Breath of the Dead

Chapter 178: Another win (46149)

Chapter 178 Another victory (46149)

Under Gu Xi’s command, the black mist enveloping the incarnation of death rushed out, and the incarnation of death appeared on the battlefield again.

The Death Incarnation that appeared this time was different from before. The Crystal Storm was not brought along, and the melting light was installed at the eyes of the Death Incarnation.

 At the same time, his bones were strengthened once, and his body became significantly larger.

At the same time, due to the keel laboratory, two copies of the melting ray can be installed, one for each eye, and each side can be used ten times.

This time the melting machine gun of Death Incarnate finally lives up to its name.

After releasing the incarnation of death, Gu Xi decisively stuffed the magic potion into his mouth to replenish part of his mana first.

 When he raised his head, Gu Xi found that something seemed wrong. The incarnation of death actually rushed towards another leader of the White Walkers.

That White Walker leader was a defensive White Walker leader that Gu Xi had not seen before. He was holding a ghost-faced shield in his hand that was taller than a normal person.

  When raising the shield, this grimace would keep chattering. For some reason, when Gu Xi looked over there, he had the idea of ​​picking up the Cold Wind Staff and rushing up to beat this guy.

 Obviously, this grimace shield is a piece of equipment with powerful attributes.

 Even the incarnation of death was attracted.

At the same time, Gu Xi also noticed that many hairs popped out from the top of the ghost-faced shield, and each hair was tied to the nearby White Walkers.

 This should be another function of the Ghost Face Shield, which can spread the attacks to other soldiers.

 In this way, everyone's efforts are gathered to defend against powerful attacks.

It seems that what they have in mind is really beautiful.

 They cannot be allowed to change the attack direction of the Death Incarnation.

With a thought in his mind, Gu Xi took out the spiritual lamp on the spot.

 ‘Demagogue! ’

 Gu Xi activated the skills on the Soul Lamp, but this time Gu Xi was not targeting any enemy present.

 The target of Gu Xi's skills is the incarnation of death.

The White Walkers did not expect that Gu Xi would hypnotize his men. Before they could react, the incarnation of death bypassed the White Walker leader holding the ghost-faced shield and pounced on the last White Walker monk.

 When the Incarnation of Death rushed out, the White Walker Monk was actually prepared for defense.

 But with the Ghostface shield raised, the White Walker monk felt a lot more at ease. As a companion, he was very aware of the provocation and defensive abilities of the White Walker leader.

 He knew that with his companions blocking him in front, he didn't have to worry about being attacked.

 But he never expected that Gu Xi would act out of common sense.

  What the **** is hypnotizing one's subordinates?

The hypnotized incarnation of death ignored the provocation of the leader of the White Walkers and rushed towards the White Walker monk.

At this time, the White Walker monk wanted to defend again, but it was already too late. The incarnation of death rushed in front of the monk, his eyes glared at the same time, and two melting rays shot out at the same time, landing accurately on the White Walker monk.

 The melting light of Death Incarnation is not very powerful, it depends on what it is compared to.

Compared with Death Dragon Breath, the power of melting light is not that great.

  But compared with ordinary attack methods, the power is different.

Not to mention that the two skeleton priests Gu Xi had just released have not dispersed yet, and the incarnation of death has also been blessed by the attributes of the skeleton priests.

Two melting rays shot out, and half of the White Walker monk's body was melted on the spot, leaving only the left half of his body still in place.

 After killing the White Walker monk, the incarnation of death did not stop there. His body rushed forward again. By this time, he had rushed to the rear of the White Walker army.

 The leader of the White Walkers, holding the ghost-faced shield, turned his head and looked at the incarnation of death. He felt that he had been locked by the incarnation of death.

Now he has to toughen up, otherwise he won't be able to lead the team.    But this leader of the White Walkers is still a little stupid.

He focused all his attention on the incarnation of death, but did not notice that Gu Xi beside him was already preparing for the next move.

 “If corpse explosion is not allowed, then spiritualism should always be used, spiritualism!”

  【You successfully used spiritualism and got a zombie (level 0) with 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

  【You failed to use spiritualism and gained 1 spiritualism experience point. 】

 【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】


 Gu Xi pointed at the feet of the leader of the White Walkers, and a large number of zombies and skeletons quickly climbed up.

As soon as they climbed out, they pounced on the leader of the White Walkers.

 After all, their existence is to disrupt the actions of the leader of the White Walkers. As these undead fell on him, the movements of the leader of the White Walkers also began to deform.

Even a few zombies didn't even get up. They just dragged his feet and dragged the leader of the White Walkers to the ground.

 When the nearby White Walkers saw this situation, they didn't care about anything else and rushed towards them to save their leader.

 But just as they rushed over, the incarnation of death had already flown over them.

 The Death Dragon's Breath and the melting ray that can be used to extend the duration of the Death Dragon's Breath are emitted at the same time.

The green light fell among the White Walkers with a painful wail.

All the White Walkers who jumped on the leader of the White Walkers were affected by the death dragon's breath.

 At most it can only withstand two faces.

The leader of the White Walkers wanted to raise his Ghostface shield at this time, but his shield was firmly held down by a zombie.

He failed to raise his shield to defend himself and was hit in the face by the death dragon's breath on the spot.

Under the gray-green light, the leader of the White Walkers only withstood for seven or eight seconds, and then died on the spot.

 When the death dragon breath of the incarnation of death spurted out from behind, Gu Xi also stopped the spell in his hand.

 There is no need for Gu Xi to take action in the next thing.

Several undead leaders took the initiative to take over the command authority, especially the skeleton leader of Combat Team 1, who directly rushed to the front line with a spear.

 Behind him were 88 skeleton soldiers, followed by skeletons and zombies who had learned spear attacks with him.

 They have now formed a battle formation, and their steps are all the same.

Each move was as if measured with a ruler. The distance traveled, the strength and angle of the shot were all carved from the same mold.

 The only difference may be the strength of their attack power.

But for the undead, this is actually the least important. If more than a dozen spears are thrown down, no one knows which one will hit the enemy's vital point.

  Anyway, as long as they knock down the enemy, they don't think much about other things.

 Faced with such an attack, the White Walkers also made their final counterattack.

But now the advantage is no longer with them. In an equal number of fights, order easily defeated chaos.

 When Death Incarnate kills a level 11 White Walker, all White Walkers present are killed.

At the same time, the token under the protection of the city gate also lit up.

 (End of this chapter)

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