Breath of the Dead

Chapter 190: Desperate situation! The real main force of the White Walkers appears (52150)

Chapter 190 Desperate situation! The real main force of the White Walkers appears (52150)

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As the two-headed White Walker was killed, the battle situation in front of him began to tilt in the direction of Gu Xi.

The organized skeleton mages began to really show their power. After killing the remaining White Walker knights, they turned around and rushed forward along the road on the other side of the pit.

 Their movements are quite simple. When there are no enemies, they just keep moving forward.

If they find an enemy more than a hundred meters ahead, they will take the initiative to attack, and various spells will continue to fall.

No matter how powerful the White Walkers are, as long as they are not capable of long-range attacks, these spells can kill them all immediately.

 In just a few minutes, they had arrived at the left side of the main White Walker force.

 At this time, the main battle force of the White Walkers has only one-third of its original strength.

 But their fighting spirit was still good. When they saw Gu Xi rushing out from the left with the skeleton mage, their reaction was to take the initiative.

 Looking at the swordsmen among the enemies who were still trying to charge towards them with their shields raised, Gu Xi smiled.

 “Skeleton Mage, follow me, Bone Spur!”

 Gu Xi pointed forward with the cold wind staff, and the bone spur flew towards the White Walker swordsman at the front, followed by more than 500 rounds of various spells.

The White Walker swordsman and the nearly a hundred White Walkers behind him felt their eyes blurred as all kinds of magic missiles hit them from all directions.

  They were blown away on the spot while they were charging.

Not only were they sent flying a certain distance, the magic missiles also added various attributes to them.

 These nearly a hundred White Walkers didn't even need a second attack, they were gone.

At this time, the ghosts also came out from behind. The ghosts that were originally scattered due to the two-headed ghosts now reunited and began to surround the enemy by using their team's abilities.

 The ghosts have learned to be smart now. They say they are going to be surrounded and killed together.

  When hitting someone, four or five of them would work together. After the beating, they would quickly rise into the air to prevent the enemy from counterattacking.

With the flying ability of the ghosts, coupled with their innate characteristics, even if they don't have time to fly, they may not be harmed.

So the ghosts became more and more courageous as they fought, and their levels got higher and higher.

The main force of the White Walkers is not good. Except for the swordsman who also carries a shield, the other units are mainly attack-oriented. Their defense is not very strong. Often four or five ghosts can take away one with one blow. .

 And his attacks can't hit ghosts, and sometimes they hit his own people on the head.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Xi has now led the skeleton mage to fight here, the defeat of this main force of the White Walkers is already visible to the naked eye.

 At the other end of the battlefield, with the addition of Combat Team 1, the White Walker skirmishers finally understood what team fighting is.

Whether it is a spear or a spear, the main purpose of the undead brought by Combat Team 1 is called a mechanical combat.

 No matter what the situation of the enemy in front is, it is a set of actions of advancing forward and stabbing.

Although this action is simple, the effect is really good. At first, the White Walker skirmishers thought they were coming from a unit like the Bone Slayer Battalion. They also wanted to drag the undead of Combat Team 1 into the melee.

 As a result, the entire battlefield was directly controlled by them.

 The sound of them advancing, thrusting out their spears, and sheathing their guns was heard on the battlefield.

Seeing that these White Walkers were about to be cleared away, there was a sound of the ground shaking from a distance.

Gu Xi, who was directing the Skeleton Mage to fight, was startled and looked up in the direction of the sound.

 There won’t be another group of enemies coming at this time.

 Farewell, he really doesn’t have many troops left.

However, Gu Xizhen did not expect that the node he was guarding now was the only node that had not been occupied by the White Walkers. The other nodes had already fallen into the hands of the White Walkers. The leader of the White Walkers only needs to pay attention to this place, so he can seize the key position of the undead natural disaster array and backhand the undead natural disaster ritual.

 At this time, the leader of the White Walkers will not consider issues such as whether there are enough troops or not.

 If you can't take it in one wave, then try another wave. If it doesn't work, add more troops.

 So this time, before the previous batch of White Walker troops were completely defeated, new troops rushed over.

This time more troops came than last time.

Last time, only 300 White Walker knights came over. This time, 900 White Walker knights were dragged over.

However, he was obviously divided into three groups, and his costume was no longer the clown face before, but with various characteristics.

 Behind the three White Walker Knights, there were tens of thousands of White Walkers.

This time there are no skirmishers, they are all the main force.

 Even among the White Walkers this time, a giant White Walker with a height of more than five meters appeared.

It’s just that this time it’s no longer a White Walker leader, but a group of such White Walker troops.

Judging from where they are standing now, they are the main force in the White Walkers this time.

At the same time, a group of flying troops like little demons also flew in the White Walkers' army. It seems that the White Walkers really used everything they had this time.

  Seeing such a White Walker troop appear, a trace of solemnity flashed in Gu Xi's eyes.

 It seems that there is no hope for this battle.

I don’t know if someone who died in the undead natural disaster circle can help me transform into a better corpse witch or lich.

With this self-deprecating thought, Gu Xi took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to pull out the cold wind staff, and pointed at the battlefield in front of him.

 “Spiritualism! Get up!”

At the same time, the incarnation of death in the sky disappeared. Go back and install all the skills.

  【You successfully used spiritualism and got a zombie (level 0) with 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

  【You failed to use spiritualism and gained 1 spiritualism experience point. 】

 【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】


 Under Gu Xi’s spiritualism, a large number of undead souls climbed up from the corpses.

This time because of the effect of the Bone Bracelet, the success rate of the spiritualism this time is obviously much higher.

 The number of zombies standing up at the same time also exceeds the number of skeleton soldiers.

When the undead stood up, Gu Xi quickly ordered.

“Pick up the spears and spears on the ground. Battle Team 1 will come over and teach them how to use spears in preparation for the final battle.”

While Gu Xi was doing this, the White Walkers' troops were already very close. The three White Walker knights had begun to control their horses at a trot, preparing for the final accelerated charge.

This time, there is no big hole blown up between the White Walker Knights and Gu Xi, which can stop these White Walker Knights.

Facing the White Walker knight who was about to charge, Gu Xi raised the Cold Wind Staff.

 “Death incarnate!”

 (End of this chapter)

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