Ritual and have been somewhat improved, their status is still not as good as the biological sons of the Undead Catastrophe Ritual.

 The amount of improvement is relatively small. In Gu Xi's eyes, they will only be used as cannon fodder for a long time.

 Gu Xi was relatively happy about this situation. With the strength of the troops in front of him, even if the next wave of enemies came with five or six thousand people, Gu Xi could just go forward and kill them.

Just when Gu Xi was counting the troops and arranging their positions, the evil coffin that had been shrouded in black aura finally completed this evolution. The black mist was swallowed into the evil coffin, revealing the evolved coffin.

When he saw the new evil coffin in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He wanted to evolve the evil coffin, but he never thought that the evil coffin would look like this after it evolved.

 The evil coffin in front of me is obviously larger in size. The length from head to tail is

The material of the originally wooden coffin has changed to metal, and the lid of the coffin has even been polished so shiny that even a fly would slip if it stood on it, let alone a human being.

All the talismans that were affixed to the coffin were gone. Instead, there were iron chains as thick as forearms at the four corners of the coffin, locking the coffin tightly.

Even if he stopped where he was, Gu Xi could still notice that there seemed to be something in the evil coffin that was constantly knocking on the lid of the coffin, as if it wanted to crawl out of the coffin.

At the same time, Gu Xi also discovered some details, such as black blood dripping from time to time on the four sides of the coffin. Because it dripped for a long time, the four sides of the coffin were somewhat rusty.

Also, the coffin was obviously coated with an unknown number of layers of red paint, but at a glance, one could still tell that the coffin was made of metal.

This situation made Gu Xi a little curious about the evil coffin in front of him. He stepped forward and touched an evil coffin. The cold feeling in his hand made him understand that this was no longer the original blank evil coffin. .

[Evil Coffin (blue, mount): Mount for undead players and heroes. It moves at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour. It can accommodate one person. It can temporarily increase the speed to 450 kilometers per hour (limited to 30 seconds). It comes with a storage space (0 /1), three mosaic positions (0/3). 】

  【Note 1: The storage slot can store corpses, holy relics, special weapons and equipment, etc. 】

  【Note 2: The inlay position can be inlaid with gems, decorations, additional props, etc. 】

  【Note 3: The evil coffin can be enchanted, and affixing talismans to the outside of the evil coffin does not count as inlaying. 】

 Looking at the information on the evil coffin in front of him, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

This speed is so fast, 250 kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to the forward speed of a motor train.

 If this is full force movement, then...

Thinking of this, Gu Xi couldn't help but glance at the evil coffin. He felt that if he really had to run with all his strength, he might fly out.

Thinking about that scene, Gu Xi wondered whether he should install a safety belt or something on the evil coffin.

While thinking about such things, Gu Xi took care of the evil coffin in front of him.

 The storage slot Gu Xi couldn't use for the time being, but when he saw the inlay slot, Gu Xi thought of the headband with a bunch of brains he got when he defeated Abomination.

 At first, Gu Xi thought of embedding the human head into the Cold Wind Staff.

 But there has been no time and the opportunity has been missed.

Now Gu Xi has found a good place for this bunch of brains.

 He quickly stuffed the [Spliced ​​Head] into the evil coffin.

 (End of this chapter)

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