Breath of the Dead

Chapter 22: Finally killed (please read more)

Chapter 22 Finally Killed (please follow up)

 But Gu Xi still underestimated the combat power of this mysterious shadow.

He had only taken two steps when Shadow had already rushed to the front of the defense line set up by Combat Team 4. The five skeletons blocking the Shadow were knocked away and hit the ground heavily, unable to move.

 Combat Team 3, who was behind Combat Team 4, saw this situation and decisively thrust out the spear in his hand.

 But the moving speed of the shadow was too fast. When all the spears were thrust out, they were clearly aimed at the enemy's position. As a result, only three spears hit in one stroke.

As for the skeletons of Combat Team 1 and 2, they haven’t even rushed out yet.

 Looking at the mysterious figure rushing towards him, Gu Xi knew what the other party was thinking.

This is to find the necromancer's weakness and kill the necromancer directly.

But you have underestimated the strength of the Necromancer. Who said that the Necromancer can only command skeletons to rush forward? Can a Necromancer who does not master some skills still be called a Necromancer?

 Let me tell you, I have learned to throw.

Gu Xi raised his hand and threw the wooden stick with broken bones in his hand directly towards Guiying.

 After the broken bone club, five daggers that Gu Xi had always carried with him were also thrown out.

 Because it was a frontal throw, he had no intention of evading the shadow that was coming straight at him, so he still pounced on Gu Xi.

 But the thing thrown by Gu Xi was not simple. Even though it was thrown, the effect of the broken bone stick was also activated.

The wooden stick hit Juiying head-on, and then a click was heard, and one of Juiying's thigh bones was broken.

 The shadow that was charging forward staggered, and its movements were obviously slower.

At this time, all five daggers thrown by Gu Xi were pierced into Guiying's body.

Such an attack does little damage to the Shadow, but it is extremely insulting.

The heads held in Juying's hand screamed at the same time, and several heads wanted to jump off their arms and bite Gu Xi.

But how could Gu Xi be so stupid? He stayed there after throwing away the things. He raised his legs and a large bag of things packed beside him was kicked towards Juying.

The mysterious figure had already rushed towards Gu Xi, paying no attention to the things Gu Xi kicked at him. He had no idea that this package of things was exactly the skeletons and bones that Gu Xi had asked his men to pack.

 “Corpse explosion!”

Quie Ying didn’t expect that Gu Xi’s corpse explosion could be used like this. When he rushed forward, he was attacked head-on by the corpse explosion.

 Gu Xi took this opportunity and quickly ran towards the rear combat team, while calling out combat teams 1 and 2 who were hiding in a nearby room.

As soon as the two combat teams came out, they rushed towards the shadow from all directions.

 Gu Xi has already seen that in the battle before him, this mysterious shadow must not be allowed to take the initiative.

 So we must bring out all our men to besiege them.

 When all the combat teams rushed out, Juying also turned around again, and his speed increased again.

At this moment, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 1 actually jumped from the roof near the street, fell on the shadow, and slashed the back of the shadow heavily with the kukri in their hands.

 This is the special ability of these skeleton soldiers, backstab.

But these skeleton soldiers never expected that they would fall on the back of the shadow, but the shadow moved in a reverse bow style. Now they jumped on the belly of the shadow, and the attack was not Not Shadow's back.

 As a result, the skeleton soldiers not only failed to achieve the backstab effect they should have, but instead let the shadows know their plans.

This mysterious shadow is also very capable. With his thigh on the ground, he quickly turned his body in a circle and threw away the skeleton soldiers on his back.

 Fortunately, at this time, Gu Xi's other combat teams had also arrived, and they quickly surrounded Guiying.

  Combat Team 4, which had the largest number of people, squeezed in from all sides, and two skeletons blocked one of Guiying's legs, preventing the opponent from moving. Combat Team 3 also surrounded them at this time. Like Combat Team 4, they were scattered in various positions. As long as they stood in position, the spears in their hands would be thrust out directly.

 At this time, the mysterious shadow was also shown to have a vicious character.

As soon as his body twisted, he kept twisting his legs or three heads to bite the skeleton soldiers surrounding him.

 And his attacks were beyond Gu Xi's imagination. Every time he struck, a skeleton would die.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Xi also became furious. Whenever a skeleton died, he would perform a corpse explosion on the skeleton's body.

 At the same time, the skeletons behind him quickly surrounded him.

This time, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a skeleton boss, a skeleton warrior, or a skeleton soldier. Now whoever sees the position can directly squeeze in and attack.

As long as it can cut two more times, it is a profit for the skeleton.

In such attacks again and again, all eight legs of this mysterious figure were chopped off or blown off, and two of the three heads on its body that were carried by its arms were lost.

 But the more this happened, the more ferocious the shadow became.

His body can obviously only twist on the ground, but every time he twists, he uses his body to hit and crush the skeleton.

The skeletons also became fierce. No matter how the shadows came, they would always be blocked by the combat team 4, while the rest were slashing and stabbing with weapons.

 At the same time, Gu Xi didn't care about anything else. As long as a skeleton died in battle, a corpse would immediately explode.

 Even if all his mana is consumed, he doesn't care.

After many times, the skeletons all knew what Gu Xi was thinking. When they were hit by the shadow, they felt like they were in trouble. They even used their last bit of strength to push themselves towards the shadow, hoping to use their His body acted as a bomb, exploding the shell of the mysterious shadow.

  Until Gu Xi had used up all his mana, he ran nearby and picked up the broken bone stick he had just thrown, and prepared to turn around and fight with the shadow.

 But just as he picked up the stick, there was a sudden ding in his ear.

  【Kill the Shadow Boss (Level 4, BOSS), you will get 117 experience points. Due to your cooperation in killing, the summons participating in the attack will each get 23 experience points. 】

 【Temporary mission: The progress of the dead city has changed. The third wave of enemies has been killed. Please wait for the transformation of the council chamber to be completed. 】

Seeing the message pop up in front of him, Gu Xi loosened his hand and the broken bone stick in his hand fell to the ground.

At the same time, the huge body of the mysterious shadow exploded on the spot, turning into many large and small strange energy beads that fell to the ground.

 Among so many strange beads, a black head and a black arm are the most conspicuous.

 Gu Xi glanced around and saw that there were only more than forty skeletons left, and quickly stepped forward to pick up these two things.

  【You got a strange head (green)】

 【Weird head (green, off-hand item)】

  【Attack: 1】

 【After equipped: Intelligence +1】

  【Equipment requirements: Intelligence 2】

  【Special: Bite, when holding this off-hand item and using a bone shield, the bone shield will have a 20% counterattack effect. 】

                                     It is the habit of the necromancer to hold the head up as a secondary weapon. 】

  【You get the Twisted Arm (green)】

  【Twisted arm (green, mission item): A twisted arm. There seems to be something different on it. Please check this arm carefully. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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