Breath of the Dead

Chapter 20: Evolution of the Undead (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 20 Evolution of the Undead (please follow up)

 Seeing the leader of the Shadow Shadow die in battle, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this shadow leader did not put much pressure on Gu Xi's front at the beginning, the presence or absence of the leader still had an impact on the black shadow.

 After killing the Shadow Leader, Gu Xi could clearly feel that the pressure on both sides of the battle line had become much lighter.


At this time, all the troops in Gu Xi's hands had already been put into the battlefield. He had no intention of bringing back a few combat teams and rearranged them. Instead, he issued the order for a general attack.

The battle team 2 who had just surrounded the leader of the shadows immediately raised their long swords and headed towards the second half of the black shadow team.

Those black shadows in the back were fighting back because of the attack of Combat Team 1. They never thought that someone would come back to kill them.

So in the chaos, Combat Team 2 easily killed more than thirty black shadows. This attracted the attention of these black shadows. They turned back and fought with the skeletons of Combat Team 2. Together.

Compared with the skeletons of Combat Team 1, these guys with two-handed swords have stronger fighting abilities. Facing the black shadow that rushed back, they not only did not retreat, but instead rushed forward, the swords in their hands kept moving. The ground was slashing upward.

The black shadow is not timid here, and fights head-on with the skeletons of Combat Team 2.

 The control of Combat Team 1 saw that there was still such a good opportunity, so he chased after the black shadow and launched an attack.

 The two combat teams were like the upper and lower sides of a millstone, constantly whittling away at the number of black figures.

The black shadows on the other side encountered a mountain-rock-like defense. The round shields of Combat Team 4 blocked their attacks, and the spears of Combat Team 3 accurately hit all the enemies when their attacks stopped. Black shadow.

 It can be said that the battle here will be much smoother than the battle later.

With the protection of Combat Team 4, the skeletons of Combat Team 3 do not need to worry about being approached by the enemy.

 The skeletons in Combat Team 4 only need to defend themselves well. The black shadows that are killed will also receive part of their experience.

If they feel that the defense line is in danger, they can just retreat a little. The new roadblocks will block the chasing black shadows, reducing the pressure faced by these skeletons.

 After that, they will start another round of killing the black shadows.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi did not mobilize any more troops. The four combat teams had already developed their own fighting styles and coordination. As long as their levels were improved, Gu Xi believed that their cooperation would become better and better.

 No wonder some people say that as long as the Necromancer has troops at the beginning, it will be smoother to fight later.

Looking at the killing messages that kept popping up in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but nodded.

No matter how much these skeletons gain, Gu Xi can get 1 experience point for every enemy they kill.

Small scenes may not be as good as Gu Xi's personal explosion of corpses, but if it is placed on a large battlefield, the experience will skyrocket.

 Not to mention anything else, in just a short period of time, Gu Xi has gained 327 experience points.

Coupled with the experience from the previous wave and the experience of killing the Shadow Leader, Gu Xi found that he seemed to be about to level up again.

This is a good thing. As long as he levels up one more level and he can master a new skill, the next mission will be smoother.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi looked into the distance.

Luna once said that Alidovi is 2.9 square kilometers in size, and the block they are standing on now is less than one percent of it.

 After these black shadows were cleared away, he would have to fight further, all the way to the edge of Luna's controllable range.

Gu Xi himself didn’t know what else he would encounter inside, so he had to prepare everything. Just when Gu Xi was distracted and thinking about this matter, there was a ding in his ear.

【Ding! Temporary mission: The progress of the dead city has changed. The second wave of enemies has been killed. In 15 minutes, the third wave of enemies will appear. Please be prepared to fight. 】

 After coming back to his senses, Gu Xi quickly raised his head.

 Won again.

“Clean the battlefield, use up all the devious energy beads, check if there are any losses in the battle team, make up for the battle losses if there are any, and put the skeletons and bodies of those who died in the battle on the street.”

 Gu Xi issued the order immediately.

 There is still a battle to come.

Judging from the strength of the black shadows just now, Gu Xi can believe that the strength of the third wave of black shadows will only be stronger.

Although the battlefield has not been cleared yet, Gu Xi has clearly seen that the losses suffered by Combat Team 1 and Combat Team 2 this time are not small. If their combat effectiveness is not improved quickly and they are not properly arranged, what will happen next. The battle will be difficult.

 So optimize the troops first, and then rearrange the battlefield. Gu Xi must drag the battle to the most suitable place for him.

 After receiving Gu Xi's order, the skeletons did not hesitate at all. They quickly stepped forward to clean up the strange beads on the ground.

Without any need to worry about arrangements, these devious energy beads were divided into two. The skeleton leader of the combat team took one half, and the remaining skeletons got the other half.

And Gu Xi headed towards the location where the Shadow Leader died in battle.

When the Shadow Leader died in battle, he left behind the big wooden stick he was carrying.

 Gu Xi wanted to take a look at what this thing was.

Just as Gu Xi walked over, another voice came to his ears.

【Ding! After being guided and strengthened by strange power, a level 2 skeleton has reached the promotion level. Please choose the promotion direction of this kind of skeleton. 】

 Gu Xi turned around and saw that among the skeletons, a skeleton was flashing with lavender light.

It was a skeleton belonging to Combat Team 2. At this time, he was still crushing the strange energy beads in his hand and absorbing the strange atmosphere inside. He had no idea what was happening.

 When Gu Xi looked at the skeleton, he found two different shadows appearing behind the skeleton. These were the two directions in which the skeleton could advance.

One is the direction of ordinary skeleton soldiers, holding a sword in one hand, wearing rusty armor on the body, and the hat on the top of his head is a bit big, and it slides down from time to time.

The other is the direction of the skeleton soldier with a two-handed sword. When he stands, the long sword is stuck on the ground. He has leather armor on his body, but there is no helmet on his head, only a skull face is exposed.

 Seeing these two types of soldiers, Gu Xi understood the situation in front of him.

  All the soldiers coming out of these two promotion directions are skeleton soldiers, but the emphasis is obviously different.

The direction of ordinary skeleton soldiers is about balance, while the skeleton soldiers holding two-handed swords obviously weaken the defense and strengthen the swordsmanship effect.

 Gu Xi only hesitated for a moment before making his choice.

[Skeleton soldier (level 3, summoned object): experience (9/500) attack 3+1 (two-handed sword), defense 1+1 (leather armor), life 19, skills undead creature, swordsmanship specialization, beheading. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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