Breath of the Dead

Chapter 19: The more you fight, the stronger you become (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 19: The more war you have, the stronger you become (please follow up)

 As the skeletons of Combat Team 3 struck this blow, the second wave of battle began.

 Different from the first wave of black shadows, although the level of the second wave of black shadows has not improved much, their movements are more flexible.

  When the skeletons stabbed and attacked, they actually dodged backwards.

However, there were too many of these black shadows. Even if the front dodges, the spear still pierces the black shadow behind.

At this moment, the black shadow that had dodged the spear attack jumped up and rushed towards Combat Team 3.

 As soon as Gu Xi saw this situation, he knew that the plan had changed.

 “Combat Team 4, stop them.”

Under Gu Xi's order, the original plan to lure the enemy leaders out to fight was abandoned, and the defense troops were quickly deployed.

As soon as the skeleton of Combat Team 4 heard the order, he raised his shield and rushed forward.

At this moment, the black shadow jumped into the ranks of Combat Team 3. Their arms became obviously thicker and they hit the skeleton directly.

 The shield in Combat Team 4's hand blocked the blow, but it could be seen from their fight that these black shadows had found the skeleton's weakness.

 The skeletons under Gu Xi are all ordinary skeletons. Not to mention that their levels have not yet been upgraded. Even if they are upgraded, the strengths and weaknesses of skeletons cannot be changed.

 Skeletons, as undead, have the advantage of not requiring morale. At the same time, piercing attacks do little damage to skeletons.

  Instead, it is a blunt weapon blow, which has a damage bonus to skeletons.

Just then the first wave of attacks ended, and the enemy had already discovered the weakness of Gu Xi's side, and they immediately changed the fighting method of the attacking troops.

 This situation surprised Gu Xi.

But he can still withstand it for now. After Combat Team 4 rushed forward, he quickly stabilized the battle situation. At the same time, Combat Team 3 also exerted its maximum potential without threat.

They were behind Combat Team 4, and their spears quickly thrust forward, just in time to hit the black shadows that rushed over.

Because the street is only so wide, and there are various roadblocks, there are not many black shadows that can really rush to the forefront of the battle.

The only ones fighting head-on were thirty or forty black shadows. The black shadows behind wanted to participate in the battle, but they couldn't squeeze in.

 You can only wait for the black shadow in front to be killed before rushing forward.

 So now that combat teams 3 and 4 are cooperating with each other, the situation has been stabilized.

 Gu Xi also took this opportunity to look at the shadow leader in the middle of the black shadow.

Although the current situation is different from the plan, Gu Xi still understands that the key at hand lies with the opponent's leader.

Now taking advantage of his free time, Gu Xi is also observing the situation of the Shadow Leader.

The shadow leader in front of him is the same as the one in the first wave, both of them are huge beings.

However, his appearance is no longer the same as that of a normal human being. He actually has three arms. His right hand is as thick as a normal human thigh, and he is holding a large wooden stick in his hand.

The left hand has two arms, which are the thickness of a normal person's arms, but the biggest abnormality is that the two arms grow together.

These two arms hold a broadsword in one hand and a battle ax in the other. They wave it up and down when moving forward. It is obvious that these two weapons are not used for decoration.

While walking forward, the shadow leader sometimes ignores the similar people around him and kicks away some shadows around him.

However, there were still too many shadows in front of him, and the nearby shadows were also rushing over, crowding the road, which made the leader of the shadows not approach the battle formation in front so quickly.

But Gu Xi couldn't just consider the situation in front of him. He knew very well that if the Shadow Leader approached the front, the battle would become uncontrollable. What Gu Xi now has to consider is not just **** all the enemies, he also needs to ensure that he can leave the most troops behind.

 “Combat Team 1 attacks.”

 Gu Xi waved his hand and sent out a signal.

As soon as the skeleton leader of Combat Team 1 saw Gu Xi's movements, he immediately led his men to rush towards the black shadow troops from behind.

They also used their own sneak attacks to clean up the enemies in front of them, just like they did in the last battle.

At this time, the black shadow troops actually learned to fight back. When the combat team 1 killed a group of black shadows, their actions were also discovered by other black shadows.

These black shadows stopped and faced Combat Team 1 head-on. It can be said that as Combat Team 1 joined the battlefield, the team of black shadows became disconnected.

 This is something Gu Xi did not expect.

 Under such circumstances, Gu Xi decisively released Combat Team 2.

 “Get ready for battle and attack the shadow boss directly.”

 Gu Xi ordered while pointing in the direction of the leader of the shadowy figure.

 “Corpse explosion!”

Under Gu Xi’s order, three skeleton corpses piled in the roadblock exploded.

 The shock wave of the explosion hit the nearby black shadow with the blown furniture.

The Shadow Leader at the center of the explosion suffered the most damage. A large wardrobe hit him head-on during the explosion, and the heavy wardrobe directly overturned him.

Just when the Shadow Leader wanted to get up from the ground, Combat Team 2 also rushed in.

 At this time, all members of Combat Team 2 raised their two-handed swords while rushing forward.

They concentrated all their strength on the long sword. They rushed in front of the Shadow Leader and smashed the long sword down hard.

When they charged forward, they had already set their sights on the target. They rushed in front of them and slashed with all their strength with their long swords.

The Shadow Leader has three arms, but the explosion just hit him and knocked him to the ground. His left hand was still pressed by a heavy wardrobe. When Combat Team 2 rushed over, he was putting down the big stick in his right hand. I'm getting ready to open my wardrobe.

 It can be said that the Shadow Boss is at its weakest now.

 Many long swords struck him, and he had no chance to dodge.

He took all the long sword attacks forcefully.

But the level of the Shadow Leader is relatively high after all. He was not dead after being slashed with so many swords. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity of being slashed and rolled on the ground to stand up.

 Gu Xi was always paying attention to the enemy's reaction.

 When he saw the Shadow Leader rolling onto a skeleton corpse, Gu Xi pointed at that location.

 “Corpse explosion!”


The skeleton corpse exploded with a loud bang, blowing the shadow leader who had just rolled above into the sky.

Then there was a tingling sound in Gu Xi's ear.

  【Kill the Shadow Boss (Level 3, Elite), you get 83 experience points. Due to your cooperation in killing, the summons participating in the attack each get 7 experience points. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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