Breath of the Dead

Chapter 174: Army of White Walkers (44149)

Chapter 174 The White Walkers (44149)

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 “Is it finally here?”

 About two hours after other nodes encountered attacks, Gargoyles finally brought back the latest news.

 This wave of enemies has already arrived.

It's just that the number of enemies is a bit confusing. The gargoyle, who cannot speak, cannot tell the number of enemies in detail, but only gave an estimate.

 Nearly ten thousand people!

 Gu Xi was also a little speechless about this news.

He did not expect that the enemies would either not come at all, or come in so many at once.

This amount is clearly the result of two waves of enemies coming together.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, the enemy had already attacked, and Gu Xi always had to fight.

Gu Xi, who was standing on the city gate tower, knocked the ground heavily with the cold wind staff.

“The enemy is already in position, and everyone is ready to fight. This time there are more enemies. We cannot leave too far to engage in the battle. As required, the zombie troops are dispatched first and set up fifty meters away from the Undead Natural Disaster Ceremony Array.

 Skeleton archer troops follow behind.

 The other troops separated on both sides and moved quickly to get ready.

 Before the boss attacks, come to me to get some food to strengthen the fighting power of his elite men. "

 Having said this, Gu Xi pointed in the direction of the [Rotting Endless Food Basket] and asked his men to take action.

However, after arranging all his men, Gu Xi couldn't help but touch his belly.

 It seems that since Luna went to Victoria City, no one has cared about Xixi.

  Not to mention sending green ghosts drinks that can increase mana, they didn’t even send some food.

Gu Xi is already very hungry.

 The contents of the [Rotting Endless Food Basket] can only be eaten by the undead.

This made Gu Xi quite speechless.

But he didn’t dwell on the matter for long.

  In the cell before, he even ate rat meat, and he was hungry when he had nothing to eat.

 This is nothing at the moment.

 After this battle is over, he can find another opportunity to go back to Alidovi City to eat something. Now, he still has to deal with the enemy first.

 At the same time that Gu Xi was arranging his men, the troops from the White Walkers had also appeared on the other side of the horizon.

Gu Xi looked over from a distance and finally understood what the gargoyle meant.

It's really hard to count the number of people in the White Walkers this time.

 In the army of nearly ten thousand people, there are more than twenty completely different and strange races.

The arms of these races are mixed together, making the entire army look like a motley army.

Their leaders didn't care about this matter at all. They all seemed to have something on their mind, just lowering their heads and rushing forward with their men, without any thought of organizing the troops.

  Such a chaotic battle formation naturally makes it difficult for the gargoyles to judge the number of opponents.

 In fact, let alone gargoyles, even if Gu Xi saw the scene in front of him, he could only sigh and casually estimated the number of nearly ten thousand people.

As for the other party’s strength, Gu Xi didn’t see it at all.

“The zombie with the spear is ready to attack when the enemy gets closer.”

 Gu Xi just thought about it and made the decision to fight head-on.

As Gu Xi's order was issued, the incarnation of death in the sky also landed on the city gate tower, staring sideways at the White Walker troops coming this way. At this time, a group of the fastest-moving White Walkers had already approached the Undead Natural Disaster Ritual Circle.

Gu Xi, who was standing on the city gate tower, saw some arrangements among the White Walker troops.

There are a total of nine White Walker leaders in the team of White Walkers, of which there are three at the front.

The thing that most attracted Gu Xi's attention was a cheongsam woman holding an oil-paper umbrella. However, unlike normal people, this woman's skin was obviously as blue as the sky, and her hair and eyebrows were red.

 The white baboon skin was draped over her shoulders like a shawl.

 When she walks forward, a layer of ice will appear on the ground, and there are even many snowflakes falling on the surface of her oil-paper umbrella.

When she was only about fifty meters away from the zombie army, the cheongsam woman raised her oil-paper umbrella upwards.

 “The weather has changed! It’s snowing heavily!”

With this order, the woman's feet were quickly frozen, and then the cold wind spread around the woman.

Those standing on the city gate tower also felt snowflakes falling from the sky.

 This is a weather-type spell.

 Gu Xi glanced at the falling snowflakes with some speechlessness, and his judgment on the leader of the White Walkers also improved a bit.

 Why doesn’t he have such a leader under his command?

 At this moment, two of the three White Walker leaders who rushed to the front also took action at the same time.

One of the White Walker leaders was covered in frost, his skin shriveled and his muscles shriveled, his hair had turned gray, and the white baboon skin was wrapped around his chest like a bandage. It could be seen from the part exposed under the baboon skin, A big hole was opened in his chest.

 In his hand he held a spear made of ice crystals.

As the woman released the snowflakes, he jumped up and rushed forward on the snowflakes.

 Obviously he wanted to jump over the front line of defense and face Gu Xi directly.

The other one was dragging a black coffin forward slowly with an iron chain. The white baboon skin was covering the black coffin. It was not known which one was the real body, the coffin or the leader of the White Walkers holding a rapier.

He was walking faster and faster dragging the coffin. Before the White Walker soldiers behind him could catch up, he had already rushed to the front of the zombies.

 Before the zombies could take action, the leader of the White Walkers simply swept his hand, and the coffin that had been dragged behind him was thrown in front of the zombies.

 Zombies have already received orders from Gu Xi. Don’t panic when encountering an enemy. Just follow the steps and thrust out the spear in your hand.

 So facing the coffin crashing towards them, they still acted as before.

But they never expected that the coffin was quite strange. It clearly just touched the zombies. All the zombies seemed to have lost their souls, turned into rigid corpses, and fell down on the spot.

 This situation made Gu Xi think of a possibility.

  The necromancer's greatest enemy.

 Soul stealer.

  This is a profession that is not very powerful, but highly targeted.

 Their biggest feature is that they can draw away the souls of the undead summoned by spiritualism.

In other words, it would be a tragedy for the Necromancer to fight them with Bone Sea Battle.

 Fortunately, this profession is not strong in other aspects. Their extraction of souls can only target the undead summoned by spiritualism, and the undead that appear naturally will not be affected.

 Let alone some living people.

 So unless they are extremely hostile to necromancers, few people will choose this profession.

Gu Xi didn't expect to encounter such a profession here, which made him stunned.

While he was distracted, the White Walker holding an ice crystal spear also rushed to the city gate on snowflakes. His target was Gu Xi, who had been standing on the city gate tower.

 (End of this chapter)

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