Breath of the Dead

Chapter 23: Mission accomplished (seeking further reading)

Chapter 23 Mission Completed (please follow up)

As the information about these two items flashed before his eyes, Gu Xi's eyes also lit up.

He picked up that arm first, and as soon as he took it, he felt his hand sinking. With Gu Xi's strength, he almost didn't pick up the arm in front of him.

This shocked Gu Xi. He looked down and found that although the arm was pure black and had been distorted out of shape, it was obviously a metal arm.

Judging from the condition of the arm, it is a left hand. At the cutout position of the arm, you can also see some red and green wires twisting.

 Obviously this is a plug and play type of arm.

 At the position of the deltoid muscle, there is an obvious red five-pointed star symbol.

【Ding! You find a quest item and you can activate a temporary quest! 】

 【Temporary mission: The sealed power】

  【Task description: Find all the parts and assemble them into a complete human body! 】

 【Task requirements: Find seven sealed parts (0/7), assemble and defeat the assembly (0/1)】

  【Task reward: One contract doll (the level is based on the average level of the recovered parts). 】

  【Instruction 1: The sealed parts are the head, left hand, right hand, chest, waist, left leg, and right leg. 】

  【Instruction 2: Each component has many different components and also has different effects. Please choose the one you think is most suitable to combine. 】

Looking at the task in front of him, Gu Xi was stunned for a moment. It was just seven body parts, so why were there so many different parts to choose from?

 But he immediately realized that this should be a long-term mission and could not be completed in the game world in front of him.

Rather, you can find a variety of different components in many games. Only in this way can you have a variety of choices.

After understanding what was going on, Gu Xi put away the arm. This task was next for him, but the sealed parts were not that easy to find.

 Now is not the time to think about this matter. At this time, his attention is still focused on the more than 40 surviving skeletons.

 After checking the condition of the skeleton, Gu Xi was surprised to find that his loss this time was really tragic.

 Combat Team 1 was completely wiped out, leaving not even a single seed for Gu Xi.

 Combat Team 2 only has six skeletons left. Combat Team 3 is better because they are farther away, with 19 skeletons surviving. Combat Team 4 has 18 skeletons alive.

Among these skeletons, all the skeleton warriors were also wiped out. Only three skeleton soldiers survived, and the rest were all level 1 and level 2 skeletons.

 It can be said that after just one battle, Gu Xi's combat power completely collapsed.

If this kind of battle were to happen again, even if such a huge black shadow appeared again, Gu Xi would not be able to resist the ordinary black shadows like the previous two waves.

At this time, Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else. He wanted to deal with these skeletons first.

“Hurry up and harvest the battlefield, pile up roadblocks, and use devious energy beads to strengthen them. Don’t worry about consumption.”

Before Gu Xi finished speaking, the two-story building behind him suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and then a bright moon appeared in the sky. The moonlight broke through the darkness and fell on the ground.

 Gu Xi noticed that where the moonlight shined, a layer of frost that was not too thick appeared on the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Gu Xi also felt that the temperature around him dropped rapidly, as if the place had suddenly entered a cold winter.

Even the fire that Gu Xi lit on the street was obviously much smaller. Gu Xi quickly stood up straight, holding a strange head in one hand and a broken bone stick in the other, looking in the direction of the two-story building with a serious face.

However, the cold air did not hurt Gu Xi and others, but continued to spread outwards, and finally formed a huge ring with a radius of more than 500 meters and close to 600 meters with the two-story building as the center.

 Inside the circle, everything has changed.

 Inside the ring, the position and style of the houses have not changed much, but the materials of the houses and some decorative details have changed significantly.

The house that was originally made of stone and wood has now turned into a structure of ice and bones.

 Decorations such as skulls can be seen everywhere on the doors and beams.

 The most important thing is that the ground in front of you has turned into ice. If you cut through the snow that has begun to appear on the ice, you can even see the sewers under the ice.


  【Temporary mission: The progress of the dead city has changed, and the transformation of the council hall has been completed. 】

  【Temporary Mission: Dead City (Completed)】

  【Task reward: Necromancer professional skills - City of Death. 】

[Death City Level 1, lock a (0/1) undead city belonging to the player as the death city, which is used to train and store undead troops, and can consume 5 mana points to open a city gate on the battlefield. The undead troops in the city, You can freely enter and exit the city and battlefield through the gate. 】

【Note 1: The level limit of Death City is player level + 8. 】

  【Note 2: Death City can only lock one city, and other cities will not be under the control of Death City in the later stage. 】

  【Note 3: The skill level corresponds to the city level. After the city is upgraded, the skills will also be upgraded accordingly. 】

  【Note 4: If you want to open a gate on the battlefield, the city of death must first have a gate. 】

Looking at this newly mastered skill, Gu Xi's eyes lit up. Mission accomplished?

 This city has been captured?

Just when Gu Xi was excited, the door of the two-story building opened with a bang, and Luna floated out of the building.

As soon as she saw Gu Xi, Luna said excitedly: "Sir."

"How is it going?"

"We have taken over one-third of the city, covering a total area of ​​0.9 square kilometers. The area that has changed is ours. Except for this small building that has been transformed into a parliament hall, there are three buildings in the area that have been affected. Influence.

 One is the church in the southeast corner, the other is the candle factory in the northwest corner, and the other is the well over there, which is the entrance to the sewer. Now these three buildings have become special buildings.

 Functions and activation requirements are all written on the map. "


Gu Xi looked through Luna's figure and looked inside the small building. He noticed that the restaurant on the first floor had changed. All the tableware on the dining table had been put away, and a parchment map had been removed with a knife. Nailed on the table.

Beside the map, there is an inkwell made of skulls, with a quill inserted in the inkwell.

Gu Xi walked to the map. Before he could see the information on the map clearly, there was a ding in his ear.

 (End of this chapter)

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