Breath of the Dead

Chapter 176: Head-on collision (please subscribe)

Chapter 176 Head-on collision (please subscribe)

As the incarnation of death flew over 700 meters, the leader of the White Walkers who locked himself in the refrigerator began to become nervous.

 The refrigerator can defend against most attacks, but it does not mean that the refrigerator is truly invincible.

 You cannot prevent yourself from jumping from a high place or opening a refrigerator.

The current height was beyond the level she could defend. As long as she was thrown from this position, she would definitely die.

 The leader of the White Walkers did not intend to die like this, she wanted to struggle a little longer.

But the incarnation of death did not hesitate at all. He continued to fly into the sky until he reached a position of 1,500 meters. Then the black mist dispersed, allowing the refrigerator to fall directly downwards.

The location where the refrigerator fell is exactly where a wave of White Walker troops rushed from behind.

 This is the main force of the White Walkers.

Among these strange ghosts, there are more than 6,000 strange ghosts.

They were led by a White Walker leader who looked like a hill. This White Walker leader was huge and had a crossbody bag made of a log cabin around his waist. The white baboon skin was wrapped around his finger, acting as a ring.

 When he started running, the ground was shaking, but it was obvious that he was a professional like a paladin.

When he runs forward, a special halo will appear on the ground, and all the White Walkers shrouded in the halo will have their physical strength greatly improved.

Behind this hill-like leader of the White Walkers, there is a leader of the White Walkers with many balloons of different colors wrapped around his body. He is like a mummy hanging on the balloons and floating in the low altitude.

In his hand he was holding a white baboon skin, but judging from the way he was holding it, he should have wrapped the weapon in the baboon skin.

After them, there is the chaotic White Walker army. Some of these White Walkers run faster, some run slower, and their sizes are also different. The chaotic scene makes them not look like a team at all. army.

 At this time, the undead troops resting in front of them were also ready for battle, and the formations that had just been disrupted by the battle had been rearranged.

When the White Walkers troops rushed over, these undead only had White Walkers in their eyes. They stared at the White Walkers rushing in front of them, no matter how strong the White Walkers were, how big they were, or their movements when they rushed over. No matter how ferocious, the undead all move in the same way.

 One step forward, attack with a slash or thrust, then take another step forward.

As for whether they hit the enemy, there is no need to consider this at all. The White Walkers are all crowded together. Even if there are White Walkers with super dodge ability, they can't move around.

 On this kind of battlefield, saturation attack is the most suitable.

 Every blow the undead take will take away some white ghosts.

The aliens are not organized. When facing the impact of the undead, they are relatively chaotic. Some want to dodge, some want to attack, and some are ready to rush directly.

 As a result, their behavior made their team even more chaotic, making it impossible for their comrades around them to take direct action.

 This gives the undead some opportunities.

 The undead men under Gu Xi were attacking mechanically one by one, advancing and attacking again.

 Attack after attack left the White Walker troops battered.

 Even the most basic combat power has not been exerted.

At this time, the giant white ghost leader who was like a hill also noticed this situation. He raised the wooden stick in his hand and was ready to make a sweep.

 Just give him a solid sweep. The undead troops that have just gained an advantage in front of them will be scattered by him with a stick, and then the battle here will enter the melee scene that the White Walkers like most.

 At that time, the White Walkers can use their own personal strength and special and weird abilities to kill all the undead they see.

 At that time, even if Gu Xi's death incarnation flew down again, there would be nothing that could be done against them.

  After all, all the undead under Gu Xi were caught in the melee, and it was impossible for the incarnation of death to kill all the undead and white ghosts together.

 But at this moment, the leader of the White Walkers, who was still in the refrigerator, fell from the sky.

 She was like a meteor, slamming into the team of White Walkers.

The giant leader of the White Walkers, who was like a hill, immediately saw the blue meteor coming towards him. He didn't even think about it. He originally planned to sweep the wooden stick with an upward move.


The refrigerator was smashed into powder on the giant white ghost leader's stick, and a large number of ice crystals were scattered everywhere. Among the ice crystals were dark red blood and white minced meat.

He himself felt uncomfortable after the giant white ghost leader's blow, which had the impact of falling from a high place.

Although the giant white ghost leader had smashed the refrigerator into pieces, his own arms were also affected. At this time, his hands kept shaking, and he couldn't even hold his big wooden stick.

 The incarnation of death who had just dropped the refrigerator from the sky saw this situation and rushed downwards decisively.

 In the eyes of all dragons, giants are the first to be killed.

As the incarnation of death rushed downwards, Gu Xi, who was on the city gate tower, also jumped onto the evil coffin.

Because the evil coffin has been upgraded, Gu Xi is still trying hard to adapt to the moving speed of the evil coffin.

 He did not stand in front of the evil coffin like before, but held on to the iron chain on the evil coffin in a semi-lying motion to prevent himself from being thrown out.

 At the same time, he rushed towards the enemy battle formation with the cold wind staff in one hand.

 While Gu Xi was waiting for the enemy to arrive, he spent time reading the skill book of Bone Storm.

 Coupled with the previous battle, Gu Xi's Bone Storm level has been raised to level 4.

  【Bone Storm Level 4 (53/1000), consumes 10 mana points to form a storm of bone fragments at the designated location, causing 270% of your attack power to nearby enemies within 30 seconds. The affected area of ​​​​the Bone Storm is movable. 】

 As the level of Bone Storm increases, many changes actually occur. At level 1, there is a Bone Storm.

 At level 2, the damage power is increased, at level 3, the duration is increased, and it changes from fixed to movable.

 Now that it is level 4, the mana consumed by Bone Storm has been significantly reduced.

 It can be said that Gu Xi can release more Bone Storm now.

 At this time, when Gu Xi went into battle, his target was directly the core position of the White Walkers.

 He pointed at the range of the White Walkers, and the Bone Storm was like a harvester, cutting in the direction of the White Walkers.

The weaker White Walkers were cut into pieces on the spot, and the stronger White Walkers were unable to withstand the bone storms again and again. When they tried to escape, the Bone Storms with ice effects hit them again. Frozen.

So under the wave of waves of bone storms, the passage to the interior of the White Walker troops was opened.

 (End of this chapter)

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