Breath of the Dead

Chapter 189: The arrival of reinforcements (please subscribe)

 Chapter 189 The Arrival of Reinforcements (Please subscribe)

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Looking at the swarm of insects brought by the gargoyles, an idea flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

But how did they fly here?

Before Gu Xi could figure out what was going on, the gargoyle led the swarm of insects towards the White Walkers not far away.

Only one gargoyle fell in front of Gu Xi and handed him a letter.

‘Comrade Gu, this is my own troop. I can’t use it at the core of the Undead Natural Disaster Array for the time being, so I will transfer it to you for use.

Although there are not many in number and the level is not high, they can help you to some extent.

 Hope you can support it at the node position.

come on! Live!

 Liu Kai! ’

 Looking at this letter, Gu Xi finally understood where the troops led by the gargoyles came from.

The mage leader could not squeeze out any other troops. The ones who followed the gargoyles were Liu Kai's personal troops.

At this moment, a voice came to Gu Xi’s ear.

  【䱱Get 100 swarms of corpse flies (level 5, temporary addition). 】

 【Corpse poison fly (level 5, temporary addition): attack 8, defense 4, life 23, skills: insect swarm state, weak and weak, flying troops. 】

 Gu Xi was also a little surprised by the newly emerged arms.

Gu Xi has heard of the undead in the insect swarm state, but he has never seen them.

 The corpse fly in front of me is the first one.

 Insect swarms are relatively small units that are almost invisible individually and have little lethality, so they are usually calculated in groups, with a group of about three to five hundred.

 As long as there is one alive, this insect swarm unit is not considered dead.

 The effect is similar to that of a vampire's bat.

 As long as one of them survives and has a corpse as a breeding ground, it can immediately regain its fighting strength by sucking some blood.

As for being weak, this is the ability of ordinary dragon flies. As the corpse poison flies with enhanced toxicity, they naturally have such abilities.

 On the contrary, it was the flying unit that made Gu Xi see the difference between the flying unit and the flying unit.

If ghosts can be considered flying troops, then the flying speed of ghosts is walking, the flying speed of gargoyles is running, and the flying speed of corpse flies is flying.

After being brought to the battlefield, they rushed directly towards the main force without waiting for Gu Xi's order.

These corpse flies quickly passed over the gargoyles and flew over the big pit. When they were close to the main force, they could disperse directly, **** the soldiers of the main force and run away.

The corpse fly's weakening effect took effect on the spot, and the main force of the White Walkers could only exert about 30% of its original combat effectiveness.

 This gave the ghosts who were fighting the main White Walker army an advantage.

Once the main force of the White Walkers was so weak, they naturally became stronger. Whether it was the ghosts with a relatively high level originally or the ghosts transformed later by the undead natural disaster circle, they immediately attacked the main force of the White Walkers.

 In just a blink of an eye, most of the main force of the White Walkers were killed or injured.

At this time, Gu Xi was also excited because of the arrival of reinforcements.

The troops, who were still a little nervous at first, suddenly became relaxed.

 Gu Xi gave up the idea of ​​using spiritualism to replenish his troops and immediately switched to another spell.

 “Storm of Bones!”

  The new bone storm fell on the White Walker Knight in front of him, and at the same time, the Skeleton Mage's attack also fell.

“Skeleton Archer, go back and deal with the remaining White Walker Knights over there, giving Combat Team 1 a chance to deal with enemy skirmishers. Gargoyles are preparing to attack, targeting the enemy’s main force.”

 As the Bone Storm was released, Gu Xi issued another order.

 It can be said that he sent out all the troops that could be fought out. Now in front of Gu Xi, there are only some troops of Combat Team 2 that focus on defense, and some zombies that are not moving fast.

At this time, the incarnation of death that had just dragged the leader of the White Walkers into the air also flicked his head. The leader of the White Walkers was thrown from the sky to the main force like a volleyball.

Then the incarnation of death turned into black mist and quickly rushed over there.

Seeing the Incarnation of Death rushing into the main battle force, the two-headed White Walker, who was holding down two skeleton leaders alone, also noticed the situation here, and he began to turn his attention to the Incarnation of Death.

 For the two-headed White Walkers, the incarnation of death is an existence that can be challenged.

 Fighting the two skeleton bosses in front of him was just a waste of his time.

So the two-headed ghost turned around and threw away the two skeleton bosses with the two swords in his hands. Then he jumped up and rushed towards the incarnation of death with a jump slash.

At this time, the incarnation of death had killed more than thirty White Walker swordsmen, and was about to fly again for another wave of impact. The two-headed White Walker struck him in the neck with a sword.

With these two sword strikes, the incarnation of death felt as if his neck was about to be cut off.

However, he immediately shrunk his body and flew into the air with the enemy.

Facing this situation, the two-headed ghost was not afraid. Instead, he opened his mouth and laughed wildly. It seemed to him that he was going to kill the big guy in front of him.

 Such a big bone dragon head is a good collection for him.

 He will write one in the leading position.

 So the two-headed ghost stepped on the neck of the incarnation of death and ran towards the dragon's head.

 As for the damage caused by the black mist, it is nothing to the two-headed white ghost.

 In his eyes, this incarnation of death is just a stage for him to express himself.

 Slay the dragon.

 This is a big achievement.

The two-headed white ghost was thinking as he ran towards the head of the incarnation of death.

 At this time, the incarnation of death also felt such a little guy running around.

 But he was not afraid. Instead, he rolled in the air, trying to throw the two-headed ghost down.

The two-headed white ghost had long known that the incarnation of death would come. When the incarnation of death was about to roll, he jumped up, just in time to avoid the moment when the incarnation of death threw him away.

Then the two-headed ghost raised his two swords and was about to pierce the eyes of the incarnation of death.

 But just as he was falling downwards, he found a gray light flashing in the eyes of the incarnation of death.

 Melt the light.

The incarnation of death's eyes glowed gray, and he struck at the two-headed ghost.

The two-headed White Walker did not expect that the incarnation of death had such an attack method. He had no way to dodge as he fell downwards, and could only keep waving the two swords in his hands, trying to block the effect of the melting light.

 But as soon as he waved, the body of the incarnation of death rushed forward, and its tail hit the two-headed white ghost heavily on the waist.

 Then the incarnation of death came down from above and once again released two rays of melting light.

This time the fusion light easily hit the two-headed White Walker who was unable to resist the attack from above.

 Under the attack of the melting light, the body of the two-headed white ghost quickly melted away.

 But Death Incarnate thought this was not enough and struck another blow at the two-headed White Walker.

 Under the four-layer melting light, this two-headed white ghost only had a mechanical head with clown makeup and two long swords falling to the ground. Apart from that, not even a body was left behind.

 (End of this chapter)

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