Breath of the Dead

Chapter 194: Award list (54150)

Chapter 194 Reward List (54150)

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 While the mage leader was talking to the next player, Gu Xi opened the folder that had just been delivered to him.

The first page of the folder shows a collapsed glacier and snow mountain. This is exactly the scene of the avalanche at the end of the Undead Disaster Ritual.

There is also a long red sword painted among the icebergs, with a number pressed behind the sword.


This means that Gu Xi killed a total of nineteen powerful enemies in this undead natural disaster array battle.

Looking at this number, Gu Xi also counted it seriously. The leader of the White Walkers must be considered a powerful enemy.

In this way, from the red-skinned abomination at the beginning, to the combination of fierce generals, commanders and mages, to the eight or nine White Walker leaders who rushed over together, and finally to the clown captain of the pirate ship, the bombed castle, and the White Walkers. The main army of ghosts.

Adaling this all together, whether Gu Xi remembered or not, there were really nineteen powerful enemies.

If the incarnation of death hadn't turned around to attack the clown in the end, instead of fighting the leader of the White Walkers gathered together, this number might have been even higher.

Of course, Gu Xi also saw a message written under the pattern. It turned out that the pattern was not just for looking good. As long as the pattern was added to the player's battle flag, it would provide corresponding attributes.

Even though Gu Xi is not the main force in this kind of battle, and although Chaoyang Guild is not as good as the Wind of Bones Academy, they are the group of people who are closest to the players, especially the necromancers.

 They know very well what attributes a necromancer needs.

  【Undead Scourge Battle Kill Mark (green): The glory mark can be added to the battle flag. After being painted on the battle flag, the vitality of all undead troops under your command will be +6. 】

Just by looking at it, Gu Xi knew that every time he killed three White Walker bosses, he could add 1 point of vitality to his undead army.

This number is considered the best reward that Chaoyang Guild can offer.

It is also a good choice for novice necromancers like Gu Xi. After all, the basic level 0 skeleton has a life of about 10 to 12 points, and each subsequent level increases the life by 1.

 When this mark is added to Gu Xi's battle flag, it is equivalent to raising the skeletons under him by 6 levels.

 This is already a pretty good reward.

Of course it would be better if you can give an attack +6, then Gu Xi will definitely increase the number of skeleton soldiers crazily and pile up his own skeleton army first.

 After turning the first page, I saw two bills of lading.

 The first one was naturally the twenty small and medium-sized architectural designs that the mage leader promised Gu Xi before going to war.

 Gu Xi can take this bill of lading to Warehouse No. 9 in Sanxian Garden to pick up the goods.

There is no time limit, as long as Gu Xi comes there with this bill of lading.

But what’s interesting here is that at the back of this bill of lading it is written that if Gu Xi dies in this battle, the Chaoyang Guild will be obliged to transform Gu Xi into a corpse witch or a lich, so that Gu Xi can Become an undead player.

 As for what it will transform into, it depends on Gu Xi’s talent and luck.

 Based on Gu Xi’s current level, the possibility of transforming into a corpse witch will be higher.

Gu Xi was speechless about the information written on the back of the bill of lading, but he also understood that this was the Chaoyang Guild's final guarantee to the players. Without this, his death might have been in vain. No one knows where the rewards that should have been yours will go.

 In this regard, the mage leader has done quite well.

 The second picture showed the various resources awarded to Gu Xi by the mage leader. It was said that they were for Gu Xi to build new buildings. But Gu Xi looked at the numbers on the bill of lading and understood that this was a compensation for him. A total of 50,000 negative energy, 500 units of food, 500 units of herbs, 100 units of stone, 100 units of wood, and 100 units of metal were given to Gu Xi.

 In addition, 20 units each of sulfur, gems and crystals, and more mercury, giving a total of 30 units.

 In addition, there are 2 units each of Dragon Steel and Dragon Blood Crystal.

This thing is considered a specialty here in Sanxian Garden and is not available in other places.

Looking at these resources, Gu Xi believed that even if he included all the twenty small and medium-sized buildings that he had not yet obtained, it would be enough.

 Even the upgrade of core buildings will not lack corresponding resources.

Think about it before entering this world this time. In order to build a keel laboratory, Gu Xi specially exchanged ten units of mercury and waited for several days in order to accumulate enough negative energy.

 In the end, we had to rely on selling a large number of gold coins to get enough resources.

 Now that he has these resources, Gu Xi does not have to worry about the short-term construction of Alidovi City.

 Seeing this page, all Gu Xi's thoughts about the mage leader disappeared.

No matter what, he accepted the money to buy his life.

  After turning over this page, whatever injustice there may have been has been removed.

 The following is the detailed information of the undead army.

These undead troops were all troops who followed Gu Xi in this battle.

Of course, because Gu Xi likes to fight outside the Undead Natural Disaster Array, many undead troops were left outside the Undead Natural Disaster Array. They were all frozen by the cold and could no longer be used.

The only troops that can be settled here by Gu Xi are the troops that can rush back to the control area of ​​the Undead Natural Disaster Array at that time.

 This is the data list of the undead.

Gu Xi took one look and knew what happened after he jumped onto the evil coffin.

After he hung on the evil coffin, the undead troops he brought out also rushed back with all their strength.

 But not many can be rushed back.

  Because of their slow movement speed, none of the zombies were able to come back.

 The battle team 1 that had reached the farthest point was completely wiped out. The skeleton leader whose level had been upgraded to level 4 was gone, and the equipment used on him was gone.

 At the beginning, the combat team 2 that protected Gu Xi returned with less than 5 skeleton soldiers, but the skeleton leader was still there, so this combat team was not wiped out.

Since the skeleton shooter was still a little far away from the battlefield, he retreated quickly enough and retreated more than half of the way.

The Bone-cutting Battalion was severely damaged in the previous battle. When Combat Team 1 took over the battle, it had already begun to retreat. This gave them an opportunity. The remaining Bone-cutting Battalion soldiers and the two leaders escaped at the last moment. Within the control range of the Undead Natural Disaster Array.

In addition, most of the troops that can fly or move relatively fast, such as ghosts, skeleton mages, corpse flies and gargoyles, have escaped back.

 This ensured that Gu Xi still had some troops.

However, as Gu Xi looked at it, he found that there were two more troops at the bottom of the page, and there was a text description next to each troop.

 (End of this chapter)

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