Breath of the Dead

Chapter 175: Kills (45149)

Chapter 175 Kill (45149)

Looking at the leader of the White Walkers rushing over, Gu Xi was about to raise the cold wind staff in his hand. The incarnation of death lying on the city gate tower moved much faster than Gu Xi.

He opened his mouth and sprayed the death dragon's breath towards the leader of the White Walkers who was charging towards him.

The leader of the White Walkers looked like he was flying in the air, but in fact he was walking on snowflakes. The dodge range was obviously not that wide. At the same time, he didn't notice the huge incarnation of death lying next to Gu Xi at first. .

He only thought about killing Gu Xi so that he could easily resolve the battle in front of him. As soon as he saw that the situation was favorable to him, he rushed over in excitement.

Unexpectedly, he rushed in front of Gu Xi. Before he could take action, a death dragon's breath sprayed out from the front.

Under the green light, he didn't even have a chance to dodge, and was directly pushed back a few steps by the death dragon's breath.

 After that, the incarnation of death opened its wings and turned into black mist and rushed towards Xiang Zhi.

While rushing past the White Walker leader who was hit by the death dragon's breath, he lowered his body and dragged the White Walker leader's body for more than a hundred meters.

  【Death Incarnation (spell product) Kill the White Walker leader - Ice White Walker (Level 8), you will get 3115 experience points (experience +5%). 】

 When the Incarnation of Death pounced, the attacking White Walkers also noticed the situation here.

They didn't expect that Gu Xi had already killed a powerful leader of the White Walkers just after they met each other.

This made the White Walkers a little confused for a moment, and their attacks obviously paused.

 But Gu Xi's men did not stop attacking.

Even under the influence of the Soul Stealer, the zombies would fall down if they touched the coffin, but they still thrust out the spears in their hands step by step as they were trained.

The Soul Stealer was no longer as calm as before. He had to dodge the spears that were thrust at him, because he was not invulnerable and could not ignore all attacks.

At this time, the skeleton soldiers also rushed out from both sides of the zombies and rushed into the White Walkers' team.

The White Walkers that could rush over at this point in time were all those that moved relatively fast. Because of the racial chaos, they had little room for cooperation with each other. The skeleton soldiers rushed into their team, Just cooperate and fight according to the training method.

Some of these skeleton soldiers were trained by Combat Team 1. The spears they held did not care about their own safety at all, they just thrust forward, and then thrust forward again.

Such a simple and crude attack method is best used to deal with these chaotic white ghosts.

 Because they don’t care at all what methods or weird abilities these ghosts have.

Anyway, a White Walker as big as you is here. Seven or eight spears can't kill you, so let's try again.

As for what kind of attack you had when the spear came out, the skeleton soldiers used their bodies to catch it.

 As long as you are unable to kill hundreds or thousands of skeleton soldiers in an instant, there will always be skeleton soldiers coming to kill you.

The attacks from the left and right sides were like the claws of a crab, constantly squeezing the White Walker troops.

 This is equivalent to cutting off the fighting space for the soul stealers in front.

 At the beginning, there were some other ghosts following the Soul Stealer. They just helped the Soul Stealer block attacks from behind, giving the Soul Stealer a chance to deal head-on with the zombies.

 In the hands of the soul stealers, the number of fallen zombies has reached nearly a hundred. But now that the White Walkers behind him were cleared away, the Soul Stealer was attacked from both front and back. Several skeletons even raised spears or other weapons and slashed at the Soul Stealer from the front.

At this time, the soul stealer was also numb. He originally only had to deal with the zombies head-on, but he had to shift his attention from the zombies. He used his left hand harder and swung the coffin in his hand like a windmill.

This way he was safe for the time being, but it also greatly consumed his physical strength, and he had to reconsider how to deal with this situation next.

 But at this moment, the soul stealer suddenly felt uneasy in his heart. When he raised his head, he saw a long arrow flying towards him. After this long arrow, there were hundreds of bone arrows.

 The Soul Stealer quickly dodged back. Unfortunately, he had just rounded the coffin, and now he was giving up.

He dodged backwards, and his body was carried away by the coffin. Not only did this dodg not move too far, but it opened the empty door in his chest, and more than half of the more than a hundred bone arrows hit him.

Under such an attack, the soul stealer fell to the ground on the spot, and his coffin flew out.

When the nearby skeletons and zombies saw this opportunity, they all stabbed the soul stealer with their spears.

As they continued to attack, the soul stealer was finally stabbed to death on the spot.

With his death, his black coffin dragged by iron chains disappeared into the air and never appeared again.

 Disappeared together with more than a hundred souls imprisoned in coffins.

 This is why necromancers hate soul stealers the most.

 The souls taken away by the soul thieves cannot be recovered even if they are killed.

After killing the soul stealer, Gu Xi's undead troops felt that they were doing well again. More undead entered the White Walkers' team, and several undead leaders turned their attention to the one at the front. The leader of the White Walkers.

It was the cheongsam woman holding an oil-paper umbrella, but her body was already piled up with snow.

Seeing the eyes of the undead turning to herself, the cheongsam woman did not hesitate at all. She knew her position and her abilities very well. Apart from changing the weather, which could directly turn it into a snowy day, she had no other choice. other uses.

 The remaining means are all defensive means.

 Seeing the undead surrounding her, she immediately froze herself into the refrigerator.

 After that, she stared inside the refrigerator with her eyes wide open, staring at the outside, watching the helplessness of the undead who wanted to destroy the refrigerator but could not break the thick ice cubes.

 But the leader of the White Walkers also forgot one thing. Gu Xi also had an incarnation of death under his command.

While everyone was dealing with the Soul Stealer just now, the Incarnation of Death bypassed this place and rushed towards the White Walker troops at the rear.

 Through the influence of the crystal storm and the black mist, the incarnation of death rushed back and forth among the ranks of the White Walkers, killing many White Walkers in just one encounter.

 After that, the incarnation of death turned around again and flew back from the team of white ghosts.

Just when he flew back, the soul stealer was easily killed. The incarnation of death shrank his body, and the black mist and crystal powder gathered together and hit the refrigerator heavily.

 Under the surprised gaze of the leader of the White Walkers, he took the refrigerator into the air and flew higher and higher.

 (End of this chapter)

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