Breath of the Dead

Chapter 183: Invaded Playground (49149)

Chapter 183 The Invading Playground (49149)

 “Death incarnate.”

Seeing that those clown pirates were about to jump off the pirate ship, Gu Xi immediately ordered.

However, he immediately denied his opinion, "No, skeleton shooter, skeleton mage, when those guys jump down, they will attack with saturation."

Under Gu Xi’s order, the leader of the skeleton archers raised the bow in his hand and let all the skeleton archers watch him do it.

At the same time, the skeleton mage also raised his hands under Gu Xi's order and pointed at the sky.

At this time, the pirate ship reached the highest point at the rear. The clown captain on the bow stuck the iron hook on the bow of the ship, pointed at the position where Gu Xi was guarding, and shouted loudly.

As the power of the pirate ship reached its peak, they paused at the highest position, then roared and rushed towards the position guarded by Gu Xi.

This time the pirate ship obviously pressed down. Based on the angle and arc of the impact of the pirate ship, I believe that this time the bottom of the pirate ship was close to the battle flag on the gate tower of Guxi City.

  When rushing downwards, more than a thousand clown pirates were already ready to jump.

As the pirate ship entered the location where Gu Xi was guarding, they jumped down decisively.

At the moment they took off, the arrow in the hands of the leader of the skeleton archers shot out, and then all the skeleton archers locked on a clown pirate and shot an arrow at them.

 Following this rain of arrows was an attack from the Skeleton Mage.

 500 skeleton mages here issued their own spells at the same time.

The skeleton mages sent over by the mage leader are all basic existences. There are no masters among them who can use area magic, such as poison cloud.

 The only ones they can use are fireball, ice arrow, lightning bolt and poison gas bomb.

Gu Xi didn't care what they would use. In this case, Gu Xi just let them shoot into the sky.

The clown pirate who jumped down is the best target to attack.

When these clown pirates jumped down, although they used pirate scimitars to protect their bodies, they couldn't fly and had no way to change their direction in the air.

 All they could do was jump off the pirate ship when it reached its lowest point and rush into Gu Xi's suppression position as quickly as possible.

As for what they will encounter in the air after jumping, they no longer care so much.

  Anyway, these jumps are only about 50 meters high, and they will be there in a few seconds.

  But there are many clown pirates who cannot survive even these few seconds.

 When jumping off the pirate ship, the Skeleton Archer's arrows and the Skeleton Mage's various spells were less precise but covered the location where the pirates landed.

 At least 600 clown pirates were killed on the spot.

 When the remaining clown pirates landed on the ground, they were quickly surrounded by Gu Xi’s undead men.

 Due to weapons and training, these undead did not have the same tacit cooperation as the last batch of undead.

They could only cooperate on a small scale, especially the undead that had just been transformed from the corpse. They didn't even have weapons. When the clown pirate fell, they even pounced directly on the clown pirate, preparing to use their own bones or Teeth to attack the enemy.

At this time, Gu Xi had already reached the top of the city gate tower on the evil coffin station.

Gu Xi stared closely at the pirate ship rushing towards him and at the pirate leader at the bow. He understood that the clown pirate who jumped off the pirate ship was nothing at all. The real core was the pirate leader.

 There is only one chance to defeat him.

 “Bone spur!”

Looking at the pirate ship rushing to a position less than fifty meters in front of him, Gu Xi took action. A bone spur was released, hitting the pirate leader on the pirate ship head-on.

The pirate leader hooked an iron hook on the bow of the ship with his left hand, pulled out a scimitar with his right hand, and struck the bone spur with one strike.

Under the attack of the pirate leader, the bone spurs were turned into pieces on the spot.

Just when the pirate leader grinned and wanted to laugh at Gu Xi, he found that his right hand was frozen.

 The power of the ice was transmitted into his body along his arms.

 At the same time, Gu Xi shot out several more bone spurs.

 Faced with such an attack, the pirate leader could only make another choice.

Before hitting Gu Xi's city gate, the pirate ship moved upwards, and the bottom of the ship brushed against Gu Xi's battle flag.

The bone spurs Gu Xi shot all hit the bottom of the pirate ship, and none of them could hit the pirate leader.

 The pirate leader was very satisfied with this situation. He looked back at the clown pirates who started to appear on the ship again. He believed that if he came here a few more times, he would definitely capture this place.

 At that time, he can get further rewards in front of his master.

However, the pirate leader always felt that a powerful creature was staring at him from behind.

Could it be that the hard-to-deal with metal bone dragon took the opportunity to rush up?

 Didn’t you say that someone was specifically dealing with this bone dragon?

How could he still jump up and sabotage his own actions?

The pirate leader quickly turned around, but what he saw was not the incarnation of death, but a green pea vine that looked like a cannon.

 When Gu Xi shot out the bone spur, he took the opportunity to throw the pea shooter onto the boat.

Gu Xi only hoped that he could use this small means to delay the enemy first.

Even if you cannot kill the enemy, you cannot make the enemy comfortable.

But he never expected that the pea shooter he threw was just a seed at first, but it mutated directly on the pirate ship.

The huge peashooter locked onto the pirate leader like a cannon. Before the pirate leader could make any move, it launched a burst of cannon fire at him.

 Actually, Gu Xi was just lucky this time.

 The position where he threw the peashooter was the original position of the bow gun of the pirate ship.

This also has the blessing effect of the bow cannon, which increases the power and damage of the artillery by 50.

 This is actually not much for the artillery on the ship.

 But for Gu Xi’s original plan to hold off the enemy’s pea shooter, he didn’t know how much it had improved.

 The previous Peashooter only had an attack power of 5 and 30 rounds of ammunition, but now it has been increased tenfold.

 55 points of damage, 30 consecutive shots, and more than a thousand points of life can be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

 This is why the pirate leader felt that a powerful creature was staring at him.

But he had no chance to think. Just as the pirate leader was about to jump up, the pea shooter's muzzle moved, and pea bullets the size of a human head shot out, hitting the pirate leader with a loud bang and hitting him **** the pirate ship. on the deck.

Then thirty rounds of cannonballs poured out, beating the pirate leader to a living pulp.

 (End of this chapter)

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