Breath of the Dead

Chapter 191: Last ditch effort (53150)

 Chapter 191 The Last Fight (53150)

Under Gu Xi's command, Death Incarnate took the initiative to rush towards the White Walker Knight who had not yet charged up, bringing the black mist with him.

This time the incarnation of death didn't care about anything else. Under Gu Xi's order, he really put everything on his body.

 As a result, his flying speed will naturally be much slower, but his combat effectiveness will be increased to the highest level.

  The restored Death Dragon Breath and Fusion Light are also ready.

 While flying, the black mist also carried a storm of crystal dust.

If there are only one or two thousand White Walkers, such incarnations of death can be destroyed in a short time.

 But he faced nearly a thousand White Walker knights and tens of thousands of White Walker troops.

Gu Xi didn't even have enough confidence. After drinking the magic potion in one gulp, Gu Xi quickly calculated his magic power in his mind.

 He needs the incarnation of death to buy him time, and use this time to summon another group of undead souls to make up for the gap in military strength.

 When the Death Incarnation dies in battle, he can summon another Death Incarnation.

But this was the last sign of Gu Xi’s stubbornness.

The magic potion he just drank was his last magic potion.

 There is one more chance to summon the incarnation of death.

 When he is summoned again, it is when the incarnation of death protects him and retreats to the city of Alidovi through the city gate.

At this moment, seven or eight hundred White Walkers flew out of the army. They were only children in height and looked like gray-skinned goblins. They had wings like flies on their backs.

 After flying out from the team of white ghosts, he pounced on the incarnation of death.

 The Incarnation of Death ignored them at all, turned around in the air, and rushed towards the White Walker Knight.

 When he got close to the White Walker Knight, the incarnation of death opened his mouth, and the green beam of light swept out.

 At the same time, the effect of melting light also flashed in his eyes.

Through the blessing of the melting light, the power and duration of the Death Dragon's Breath have been significantly enhanced.

Especially when the Death Dragon's Breath was released for the first time, all the White Walker Knights in the area swept away were killed by the Death Dragon's Breath.

It's just that the White Walker Knights all have brains, and they won't stop where they are and let Gu Xi fight in vain.

 When the death dragon's breath was released, they dispersed quickly and began to take a detour.

 Their method is very useful, because as long as the White Walker Knights are scattered, the Death Dragon Breath cannot kill a sufficient number of White Walker Knights at once.

 And the Death Dragon's Breath can only be used once, and the time is not long. As long as you can get out of the way, those companions who are sprayed to death by the Death Dragon's Breath don't matter.

 When the death dragon's breath is gone, the next step will be their battlefield. What they have to do now is how to survive.

At this time, the flying troops from the White Walkers also flew to the incarnation of death.

They have only one goal, and that is to attract the attention of the incarnation of death.

As long as they can divert the attention of the Incarnation of Death and give the White Walkers below a chance to take action, that's enough.

As soon as these flying white ghosts flew in front of the incarnation of death, they flew towards the body of the incarnation of death.

At this time, in order to deal with the White Walker knights below, the Death Incarnation slowed down its flight speed and the black fog partially closed up. Only then did these flying White Walkers take the opportunity to pounce on the Death Incarnation.

 At the same time, some flying white ghosts even flew in front of the incarnation of death, thinking about attracting the target of the incarnation of death. But the incarnation of death also understands what his goal is this time.

 After being pounced on by the flying white ghost, he did not attack the flying white ghost. Instead, he kept twisting his head and sprayed the last few seconds of the death dragon's breath onto the white ghost knight.

Just like that, he killed more than twenty other ghost knights.

 After using up the Death Dragon Breath, the Incarnation of Death opened its wings, and the black mist rolled out with a storm of crystal dust. The Incarnation of Death turned into a black tornado and crashed into the White Walkers in the distance.

Those flying white ghosts that jumped on the Death Incarnation were mostly killed or injured by the crystal storm, but the rest attacked the Death Incarnation relentlessly, as if their attacks could bring no amount of damage to the Death Incarnation.

The Incarnation of Death ignored these flying White Walkers at all. The location where the Incarnation of Death was impacting was the one he discovered just now when he attacked the White Walker Knights.

 There were actually several battle flags flying at that location.

 That is clearly where the commanders of several main forces are located.

As long as we can get there, I believe we can kill one or two White Walker leaders, and then the pressure on Gu Xi will be less.

Just as the incarnation of death rushed over, Gu Xi also encountered some situations.

 Because the main force of the White Walkers arrived, the remnants of the last wave of White Walkers actually rose up to resist.

They attacked the undead that Gu Xi had newly summoned, taking advantage of the opportunity of these undead's habitat level being 0 to undermine Gu Xi's previous efforts.

 Gu Xi also wants Combat Team 1 to temporarily train these undead.

 Looking at it now, it seems that there is no such opportunity.

Just by turning his head, most of the undead souls he had just summoned were killed or injured.

The remaining undead troops were not affected at all, but in terms of strength, compared with the army of white ghosts rushing in front of them, they were really far behind.

At this moment, Gu Xi noticed a huge balloon appearing at the end of the sky.

That balloon is made up of countless small red, green and white balloons.

From a distance, it looks like the face of a clown. A clown who has changed his white baboon skin into a formal suit is hanging at the bottom of the balloon.

 While being hung up, the clown was still laughing.

“It’s useless, it’s really useless. There are so many troops and we have fought so many rounds, but we haven’t even defeated a single node. You are all a bunch of waste.

 What is your brain used for?

 If you don’t want it, just give it to me and I can put it in my balloon. "

 Gu Xi did not hear what the clown said. He just felt that after the clown appeared, he felt a chill all over his body.

 Gu Xi had a feeling that the clown in front of him was a leader, and he was super powerful. He was the commander-in-chief of this White Walker operation.

If he can be killed, then Gu Xi still has a chance of winning this time.

When Gu Xi had this thought, the incarnation of death also sensed Gu Xi's thoughts. The incarnation of death, which was about to rush in front of the leader of the White Walkers, turned around in the air and flew towards the balloon hanging the clown.

 But when the clown saw the incarnation of death flying towards him, instead of being surprised, he started laughing.

 He ​​just stretched out his hand, and the eyes of the Death Incarnation that could use the melting light turned into two red balloons.

And a voice also sounded in Gu Xi's ears.

  【The incarnation of death was affected by an irresistible external force, and the Eye of Melting Light was temporarily banned! The ban lasts for 5 days! 】

 (End of this chapter)

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