Breath of the Dead

Chapter 172: Reward for the winner (please subscribe)

Chapter 172 Reward for the victor (please subscribe)

After Luna returned to Alidovi City, Gu Xi took a long breath. He patted his face to make himself sober, and then he turned his attention to the undead under his command.

Although Luna left with part of her troops, Gu Xi still had enough troops.

Gu Xi doesn’t have to worry about things like the lack of troops under his command after Luna left.

After re-adjusting these undead troops, Gu Xi found a place to sit down, took out a few skill books and started reading.

 From the previous two battles, Gu Xi already knew that the four new skills he learned were quite useful in big battles.

Now that he is free, Gu Xi took out four skill books and read them to increase the experience and level of each skill.

 While Gu Xi was reading, the undead souls under his hands were not idle either.

Several undead leaders are selecting and training undead that are not under their control.

 Let them know how to cooperate on the battlefield.

 At the same time, they also allocated some weapons and equipment to these undead.

The skeleton boss from Battle Team 1 is even there teaching some zombies how to use spears.

It’s just that the Undead Natural Disaster Ritual Array is not omnipotent. They have no way to conjure corresponding weapons for the undead. Most of the thousands of undead soldiers now use bone weapons.

 But they are quite honest. No matter how weak the weapons they use are, they are always practicing their cooperation with each other.

 Every twenty minutes or so that Gu Xi would read, he would look up at these undead souls, and then lower his head again to continue reading.

 This time, outside the undead natural disaster ritual circle, it was very safe, and the enemy never appeared.

 Gu Xi didn't know the reason for this. Anyway, for him, since the enemy didn't show up, he just had to wait.

Time just flashed by while Gu Xi was reading and training.

About four hours later, a white light flashed on the token protected by the city gate, and the voice of the mage leader came again.

“Comrades, we have repelled the first wave of enemy attacks. This is our victory. Now all players are asked to give orders to let their undead men raise their weapons.”

Hearing what the mage leader said, Gu Xi was also stunned for a moment.

 It seems that no enemies have attacked during this period because the battles at other nodes have not ended yet.

  But what is the purpose of making all the undead men raise their weapons? Is it a new ritual?

Although he was puzzled, Gu Xi still issued the order.

 “Everyone, listen up and raise your weapons!”

 After saying that, Gu Xi raised the cold wind staff.

Under Gu Xi's command, all the undead raised their weapons. Even the ghosts without weapons also raised their right hands.

 In the next moment, countless bolts of lightning fell from the sky, and these lightning struck all the undead accurately.

 Gu Xi himself was also attacked by lightning.

 After a period of numbness, Gu Xi felt that his strength seemed to have become stronger.

 He quickly checked his status and found that there was a small line of words behind his status.

  【Rewarded by the victor, level 1, life and mana doubled, lasting until the end of the undead natural disaster. 】

 After taking a look at his own condition, Gu Xi quickly jumped in front of several undead men under him.

He found that the undead under his command had also been blessed, but they received a level +1 reward. This improved level would be maintained until the end of the undead natural disaster ritual circle.

 It can be seen that the reward for the victor this time is to improve the level of the undead troops. This is to allow players to have more powerful troops to deal with increasingly powerful enemies in the next battle.

However, those who suffered more changes were the undead sent over or summoned by the undead natural disaster ritual circle.

 In addition to all having their levels increased by one level, they also have some more weapons and equipment in their hands.

 Gu Xi noticed that the weapons and equipment given this time were not given according to the most basic route, but according to the player's arrangement for the undead.

For example, the zombies who are being trained by the Skeleton Boss of Combat Team 1 have an extra spear in their hands instead of the hatchets and kitchen knives held by normal zombies.

This point also struck Gu Xi. At this time, he was also thinking about whether he should learn the ritual of the undead natural disaster.

This kind of magic circle looks really useful.

At this moment, the voice of the mage leader came from the token again.

“Attention, comrades, the enemy will be in position in two hours. Now you can get familiar with your subordinates who have improved their strength. I hope you will continue your efforts in the battle in two hours and kill all the enemies!”

"Now I say it again, the enemy will arrive in two hours. Now you can take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the strength of your men, eat and drink, take a good rest, and prepare for a new battle."

“We will face a total of three waves of this kind of battle. I hope everyone can survive the next battle.”

Hearing what the mage leader said, Gu Xi was a little confused.

 He felt that he had been abandoned, why what the mage leader said was different from what he faced.

Just when Gu Xi was wondering, a large raven flew over from a distance and landed directly in front of Gu Xi.

Gu Xi was also a little puzzled by the sudden appearance of the raven. However, the raven stretched out its claws towards Gu Xi and let Gu Xi see the letter tied to its claws. Only then did Gu Xi remember that Chaoyang Guild the messenger.

Gu Xi quickly took down the letter, opened it, and found that it was the letter sent to him by the mage leader.

“Comrade Gu, you must be very confused now as to why the position you are guarding is different from other positions.

 In fact, your location is the starting point for enemy invasion. The enemies you encounter there will be earlier and more frequently than at other nodes.

Although I'm not sure why, until now, I haven't received any news from the array feedback that your node is under attack.

 But I believe you must be suppressing this node.

I also hope that you can always defend this position. No matter what the fighting situation is in other places, as long as you can defend your position, victory will be ours.


Looking through the text messages in front of him, the last trace of doubt in Gu Xi's heart slowly dissipated.

 Some of the things that puzzled Gu Xi were also explained.

At the same time, Gu Xi also guessed some plans of the mage leaders.

No matter how grand his plan is, Gu Xi is just a chess piece in this battle, nailed to the spot and unable to move.

 “It seems that the strength is still insufficient.”

Gu Xi turned his eyes outside the undead natural disaster circle, and a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes.

 “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

 (End of this chapter)

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