Breath of the Dead

Chapter 195: Rewarded Troops and Mission Ending (55150)

  Chapter 195 Rewarded Troops and Mission Ending (55150)

  ‘Reward for discovering the important news that the pedestal has been changed! ’

 ‘Reward for not allowing the enemy to invade peripheral nodes! ’

Looking at these two lines of text, and then at the troops who were rewarded, Gu Xi understood that this was actually the consideration of the mage leader.

As the leader of the undead natural disaster circle, how could the mage leader not know how fierce the battle outside the circle was.

It can be said that every one of the surviving necromancers has definitely used all his troops.

The troops left behind in the undead natural disaster circle are all a joke, just to give the players a thought.

 The real reward is the two units at the back.

Of course, because Gu Xi's record is so gorgeous, other players only killed three or five enemy bosses, the highest number was only eight, and the lowest number probably killed one enemy boss.

 As a result, Gu Xi directly killed 19 boss-level White Walkers.

 The most important thing is that most of the White Walkers have not even touched the edge of the undead natural disaster circle.

 Under such a record, Gu Xi's rewards will naturally be more generous.

 All this can be seen from the undead troops sent up.

A zombie army of 1,000 people, all zombies have reached level 4. They are not the kind of zombie spearmen that Gu Xi imagined, nor are they ordinary blue-skinned zombies with kitchen knives, but a kind of zombie ax shield. soldiers.

[Zombie Ax Shield Soldier (level 4, summoned troops): experience (0/750) attack 4+4 (battle axe), defense 6+4 (heavy shield), life 65, skills undead creature, shield wall, damage reduction ( Immune to 1 enemy attack). 】

The other one is a skeleton troop of 2,000 people. The same level has reached level 4. The situation of the skeleton soldiers given this time makes Gu Xi more satisfied. All 2,000 people are skeleton spearmen. Although all of them were wiped out with Gu Xi. Combat Squad 1 can't compare, but it's enough to handle some battles.

  【Skeleton soldier (level 4, summoned object): experience (0/750) attack 3+3 (fine iron spear), defense 2, life 20, skills undead creature, thrust, synchronized attack. 】

Of course this is only the superficial situation. If there are only three thousand undead, it is nothing to Gu Xi.

After all, when Gu Xi was guarding the undead natural disaster formation node, he had three thousand undead troops at his disposal.

Coupled with Gu Xi's own troops and the troops transformed from killing the White Walkers, Gu Xi's maximum number of troops even reached five or six thousand.

Three thousand people are far from the total amount of this reward.

The real reward is that among these three thousand people, there are six undead leaders, two zombie ax shields, and four skeleton spearmen.

They are the last bit of goodwill from the mage leader. Although it is not much, it is definitely enough to lead these three thousand people into battle.

Looking at the two undead troops, Gu Xi sighed and did not think about boring things like how many troops he would have if he brought all the undead troops back to the undead natural disaster formation.

At this time, he put away the folder in his hand and turned to look at the mage leader beside him.

 At this time, the mage leader has already appeased the players involved in the battle ahead.

As for the players behind the undead natural disaster circle, they had already retreated here before the big avalanche and had already received their rewards.

Now taking the opportunity of everyone looking at him, the mage leader also clapped his hands heavily.

“Comrades, everyone has worked hard in this battle.

But everyone’s efforts were not in vain.

 We have cut off the way for the White Walkers to invade.

 And defeated the leader of the White Walkers who wanted to invade our CC80 world.

 This is a great victory, and it will be recorded on each of your records.

No matter where you go in the future, you can proudly say that we saved a world. "

"save the world!"

“We are the saviors!” “Luck and merit come from heaven!”

 “I am the protagonist!”

 Hearing the words of the mage leader, the players all shouted.

 Normally, they all know that their potential is not high and their talents are not high, so they all act as the background of the guild.

 Finally having such an opportunity, they naturally wanted to vent their emotions.

Looking at the players who were screaming strangely, the mage leader not only did not stop them, but instead looked at them and laughed.

 After these players called out and made a fuss, the mage leader said.

“This time the White Walkers’ invasion of the world has come to an end.

Comrades who came to support you can come to me now to get the task list and exit the CC80 game world.

 Players who were originally stationed in the CC80 game world can each get a month's leave. Everyone can take leave in batches to relax or go to other worlds.

At the same time, for players stationed in this world, the monthly payment will be doubled for one year.

 If there are applications for promotion or job transfer, all applications will be processed with priority within one year. "

 After saying this, all the players were stunned for a moment, and then they all screamed happily.


 “It’s a holiday!”

 “Get developed, get rich!”

 “I’m going to visit a brothel for a month!”


 The mage leader waited until everyone had laughed enough before he spoke again.

"This time, the undead natural disaster array in our Sanxian Garden has played the greatest role. I heard that this time, Jifrog Sea was almost hit to the core of the undead natural disaster array, and Death God Xuefeng also had to advance The ultimate move of activating the undead natural disaster circle failed to achieve the ultimate goal.

  It can be said that this time our Sanxian Garden has made a big appearance.

 Not to mention anything else, even when I go out and talk to the mage leaders in Jifrog Sea and Death Snow Peak, I can speak twice loudly.

 This is the face you gave me.

I can't let you work in vain. Don't say anything else. This is a reward I personally paid for you. Everyone has it, one by one. Don't be polite. "

 After speaking, the mage leader opened a box next to him, which contained many earth-yellow eggs the size of fists.

Gu Xi glanced at the mage leader curiously, only to see him happily handing out such eggs to all the players.

 Most of the players who received the offer happily accepted it.

This surprised Gu Xi. He pulled the clothes of a player next to him and asked.

“Comrade, what is this?”

“Oh, this is a skin. Are you a newbie? You have never used skins before?

This is normal. If you stay in the Sanxian Garden for a long time, you will have a few skins on your hands. When the time comes, you can change the skeleton. It will be so ugly to have such withered and yellow bones every day.

 Change into a better-looking appearance and you will feel better. "

While the player was speaking, the box was pushed right in front of Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi reached out and picked up one of the eggs, pinching it gently.

 (End of this chapter)

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