Breath of the Dead

Chapter 21: Skeleton Soldier (please read)

Chapter 21 Skeleton Soldiers (please follow up)

As the first skeleton soldier successfully advanced, more and more skeletons successfully advanced to become skeleton soldiers because they had enough experience and absorbed enough strange power.

As for the selection of the promotion direction of the skeleton soldiers, Gu Xi follows the idea of ​​improving advantages and developing balanced development. The promotion routes of all skeleton soldiers are carried out in a direction that highlights the characteristics of the opponent.

 So the four combat teams have their own skeleton soldiers.

 The skeleton soldier of Combat Team 1 still looks like a battle ax in one hand and a kukri in the other. He has an extra piece of leather armor on his body and three more daggers on his waist that can be used for throwing.

This kind of skeleton soldier has learned the method of long-range attack. Although it is less than ten meters, long-range is long-range.

[Skeleton soldier (level 3, summoned object): experience (13/500) attack 3+1 (melee weapon), defense 1+1 (armor), ammunition 3 (dagger), life 19, skills undead creature, backstab, Throw. 】

 The skeletons of Combat Team 3 are completely different. The skeleton soldiers here are all strengthened on spears.

Their skull boss got a spear last time, and now that it has absorbed enough strange aura, their spear has become even more powerful.

  【Skeleton soldier (level 3, summoned object): experience (19/500) attack 3+2 (bone arm spear), defense 1, life 19, skills undead, disarm, thrust. 】

As for the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 4, they are completely opposite to the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3. They strengthen the defensive effect of the shields on their hands, and they also add a thick layer of armor to their bodies.

If they didn't hold long swords in their hands, some people might think of them as heavy-duty defense-type muscle skeleton soldiers.

  【Skeleton Soldier (level 3, summoned object): experience (6/500) attack 3, defense 1+3 (shield + armor) life 24, skills undead creature, shield wall, temporary life. 】

 After several different skeleton soldiers advanced, Gu Xi took a look at the situation of the four combat teams.

  Combat Teams 1 and 2 suffered serious troop losses, but Combat Teams 3 and 4 were in better shape. There was almost no loss in this battle. Instead, a lot of vacancies were created due to the upgrade of the skeleton boss.

[Combat Team 1 (Level 1, unnamed, characteristics: life +3, attack +1, experience 18/200): Captain (1/1) Level 1 skeleton leader, team members (22/33) Level 3 skeleton soldiers (3 name), level 2 skeletons (13 people), level 1 skeletons (6 people)]

[Combat Team 2 (Level 1, unnamed, characteristics: attack +5, defense +1, experience 26/200): Captain (1/1) Level 1 skeleton boss, team members (21/39) Level 3 skeleton warrior (1 name), level 3 skeletons (9 people), level 2 skeletons (6 people), level 1 skeletons (5 people)]

[Combat Team 3 (Level 1, unnamed, characteristics: attack +3, life +4, experience 198/200): Captain (1/1) Level 1 skeleton leader, team members (28/33) Level 3 skeleton soldiers (8 name), level 2 skeletons (14 people), level 1 skeletons (6 people)]

[Combat Team 4 (Level 1, unnamed, characteristics: Defense +6, experience 74/200): Captain (1/1) Level 1 Skeleton Boss, Team Members (40/45) Level 3 Skeleton Warriors (6 people), 3 Level 2 skeletons (9 people), Level 2 skeletons (21 people), Level 1 skeletons (4 people)]

 The troops are not available at all.

 Looking at the information about the combat team in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh.

 I don’t know what the next third wave of enemies will be like.

Then Gu Xi commanded them to rearrange their arrangements. The skeletons and corpses that had been killed in the previous battle were once again placed on the street. The tables and chairs in the nearby rooms were moved out and turned into roadblocks.

 Combat Team 3 stood behind Combat Team 4, while Combat Teams 1 and 2 were ambushing in the room.

As long as the enemy appears, Gu Xi can drag the enemy away as before, giving priority to killing the enemy boss, and then grinding these black shadows to death through the skeleton.

But Gu Xi never expected that when the fifteen minutes were up, the strange shadow that appeared in front of him would be in such a situation.

What appeared this time was no longer a large group of three to four hundred black shadows like before, but a huge fusion of shadows.

This shadow is pure black like the previous shadows, but it is quite big. Its body does not walk upright, but turns its back and crawls on the ground with its joints reversed.

 Under him are eight huge arms, which move like spiders. On his body, three pairs of arms hold three heads.

Although these three heads are also pure black, they can be seen from their size. They are the heads of a man, a woman and a child.

The size is like a huge garbage truck, and there are many twisting arms on his body. At first glance, he is not a being to be trifled with.

  When entering the block, this huge mysterious shadow rushed forward like a train.

  The roadblock defense line set up by the combat team could not withstand it for a moment, and was knocked away in an instant.

Gu Xi reacted the fastest. When he saw this situation, he pointed at the skeleton body in front of Guiying and recited a spell.

 “Secondary corpse explosion!”

But the shadow was moving too fast. It was obvious that Gu Xi was shooting in front of the shadow, but when the corpse exploded, the shadow had already crossed the explosion range.

 “Combat Team 4, go up!”

 Gu Xi roared, added a bone shield to himself, and moved forward with a wooden stick.

The wooden stick in Gu Xi's hand was the weapon of the high-ranking Shadow Leader. When the wooden stick was held in Gu Xi's hand, it shrank quickly and became suitable for Gu Xi's use.

  【Broken bones (green, wooden stick)】

ˆ【Attack: 2-3】

  【Equipment requirements: Strength 2】

 【Special: Crush, when attacking an enemy, there is a 50% chance of shattering the enemy's bones, armor or other defenses. 】

  【Explanation: Please do not underestimate the power of the wooden stick. Many people have died under this wooden stick. 】

 Carrying a wooden stick, Gu Xi also had the courage to join the battle.

Although the shadow has not yet launched an attack, Gu Xi has already seen from the opponent's movement speed that it is a highly agile shadow.

 Enemy with high sensitivity often has low vitality and attack power.

 They usually focus on dodging enemy attacks, and they will attack multiple times in a short period of time.

 So as long as they are trapped, there is still a chance of fighting.

For this reason, Gu Xi immediately sent combat team 4 forward. Their shield wall could withstand the impact of this mysterious shadow.

As long as the opponent's movement speed slowed down, Gu Xi could take action and break one of the guy's legs with a bone-crushing stick.

 Then it’s the most orthodox way to defeat the BOSS. Although he has already lost a lot, Gu Xi still has 111 skeletons under his command. If they join forces to defeat a shadow, there’s no reason why they can’t defeat it.

 (End of this chapter)

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