Breath of the Dead

Chapter 193: Exit the battlefield (please subscribe)

Chapter 193: Exiting the battlefield (please subscribe)

Gu Xi stretched out his hand and pressed it on the token. In the next moment, Gu Xi felt a strong pulling force pulling him upward.

Then Gu Xi felt like he was stuffed into a washing machine. His body was constantly being stirred and wrung out, and a large amount of water was poured into it.

With this effect, Gu Xi's body was almost torn apart. When everything stopped, Gu Xi found himself lying on the ground. There was no pain in his whole body, and he couldn't stand up.

 “There’s another one here, rescue him quickly.”

Before Gu Xi could raise his head to see clearly what was going on around him, a voice rang in his ears.

Several people quickly gathered around, turned Gu Xi over simply and roughly, and stuffed a bottle of potion into his mouth.

This potion was fishy, ​​bitter, and unpleasant to drink. Gu Xi almost vomited out what he had eaten a few days ago.

He quickly sat up, took out the bottle from his mouth, and was about to spit out a few mouthfuls, but found that the injuries on his body seemed to be almost healed.

 Mana, life and stamina have all been fully restored.

 Looking carefully at the purple liquid in the bottle, Gu Xi asked hesitantly.

“Is this a full recovery potion?”

 “Good eyesight, but it’s just a defective product. It tastes really bad.”

As soon as Gu Xi finished his rant, someone immediately responded.

 Gu Xi turned around and found a pale necromancer player sitting next to him.

“Comrade, where are you guarding?”

Seeing Gu Xi looking over, the player asked in a familiar manner.

 “Peripheral node.”

Having guarded that position for so long, most of the White Walker troops attacked from in front of him. How could Gu Xi not know where he was guarding.

 “Ah, peripheral node?”

This player shouted loudly when he heard it, "Oh my God, didn't it mean that all the peripheral nodes were destroyed?"

“We’ve always been keeping an eye on what’s going on.”

At this time, another Necromancer player came over with his staff at the other end.

"Don't think of us as dead people. We were just beaten a little badly, but we are still alive."

“That’s who announced that we are all dead.”

“That’s right, we are still alive, don’t even think about running away with any reward.”

 While talking, several more players gathered around.

As soon as he heard their words, Gu Xi understood that these, like him, were players guarding the outer nodes of the undead natural disaster circle.

Although the nodes fell into the hands of the White Walkers in the last wave, these undead actually risked their own lives.

The troops of the undead natural disaster array, the continuous sources of the ghosts, can be dragged to the end, really do their best.

Even players like Gu Xi almost thought they were doomed.

 At any rate, Gu Xi now understands the attitude of these players.

 He stood up with a smile and walked to the players, "Brothers, my name is Gu Xi, and I guard the peripheral nodes."

"Hello, it looks like you have exhausted all your troops, right?"

“Are you on the front line yourself? Me too, and I’m not afraid to tell you that I originally wanted to be a death knight, but I wasn’t talented enough, but I was very interested in melee combat.

 Do you know how we necromancers can bypass the restrictions of death knights and form a knighthood of our own? "

 “How to get around it?”

 Gu Xi became curious upon hearing this.

"Don't listen to him. It's just his own imagination. For this reason, he doesn't even deal with his own talent. He obviously has a strength of more than level 5, but he is messing around here." Yes, I have been researching for a long time, and I found that this is really possible.

 Listen to it! "

Several players also laughed after hearing this.

 Slowly, Gu Xi discovered that there were more and more players like this around him, and their voices were getting louder and louder.

 Gu Xi also understood this situation. The players who were assigned to the outer nodes of the undead natural disaster circle were unconsciously grouping together.

This is because he is afraid that his achievements will be wiped out, and he also wants to fight for the lives of his comrades who died fighting together.

 “You are all here.”

Just as the players gathered together, the mage leader also walked out from not far away.

Gu Xi noticed that the leader of the mage looked quite weak at this time, as if he would fall down at any time if he was shaken for one or two more times.

However, he still managed to get here. The mage leader knew very well that no matter what kind of troops it was, rewards must be distributed as soon as possible.

  The leaders who held off on giving out rewards are now buried in the ground.

When he arrived among the players, the mage leader saw more than thirty players gathered together at first sight.

 These are players who survived from peripheral nodes.

Although the connection with these nodes had been interrupted at that time, the mage leader still knew very well that all players were working hard.

Without their sacrifices, this undead natural disaster ritual would not have been so easy to complete.

Now that these players have survived, no matter how hard and tired the necromancers at the core are, they can't compare to these people who risk their lives.

The mage leader came here immediately. He held the hands of the players one by one, thanked the players for their contribution in the battle this time, and then took out the prepared rewards from behind and handed them to the corresponding players. in hands.

  It can be seen from the players’ expressions that they are very satisfied with this reward.

Soon the leader of the mage walked up to Gu Xi, and before Gu Xi could speak, he took Gu Xi's hand.

“Comrade Gu, this time you are facing the most dangerous enemy in the entire Undead Natural Disaster Array. If you can defend it, it can be said that you have put in all your strength.

 No need to talk about it, I know what to do.

 This is the reward promised to you before. With this delivery note, you can pick up the remaining twenty architectural design drawings.

 In addition, we will also find ways to make up for your losses in this battle.

 All the surviving undead in your guarded position during this battle will be added to your team.

This is the undead transfer horn. They are still buried under the ice and snow of the undead natural disaster circle. As long as you blow the horn, they will appear in front of you.

In addition, this is an extra reward for you. These are various resources required for building construction. The quantity is not very large, but it just shows a little bit of our thoughts.

 When you go to get the architectural design drawings, you can pick them up on the way.

Furthermore, this is the undead disaster ritual badge, which means that you have participated in an undead disaster ritual and have contributed greatly as the main player in the ritual.

 You can draw this on your battle flag to prove your bravery. "

Looking at what the mage leader sent to him, Gu Xi couldn't help but admire the mage leader's style of doing things, which was comprehensive.

 Among the rewards he gave out, he gave everything the players wanted, including what he promised at the beginning, compensation later, physical rewards, glory and praise.

 Once such a reward is given out, no matter how picky or dissatisfied the players are, they won’t be able to say anything.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi glanced at the mage leader, stretched out his hand to take the thing that was brought to him, and said softly.

 “Thank you!”

 (End of this chapter)

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