Breath of the Dead

Chapter 182: crisis! Severed connection (48149)

Chapter 182 Crisis! Severed connection (48149)

 Come on, come on, work hard to update! Another thing to say, the average subscription is going to be 1,500 soon. Can I target high-quality products?


As the Undead Natural Disaster Array conducts internal self-examination, there is another strange silence on the entire battlefield.

The White Walkers didn't take this opportunity to attack.

This surprised Gu Xi a little.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Xi finally sorted out his troops.

 Gu Xi discovered that during the battle just now and the later additions, there were gaps in the organization he had just filled up.

Of the 1,404 skeleton soldiers, more than 700 were killed in the battle, leaving only 701 skeleton soldiers, which did not even make up for the normal establishment of several combat teams and the bone-cutting battalion.

Zombies are even more straightforward, because all those who died in the battle at the beginning are zombies, and the ones summoned by the Soul Conjurer are in the center of the battlefield. Now there are only 52 zombies that can survive, and they are no longer a team.

 Only the ghosts are okay. Their number has not decreased much, but their level has improved to a certain extent.

As for the skeletons added to the undead natural disaster circle, as well as the undead dragged in and transformed by corpses, they did not receive much blessing because Gu Xi missed the winner's reward.

 The most important thing is that the weapons and equipment in their hands have not been strengthened.

Whether they were sent by the undead natural disaster circle or those who climbed up from the pile of corpses, they were all empty-handed.

This made Gu Xi, who still wanted to have **** for free, speechless.

How can we fight without weapons?

It is impossible for them to just rush forward and wait for the undead around them to die in battle. They should go forward and inherit the weapons of other undead.

At this moment, the ground shook again, and a new batch of undead crawled out of the ground.

This group of undead is no longer the few skeletons that came to deliver the pedestal. This time, a total of two thousand skeleton soldiers crawled out.

They have all reached level 4. 1,500 of them are serious skeleton soldiers holding swords and shields, and the other 500 are skeleton mages with only their upper bodies floating in the air.

 In fact, these skeleton soldiers were specially sent by the mage leader to reward Gu Xi.

 The purpose is to thank Gu Xi for discovering the problem of the Undead Natural Disaster Ritual Array.

The mage leader just checked and found that the situation at Gu Xi's side is pretty good.

 At the other ninety-nine nodes, most of the bases have been replaced.

If it is not discovered in advance, the undead scourge circle will be snatched away by the White Walkers in the next wave of battles.

 At that time, the negative energy and the large number of undead they have accumulated will all be controlled by the White Walkers and eventually become part of the White Walkers.

 This is a serious blow to the mage leader.

 The mage leader has reason to believe that there is a powerful leader commanding behind the White Walkers' team.

 So after quickly replacing the base, the mage leader sent such a troop to Gu Xi.

 The purpose is to reward Gu Xi for his discovery this time.

 At the same time, the mage leader also figured out the problem this time.

Out of a hundred nodes, only Gu Xi blocked the enemy from the undead natural disaster circle.

 The rest is to lead the enemy into the node and fight through the negative energy and characteristics of the node.

 This also gives the enemy a chance to change their base.

 But even if he figured out the reason, the mage leader couldn't let the players go out and fight.

 He knew very well the strength of the necromancers he had selected.

Except for Gu Xi, who can't see through it, other potentials can already be seen at a glance.

 Let them fight the White Walkers outside the undead scourge circle, which is equivalent to asking them to die.

 Even the chief lawyer could not force them out.

Now the mage leader can only hope that Gu Xi will come out of the magic circle to fight the White Walkers for the sake of the extra batch of troops he sent over. At that time, he will still have a safe node that can serve as a fallback route.

 Gu Xi didn’t know what the chief mage was thinking.

 But the addition of these two thousand skeletons really supplemented Gu Xi's obviously somewhat empty combat power.

At this time, Gu Xi counted the things in his hands and felt that he was doing well again.

There are still two bottles of the ten bottles of magic potion that were exchanged for before entering this world, which means that the incarnation of death can still be summoned two more times.

 As long as nothing unexpected happens, it should be possible to withstand the last wave of attacks from the White Walkers.

 After this incident is over, he is going to change to a large bottle of magic potion. Now this medium-sized bottle of magic potion cannot fully replenish his mana at once.

 While Gu Xi was thinking about other things, the token guarded behind the city gate suddenly lit up.

 The intermittent voice of the mage leader came from inside.


Hearing this voice, Gu Xi immediately felt that something was wrong.

 He ​​quickly ran to the platform where the token was placed, and then he was a little surprised to find that the white light on the token was still there, but it was obviously flickering, as if it was affected by something.


 Gu Xi immediately understood what was going on.

The enemy has affected the undead natural disaster formation, and now all nodes of the formation have lost contact.

 Then the next step is the enemy's general attack.

Gu Xi's heart tightened, and then he heard a popping sound.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Gu Xi noticed that a large number of red balloons had appeared in the sky at some point.

These balloons exploded when they flew over the node controlled by Gu Xi, and a large number of colorful papers fell from the sky, filling the entire node with a weird atmosphere of joy.

 The popping sound that Gu Xi heard just now was the sound of a balloon exploding.

 The moment Gu Xi raised his head, more and more balloons were blown up.

 “Death incarnate.”

 Gu Xi felt something was wrong at the first moment, and he immediately sent the Death Incarnation out, hoping that the Death Incarnation could drive out these balloons.

 But Gu Xi was still a step too late.

When the incarnation of death took off, thousands of large and small red balloons had already flown into the nodes controlled by Gu Xi and exploded continuously.

 At first, the balloons that exploded still had paper strips of various colors floating down, but as more and more balloons exploded, the paper strips turned into various powders, and the sky became colorful.

When the powder fell, Gu Xi found that his control over the undead army seemed to have weakened a lot.

This is a method used to cut off the connection between the nodes of the undead natural disaster circle.

Just when Gu Xi thought about this, he heard a whirring sound in the distance, and it seemed like a black thing flashed past him.

When this black thing flashed past, Gu Xi instinctively held his head and lowered his head.

But the next moment, Gu Xi heard another cry, and the black thing retreated again.

At this time, Gu Xi took the opportunity to see the situation of that thing clearly.

That was clearly a giant pirate ship with a length of more than 500 meters, and it was swinging back and forth at the node Gu Xi suppressed.

A pirate leader wearing a pirate captain's hat, a clown costume, a white baboon skin, iron hook hands and one leg was standing on the bow of the ship.

 Behind him are thousands of strange pirates with clown faces.

 It can be seen from their movements that they are ready to jump down and attack.

 (End of this chapter)

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