Breath of the Dead

Chapter 171: Accident in Victoria City(43149)

Chapter 171 Accident in Victoria City (43149)

As the spliced ​​head was stuffed into the evil coffin, the black air in the evil coffin surged out along the side of the coffin. In the black air, Gu Xi could still see a twisting human face, which seemed to be the spliced ​​head. look.

  【Inlay and piece together the head, the evil coffin masters new skills and navigates automatically! 】

  【Automatic navigation: Provide the corresponding map to the evil coffin, and then you can let the evil coffin move freely. The evil coffin will send you to the location you want to go within the specified time. 】

Looking at the information that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi almost understood what the situation was.

 Because he inlaid such a thing into the evil coffin, the evil coffin's original automatic path-finding ability became a specialized skill.

In this way, after taking a rest, you can pour the coffin lid on and take a nap directly to the designated place.

This is a good way to be lazy, but for Gu Xi, it is of little significance. The original evil coffin has such an ability, but at best they can lock in a direction and follow a vague concept.

 It’s not like now, where you just give a map and he will directly guide you there.

 Gu Xi didn’t even know where to start complaining about this situation of improvement or lack of improvement.

At this time, Luna also floated over. She glanced at the evil coffin, turned to Gu Xi and said, "Sir, your mount."

“What’s wrong with this mount? This mount is obviously very fast.”

Gu Xi asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"No, what I want to say is that you may not be able to ride this mount. If you stand on it, it will slide down directly."

Gu Xi felt embarrassed now. He climbed onto the evil coffin and tried it. Just as Luna said, the lid of the evil coffin was too slippery. If Gu Xi hadn't been holding on to the iron chain, he wouldn't have been able to sit down. Can't live.

But he wanted to sit astride the evil coffin like before, but found that the evil coffin was not only longer, but also much wider. With this width, he could not sit astride it at all.

As for standing on the evil coffin, that was even more impossible. As soon as he climbed to his feet, he felt like he was standing on ice.

Gu Xi believed that if the evil coffin moved even slightly, he would be the one thrown out.

 “Luna, what do you think?”

 “Let’s sew a coffin cover like a saddle.”

 Luna put forward her own opinion.

 When Luna said this, Gu Xi reacted.

"You don't need to sew a coffin cover, it's not that troublesome. Where is my war flag? Put the war flag on the coffin lid and press it with iron chains, so that people can sit in it. I don't know the evil thing inside this coffin." What's the origin?

 Having a flag draped after death is considered a state funeral. "

As he said this, other thoughts flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

He counted the few strips of magic-weave cloth and lion hair and beards he had left, and then calculated how much material could be used for weaving in the gray garbage. His battle flag needed to be remade.

Hearing what Gu Xi said, Luna actually thought about it seriously.

“It’s okay to cover the battle flag, but sir, our battle flag needs to be designed. We can’t just use this battle flag every time we go to war. Those who can see the thumb will know that this is the chief battle flag.

 If you can't see it, you might think it's a white flag. "

“Okay, after I go back this time, I’ll find someone to design the battle flag. I’ll make sure to design something that attracts attention.”

  While saying this, Gu Xi pressed his forehead.

Two consecutive battles have drained his energy. The two large-scale spiritualisms and the summons to the incarnation of death have drained Gu Xi's mana twice.

 I feel nothing when cleaning the battlefield.

Now Gu Xi just feels like he is dying.

"Let me take a nap first. I need to recover my physical strength and mana. Luna, keep an eye on me here. If anything happens, just wake me up."

After saying that, Gu Xi didn’t care about anything else. He lay down on the evil coffin, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Looking at Gu Xi sleeping, Luna said nothing, just pointed at the evil coffin, and let the evil coffin fall to the ground.

The evil thing inside the evil coffin still wanted to move around. Luna stared blankly in that direction, and the evil coffin quickly calmed down and did not dare to move.

At this time, Luna was silently directing the undead to their respective positions.

 Arrange gargoyles to explore the outside world, and arrange ghosts to go outside to find suitable battlefields.

 In the end, she even arranged for people to return to Aridovi City to prepare food for Gu Xi.

 It can be said that when Gu Xi was away, Luna handled everything in an orderly manner by herself.

 Gu Xi didn't know all this. At this time, he achieved the achievement of sleeping on the battlefield.

 When he fell asleep, he didn't even move. He just kept holding the iron chain on the evil coffin tightly with his right hand.

Gu Xi slept for about an hour and a half. The ghost who was sent to Alidovi City to prepare food for Gu Xi suddenly flew out. He whispered a few words beside Luna.

 Luna’s empty eyes widened a lot.

Then Luna looked at Gu Xi with some embarrassment.

Just when she hesitated, Gu Xi, who still had her eyes closed, said slowly: "Just do whatever you have to do, I'm already awake."

"grown ups."

Seeing Gu Xi speak, Luna quickly floated in front of Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi turned over and sat up.

 “What happened? You look like you are very anxious.”

“It was Shaya who came back once. Seeing that we were not here, she left a message at the meeting hall, saying that Victoria City was becoming more and more chaotic, and that the small building we arranged in Victoria City was also being targeted.

 It seems that Alidovi City is about to undergo another change.

 She told us to be prepared and not to miss this opportunity. "

 “What happened to Victoria City?”

Gu Xi's energy has recovered well after a good sleep. He still rarely has the energy to think about the gossip issues here.

“I don’t know either. Sha Ya’s messages don’t have much information. I want to go back and find out.”

Gu Xi nodded, he understood that Luna's strength was closely related to Alidovi City, and Alidovi City was the mirror image of Victoria City.

 Every news about Victoria City is important to Luna.

“Okay, you go back first and take those ghosts with you. By the way, you also take the leader of the skeleton mage. There is no use for him to stay here. You don’t have to worry about things here.

I have almost slept, and my mana has recovered well. Even if a more powerful enemy appears later, I still have the incarnation of death.

Even if I can't win, I can still defend this place and prevent the enemy from coming in. "

 Gu Xi has a relatively clear view of his own strength.

 As far as the battlefield in front of him is concerned, Gu Xi is still very confident in handling it.

"grown ups…"

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal. You go over there first and take a look. If you need anything, transfer directly from Alidovi City. Go ahead. This is an order!"

 (End of this chapter)

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