Breath of the Dead

Chapter 173: Crazy leader of the White Walkers (please subscribe)

Chapter 173 The Crazy White Walker Leader (Please subscribe)

 Gu Xi said something right, he had really been waiting for a long time.

 Ever since he learned something, Gu Xi also became looking forward to the enemy's attack.

But he never expected that as the first line and most critical node against the enemy, he would not encounter any attacks in the next three hours.

Even nodes in other places were attacked, but there was still no movement at Gu Xi's side.

Gu Xi was worried that this was some kind of enemy conspiracy. He had no way to send troops to other nodes to check. He could only let the gargoyles who went out to probe for information fly farther and farther away.

But no matter how much Gu Xi waited, the enemy did not appear.

In the end, Gu Xi didn't even bother to read those skill books. He just held the cold wind staff and walked around in circles, glancing at the situation outside from time to time.

About fifteen kilometers away from Gu Xi, a group of White Walker leaders wearing white baboon skins were sitting together.

 In the middle of them is a clown wearing a white baboon skin.

This clown is one of the few people who dares to modify the white baboon skin. He changed the white baboon skin into a formal suit, but then painted graffiti on the suit.

 Make this white baboon leather suit red and green.

But the clown didn't care at all. Instead, he was very proud, and would shake his purple hair from time to time, as if he was crazy.

His face seemed to have been whitened, and the position of his eyes and nose were not the red that is typical of a normal clown, but a distorted green.

 As he opens his mouth, the sharp shark-like teeth inside will be exposed.

“Isn’t that guy crazy yet? You think he’s not crazy yet? Why can’t he be crazy if he stays there alone, surrounded by skeletons?”

The clown screamed loudly, and none of the white ghost leaders surrounding him dared to speak at this time.

 They all knew that if they spoke at this time, they would go crazy with this clown.

They are just white ghosts, not fools. They don't want to offend a madman who doesn't know when he will explode.

Sure enough, the crazy clown slowly calmed down when no one responded. After that, he smoothed his hair back and said with a very elegant expression.

“Okay, don’t be so nervous, everyone, I just want everyone to relax.

 After all, we have been waiting here all the time, so it must be hard for everyone!

Let’s all smile and be happy, we don’t know how long we have to wait.

 Smile, what are you doing with such a straight face? "

The clown's voice suddenly rose, "You have to be like me and smile happily. If you don't laugh, I will go crazy."

 Why do we have to wait here? Why can't you listen to my opinion?

 What's the use of scattered attack? Just hit one point directly.

That guy is obviously such a node.

 The core location, and it is blocked right in front of us.

If you put such a large piece of meat in front of a dog and don't let the dog eat it, the dog will go crazy.

 How about, that big guy, you attack secretly.

 I can guarantee that after you attack, I will tell the superiors that I asked you to go and I will not embarrass you. "

The clown said as he walked up to a leader of the White Walkers.

It was a three-meter-tall White Walker with khaki skin and barbs all over his shoulder muscles. His white baboon skin was directly made into a hat, which he wore on his head.

Seeing the clown coming in front of him, he couldn't help but take a step back. He knew exactly what would happen if he got involved with this clown.

  Last time, the abomination that was about the same size as him was induced by the clown to attack in advance, but in the end even the bones were not recovered.

 What Hatred paid for with his life was that the clown was quiet for two hours, and then he went crazy again.

This time the clown has taken a liking to him, and the leader of the White Walkers does not want to use his own life to calm down the clown.

"Oh, don't you want to? It doesn't matter if we don't have enough troops. I can prioritize some troops for you."

 The clown took another step forward, his eyes fixed on the eyes of the leader of the White Walkers.

The leader of the White Walkers only felt like he was enveloped in a cold breath of madness. It seemed that as long as he didn't want to, his mind would be filled with all kinds of crazy ideas.

Under such pressure, the leader of the White Walkers became more and more confused, and finally he couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Why don't you go by yourself? If you go, we will go with you."


 The air suddenly became quiet, and all the White Walker leaders looked at the Joker.

At this time, the clown grinned. He loosened his hand and let go of the strong leader of the White Walkers who was holding him.

“Hahaha, why didn’t I think of that? I can go by myself.

   No, I should actually have thought of it, but some people didn’t let me think about it. They just wanted to watch me guard this poor place here, and they didn’t want me to participate in the war at all.

 They just want me to watch, they want me to go crazy in this place.

 I can't stay here, I want to go to war, I want..."

Before the clown finished speaking, several white ghost leaders rushed over from nearby and held the clown down. One of the white ghost leaders who looked like a nurse injected a blue potion into the clown's body.

The clown struggled a few times, and finally fell asleep on the ground.

 Only when he fell asleep did the madness slowly dissipate.

Looking at the clown lying on the ground, the other leaders of the White Walkers also looked at each other. They didn't know what to do.

"How about we report this information to the top and ask an adult to come over? If this continues, I will go crazy." At this time, a leader of the White Walkers raised his hand and suggested.

“Come here as an adult, do you think that leaders are like us, cabbage on the roadside, available everywhere?

If bosses were so easy to find, do you think the higher-ups would arrange for such a madman to direct such a big battle?

I think it’s better to forget it and give him another injection to calm him down and give him the correct order. "

 But the question is, can this clown really calm down?

 No one knows. The White Walker leaders all looked at the sleeping clown on the ground. No one dared to say that the clown would not go crazy again.

 The White Walker leaders looked at each other, and finally one of the White Walker leaders' eyes lit up.

“By the way, I suddenly discovered that according to the plan, I will lead the team to attack the forward node. This matter has been delayed for so long, I still have to deal with it, and I will leave the matter here to everyone.”

 Hearing this, all the White Walker leaders reacted.

“Wait a minute, there are a lot of enemies at that node and it’s hard to deal with them. I happen to be a free force, I can help you...”

“I’ll go there too. As long as we capture this node, half of our mission will be completed.”


 (End of this chapter)

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