Breath of the Dead

Chapter 192: reverse! Big avalanche (please subscribe)

Chapter 192 Reversal! Big avalanche (please subscribe)


Seeing this situation, Gu Xi finally felt what it means to have a leaky house and it rained all night, which cut off his last retreat.

 At this time, the clown pointed at the incarnation of death again.

The black mist that originally enveloped the death incarnation turned into pink bubbles.

  【Death Incarnation was affected by an irresistible external force, and the Crystal Storm and Black Mist were temporarily banned! The ban lasts for 5 days! 】

 This is the second time.

 Gu Xi is really stupid if he doesn’t understand the clown’s strength at this time.


Gu Xi decisively pointed towards the incarnation of death, and the incarnation of death exploded on the spot.

Although two skills have been blocked, Death Incarnation's own abilities are still there and its vitality is quite strong.

This self-destruction, the shock wave hit the clown with bones like steel.

Although the clown turns all the bones flying towards him into balloons, the range he can control is still a little small.

 Many balloons were blown up in the explosion, and the remaining balloons were unable to hang the clown and let him fall downwards.

This made the clown quite dissatisfied. He pointed in the direction of Gu Xi and said loudly: "Kill him, I will peel off his skin and make it into a balloon."

Amid the clown’s frantic screams, all the White Walkers began to rush forward.

 The White Walker knights at the front of the White Walker team had already launched a charge at this time.

One of the three White Walker Knights can actually turn into white mist, making their location invisible.

Following this team of White Walker knights is a team of White Walker knights made of pure steel. The weapons in their hands are much larger than others.

The last team of White Walker knights rode skeleton horses with flames on them. Their armor was not the strongest, but they were the fastest.

 They were still at the end when they started, and after they had rushed out a certain distance, they had already broken out of the mist formed by the first group of White Walker knights.

“Raise your spear, Combat Team 2 is ready to fight. Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Mage move forward to cover the target and shoot! How many more gargoyles and corpse flies are there? Let’s call...”

 Gu Xi was quickly arranging his troops, and suddenly he found that the White Walker knight who was charging forward had slowed down, as if he had seen something terrible.

At the same time, Gu Xi felt a cold air coming from behind. The cold air was colder than the cold wind blowing when Gu Xi was lying on the evil coffin and running across the ice field.

Gu Xi turned his head slightly, and he was surprised to find that a huge iceberg appeared in the sky above the undead natural disaster formation.

 The cold air comes from this iceberg.

When the iceberg rose, it got bigger and bigger. When Gu Xi turned around, the iceberg was still at the core of the Undead Natural Disaster Array. In just a blink of an eye, the iceberg had enveloped the entire Undead Natural Disaster Array. .

 Gu Xi, who had learned the layout of the Undead Natural Disaster Array, immediately understood what he had encountered.

 “Withdraw the magic circle!”

Gu Xi roared and threw himself on the evil coffin. Before he could sit down, the evil coffin began to run back. As for Gu Xi's men, they also tried their best to rush towards the direction of the undead natural disaster circle. They didn't even think about it. Be aware of the White Walkers around you.

The change in front of me is one of the last moves of the Undead Natural Disaster Array.

 Large avalanche.

This is one of the most powerful techniques of the Undead Natural Disaster Array. It will turn all enemies in the Undead Natural Disaster Array into ice sculptures. At the same time, the cold air will spread to a range of five hundred miles outside the Undead Natural Disaster Array.

 Everything within the scope of the spread of cold air will be frozen.    Including players and necromancers.

  It can be said that as part of the undead natural disaster circle, if you are in the circle, you still have a chance to survive a big avalanche.

If you are outside the undead natural disaster circle, sorry, you must escape to five hundred miles away as soon as possible, otherwise you will not survive even if you are a god.

It is precisely because of understanding this that Gu Xi will flee in the direction of the Undead Natural Disaster Array regardless.

He didn’t want to fight for so long and be buried by a big avalanche at the last moment.

 As for the undead men under him, as many as they can escape are allowed. If they cannot escape, there is nothing they can do.

While Gu Xi was escaping, the clown behind the White Walkers also saw the iceberg appearing in the sky. The clown twisted his face and pointed at the center of the iceberg.

 Then he snorted heavily.

  The balloons that hung him up were quickly tied into a red and white arch. The clown, who smoothed his hair, turned around and walked into the arch.

 After the clown left, the nearby White Walkers realized what they were doing. They looked at each other and began to flee in all directions.

 Some of the ghosts went straight to the undead scourge circle, while others fled the way they came.

 But no matter what they chose, they had no intention of fighting another battle with Gu Xi's undead men.

 They didn't even look at the undead.

 Concentrate only on your own escape.

It's just that everyone's reaction was a step slower. Gu Xi used the speed of the evil coffin to rush into the undead natural disaster circle at the last moment.

 But his men did not have such good luck, except for the ghosts, skeleton mages, gargoyles and corpse flies, most of them escaped to safe places.

Only a part of the skeleton soldiers followed in, and the remaining skeleton soldiers and slow-moving zombies were all thrown outside the undead natural disaster circle.

Just a few seconds after Gu Xi entered the undead natural disaster circle, the huge iceberg in the sky began to break from the bottom.

Tons of snow crashed into the Undead Natural Disaster Array, and the cold air spread outward with the Undead Natural Disaster Array as the center.

As long as they do not enter the scope of the undead natural disaster circle, whether they are undead or white ghosts, all of them will quickly turn into ice sculptures.

Even in the undead natural disaster circle, Gu Xi's situation was not comfortable. He had to hug the quilt and huddle under the platform where the tokens were placed to resist the cold wind outside.

As for the undead troops who escaped, Gu Xi has no time to care about them now.

Gu Xi, who was hiding under the city gate, just watched the large clumps of snow falling down continuously, and the two ends of the city gate were blocked in two or two strokes.

If it weren't for the token still emitting white light, Gu Xi would have felt like he was distracted in class and heard the wrong information.

 This avalanche lasted for nearly fifteen minutes.

 It wasn’t until the token slowly dimmed that Gu Xi realized that this time the battle was over.

It's just that Gu Xi discovered a problem. He was buried under the snow. What should he do next?

At this moment, the voice of the mage leader came from the darkening token.

His voice sounded a little tired at this time, but his tone was quite excited.

“Comrades, we have won. We have defended the passage of the world. Although we have lost many comrades in this battle, victory belongs to us.

 It belongs to our Chaoyang Guild!

 Now, please all comrades reach out and hold the tokens in front of you. As heroes, we have to go back! "

 (End of this chapter)

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