Breath of the Dead

Chapter 188: Extreme battle (please subscribe)

 Chapter 188 Extreme Battle (please subscribe)


While the undead troops holding spears were fighting with half of the White Walker knights, the White Walker knights on the other side had also charged.

It's just that Gu Xi didn't arrange any troops here. He was only followed by the skeleton archer and the skeleton mage.

 Tendrils of the dead!

 Tendrils of the dead!


 When the White Walker Knight was about to charge, Gu Xi released ten tendrils of the dead in a row.

 Five roadblocks composed of tentacles and arms appeared in front of these White Walker knights.

  Such roadblocks made it impossible for the White Walker Knight to increase his speed at all.

As long as the White Walker Knight has no speed, the five hundred skeleton mages behind Gu Xi will have a place to use.

They didn't need Gu Xi's order to know what they were going to do. Waves of fireballs, ice arrows, lightning bolts, and poisonous gas bombs fell on the White Walker Knight.

Although the defense of the White Walker Knights is high, their magic resistance is really not that strong.

 They were fully fed by every wave of magic attacks.

The White Walker Knight who rushed at the front was blown up into the sky on the spot, not even able to withstand the first wave.

The White Walker knight behind also suffered moderate injuries.

In this case, these White Walker knights were angered, and the leader of the White Walker knights pointed the spear in his hand.

 “Charge hard!”

 After shouting this, all the White Walker knights had a layer of light like golden armor appearing on their bodies, and the defense line put up by Gu Xi was ineffective against them.

Their charging speed increased instantly, and they were about to hit Gu Xi.

At this moment, the incarnation of death that had been lying on the city gate turned into black mist and crashed into the team of White Walker Knights from the side.

 Because he did not bring the Crystal Storm, the power of the black mist of Death Incarnation was not too great.

 But his body is the best means of attack. This collision knocked down many of the White Walker Knights on the spot.

In this way, the charge that the White Walker Knights finally made was interrupted again.

 The Incarnation of Death did not stop there. Instead, he turned around and bit the leader of the White Walker Knights hard.

The leader of the White Walker Knights was still protected by the golden light. The Incarnation of Death's bite had little effect on him, but the Incarnation of Death dragged the leader of the White Walker Knights into the air.

Without the blessing of the boss, the other White Walker Knights returned to their original state.

Just at this moment, they were knocked to the ground again by the incarnation of death, so the skeleton mages quickly poured their attacks on these white ghost knights.

Although the skeleton mages' level composition is not high, their attack methods are really pure magic.

Each magic strike is very powerful, and magic can also be coordinated and combined with each other.

As this wave of attacks continued, another batch of White Walker Knights were beaten to death by the Skeleton Mage's magic.

Just when Gu Xi was about to control the situation, an accident happened on the opposite side of the pit.

A ghost swordsman with two heads, holding two long swords, one red and one blue, was cutting the ghosts around him quickly.

One of his faces is full of mechanical feeling, but it is painted with clown makeup, and the other face is rotten and painted with makeup.

His body is wrapped in white baboon skin, as if he has regarded the white baboon skin as his own armor.

At the same time, he held a long sword in each hand. The two long swords exuded the power of fire and ice respectively.

  No matter what kind of power it is, it can bring enough damage to the ghost. Several ghosts did not check for a while, and immediately said that they died at the hands of this ghost swordsman.

But the ghosts were not fools. They immediately dispersed and rushed towards the other ghosts.

 After all, there is not only one enemy. If you can't defeat him, can't you also deal with other White Walkers?

At this time, the two-headed ghost was also quite angry, but just as the ghost thought, he could kill a group of people by himself. That was because they were fighting around him. If the ghost ran away by himself and stopped playing with him, he would Only one ghost can be dealt with at a time.

The two-headed White Walkers cannot catch up with all the ghosts and kill them one by one.

 He can only chase after one ghost and kill the ghosts that attack other ghosts one by one.

He fought and fought from the main force of the White Walkers to the skirmishers.

At this time, Gu Xi's remaining undead troops had also bypassed the pit and rushed into the White Walkers' skirmishers.

 This time they were following the two leaders of the Bone-Zhanying Battalion.

 Each attack is quite crazy. They are different from the gun-wielding undead following the combat team 1. Their goal is simpler, they see the enemy and chop at the enemy.

 In the end, one of you, the enemy or yourself, will fall.

The White Walkers' skirmishing cooperation was not a tacit understanding. Faced with a head-on collision with the Bone Slayer Battalion as the core, the White Walkers' battlefield immediately became chaotic.

If it weren't for the fact that Gu Xi had many ordinary skeletons around level 2 under his command, perhaps this single attack would have taken away most of the enemies.

Even so, these undead and the White Walkers are equally matched.

 But then the two-headed white ghost rushed over.

As soon as the two skeleton leaders of the Bone-cutting Battalion saw such a presence, they immediately rushed forward with swords and broadswords in both hands.

  The sword struck the two heads of the two-headed ghost heavily with one sword after another.

The leader of the White Walkers was annoyed because he had not killed enough ghosts. When he saw someone rushing over to seek death, he started fighting with him with a sword in both hands.

 At this time, you can see the strength of this two-headed ghost.

This two-headed white ghost can fight two skeleton bosses alone, but he can easily deal with it. One of the two swords in his hands is open and closed, and the other is as fine as rain. The two different styles can perfectly cooperate with each other.

Most importantly, his level was much higher than the two skull bosses. In the battle with the two skull bosses, he became smoother and smoother, and became more and more excited as he fought.

 Without the command of the skull leader, the balance of the battle between the undead and the white ghost skirmishers was reversed again.

 The White Walker skirmishers slowly began to gain the upper hand.

At this time, Gu Xi also saw this situation. He looked back at Combat Team 1 and quickly ordered.

“Combat Team 1, ignore those knights and fight your way out.”

The reason why Gu Xi issued such an order was entirely because there were less than twenty White Walker knights left in Battle Team 1. With this number, Gu Xi could control the situation.

 On the contrary, the White Walker skirmishers now need manpower.

 Gu Xi also had to temporarily transfer Combat Team 1 over.

After giving this order, Gu Xi also raised the cold wind staff. Just as he was preparing to perform a wave of spiritualism, a buzzing sound came from the direction of the city gate.

 Gu Xi looked back with some surprise and found that fifteen gargoyles had brought a large swarm of insects like a dark cloud.

This is?

 (End of this chapter)

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