Breath of the Dead

Chapter 177: Self-exploding death incarnation (please subscribe)

Chapter 177 The self-exploding incarnation of death (please subscribe)

Seeing that Gu Xi's Bone Storm was about to hit the giant White Walker leader, the giant White Walker leader finally reacted.

 He raised his wooden stick and prepared to sweep again. This time he must disperse the surrounding undead army.

Only in this way, the White Walkers still have a chance to drag the battle to the range they are most familiar with.

 But at this moment, the incarnation of death fell from the sky and turned into black mist and hit the giant white ghost leader.

The crystalline storm in the black mist of Death Incarnate kept hitting the skin of the White Walker leader, and each blow would take away part of the White Walker leader's life.

The leader of the White Walkers obviously felt that he was no match for the Death Incarnation. The reason why the Death Incarnation pushed him back instead of taking him into the sky was entirely because he was too heavy and the Death Incarnation could not carry him.

The giant white ghost leader, who also understood this, saw an opportunity to kill the incarnation of death.

He threw away the wooden stick in his hand, caught the dragon head of the incarnation of death with both hands, and pressed the head of the incarnation of death tightly to his chest.

Even if the crystal storm kept hitting him, he didn't react at all.

 At the same time, the leader of the White Walkers who was carried by the balloon also noticed the situation here.

He saw the opportunity immediately. He didn't need the giant White Walker incarnation to say anything. He floated near the Death Incarnation. He kept pulling out new balloons from the white baboon skin package and stuffed them into the Death Incarnation. In the bones.

At this time, Gu Xi just controlled the Bone Storm to hit this side.

 He saw the incarnation of death being stuck between two, and felt a little anxious. He raised the cold wind staff and pointed his finger at the sky.

The leader of the White Walkers, who was attacking the incarnation of death from behind, was knocked down by Gu Xi with a bone spur.

This bone spur not only pierced the body of the leader of the White Walkers, but also popped a balloon on the leader of the White Walkers.

 The situation with the leader of the White Walkers is different this time.

His mummy-like body inflated like a balloon, as did several balloons stuffed into the bones of the incarnation of death.

Although Gu Xi didn't know the situation of the leader of the White Walkers, he could guess that these balloons were about to burst.

 Gu Xi quickly calculated his mana in his mind.

 Finally and decisively made a decision.

 “Bone Storm, clear the way for me!”

 Then Gu Xi released at least forty bone storms in one breath, and controlled the bone storm to rush towards the place where the number of White Walkers was the largest.

This time Gu Xi was exhausted.

 But Gu Xi did not stop there. He glanced at the incarnation of death fighting with the two White Walker leaders, and roared loudly.

 “Death incarnate! Melting light!”

 The incarnation of death decisively understood what Gu Xi meant. With a quick twist of his body, the black mist shrank into his body, revealing his metalized black bones.

At this time, Gu Xi could see that there were several huge balloons stuffed into the ribs of the incarnation of death. The balloons were inflating rapidly and might explode at any time.

But now there is no need to wait for the balloon to explode. When the black mist is contracted into the body of the death incarnation, the body of the death incarnation also begins to flash with a rapid light.

The giant leader of the White Walkers who had been holding the incarnation of death was also stunned. He sensed that something was wrong and was about to let go, but it was already too late.

With a bang, the incarnation of death exploded on the spot in the arms of the giant white ghost leader.

 The powerful explosion brought with it a shock wave that knocked down everything around it.

The two White Walker leaders at the center of the explosion were blown to pieces on the spot.

 At the same time, most of the White Walkers nearby were also blown away.

 The situation of the undead was better. Although they were also blown away, they immediately got up from the ground and reorganized their team. Taking advantage of this big explosion, Gu Xi, who was lying on the evil coffin, rushed to the front, followed by the undead troops who got up again.

 They were relatively chaotic at first, but under the command of the undead leader, they quickly regrouped.

At this time, Gu Xi did not expect that after the explosion, he would be pushed to the front.

He could only press his forehead to weaken the impact of death incarnation, and at the same time took out a bottle of magic potion from his pocket.

 At this time, the White Walkers also got up from the explosion just now.

After the two shocks caused by Gu Xi's Bone Storm and the self-destruction of the Death Incarnation, the nearly 10,000 White Walkers force was also damaged by about 60%.

 There are only three to four thousand remaining White Walkers, and the situation among them is quite chaotic.

  Among these White Walkers, the strength ranges from level 3 to level 11.

 After the explosion, the stronger White Walkers got up from the ground immediately, and those who were weak but lucky got up later.

So when Gu Xi faces the White Walkers, he will find that these White Walkers are actually layered.

 The two White Walkers at the front are the most powerful soldiers in the White Walkers army, reaching level 11.

 Following them were elites of level 8 and 9, numbering about three hundred people.

 Following this are ordinary White Walker soldiers whose strength is only level 3 to 7.

 This is exactly the opposite of the situation of Gu Xi's troops.

 Gu Xi’s men were the weakest cannon fodder undead and were placed in the front, while the elite troops were placed in the back.

Seeing that the two armies were about to collide with each other again, many thoughts quickly flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

 “Skeleton Priest!”

 Finally, Gu Xi used some of his remaining mana to summon two skeleton priests.

 With the appearance of these two skeleton priests, Gu Xi's mana finally dropped to single digits.

 Gu Xi also raised the magic potion bottle to his mouth, his eyes searching for the target everywhere on the battlefield.

Soon Gu Xi found several White Walker leaders in the White Walkers' team.

  After the explosion of the Bone Storm and the Incarnation of Death, there are only three White Walker leaders left who can appear here.

 One of them has been huddled at the back of the team.

I don’t know if this is considered to be the bottom one, or if there are other reasons. There will be such a leader of the White Walkers in every attack.

He is a monk wearing a bamboo hat, and a white baboon skin is draped across his body, acting as a cassock.

Every time you take a step forward, a White Walker will rise from the ground.

 Gu Xi believed that if he was given enough time, he could resurrect all the White Walkers present.

As for the other two, Gu Xi also noticed it. After all, it was impossible for him not to notice something as obvious as the white baboon skin.

At this time, Gu Xi only hesitated for a moment, but still set his target on the monk.

 After all, his existence may change the current situation of the war.

When the ghost monk took a step forward, Gu Xi pointed in his direction, "Death incarnate!"

 (End of this chapter)

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