Breath of the Dead

Chapter 24: Alidovi City (seeking for further reading)

 Chapter 24 Aridovi City (please follow up)

【Ding! You gain control of a city (Alidovi)! 】

  【A city of the undead owned by the player was found. Is it locked as a city of death? 】

Although he hadn’t seen Aridovi’s message yet, Gu Xi made his decision right away.


  【Locked successfully, City of Death - Alidovi, if you want to unlock the city, please select the unlock task! 】

After the information faded, Gu Xi looked at the map in front of him.

 Gu Xi found that the map on the desktop was a map of most of Aridovi. In addition to the 0.9 square kilometers that had become Gu Xi's territory, there was also a map of one-third of the nearby cities.

On the map, a black skull wearing a crown is used as a symbol to mark the location of the meeting hall. Triangles, squares and pentagons are then used to represent small, medium and large land parcels.

There are a total of five small plots within 0.9 square kilometers on the map, one of which has been occupied as a water well and sewer entrance.

 Three medium-sized plots, one of which is already occupied as a candle factory.

 Two large plots of land, one of which is already occupied as a church.

 When Gu Xi notices a plot of land, he will give corresponding prompts, including what functions the occupied plot has, what conditions are required for activation, or what buildings can be built on unoccupied plots, etc.

In addition, at the edge of the city, there are passages leading to other cities. Gu Xi counted them carefully and found that there were five passages in total, and each road was marked leading to the corresponding area.

At the same time, there is a cross on each road, indicating that these five roads have not been opened yet.

 But it can be seen from the current situation that as long as the passage is opened, other areas of Alidovi City can be occupied.

After looking at the general layout of the city, Gu Xi glanced at the information at the bottom of the map to understand the details of Aridovi.

  【City name: Aridovi

 City Direction: City of Death

City characteristics: Territory in contention (more than half of the city is uncontrolled area, and the city will be attacked by enemies in the uncontrolled area at any time. If the city is captured, the city territory will be automatically expanded)

City Level: Level 1 (9/10, the city has a core building and large buildings to gain 3 experience points, medium-sized buildings to gain 2 experience points, small buildings and auxiliary buildings to gain 1 experience point)

 Core building (1/1): Assembly Hall (gives 500 negative energy points every day)

 Large building (1/2): Church (not activated, it needs to be stationed with 20 skeleton soldiers before it is activated. After activation, it can be upgraded to a cult church, and 20 skeleton soldiers can be trained every week)

Medium-sized building (1/3): Candle Factory (not activated, it needs to be activated after investing 20 units of strange corpses. After activation, it can be upgraded to a white candle factory, which can provide 300 negative energy points every day and 30 units of white candles every week. )

 Small building (1/5): Water well (not activated, needs to enter the sewer, and activate after laying the first block of sewers. After activation, the number of soldiers that can be trained per week increases by 50%)

 Auxiliary buildings (0/10): None

Garrison Heroes: None

 Garrison troops: None]

ˆ Gu Xi had learned something about the characteristics of various buildings in the city when he was in school.

 The core buildings here actually refer to the buildings that must be present in the city. No matter how big the city is, every time it is upgraded, there will be a new core building location.

From the beginning, there will definitely be a meeting hall, a magic tower, a blacksmith shop, a market, a barracks, and a warehouse. They are buildings that no matter what kind of city it is, there will be no shortage of them.

 Large buildings are divided into two categories. One is military training camps and other buildings, such as the church that has not been activated this time. The other type belongs to the large-scale buildings unique to some cities. For example, orc cities will have gladiatorial arenas, human cities often have stables, etc. The undead cities mainly include dark canopies, tombs, skeleton transformation fields, and soul summoning towers. Mainly buildings.

Medium-sized buildings are mainly based on resources. Some of them are farmland, fishing spots, mines, enchantment spots, slaughterhouses, etc. in most cities. Some are dedicated to resource spots for corresponding races, such as the magic in elven cities. Pools, treasuries of dwarven cities, and more.

 Small buildings are buildings that improve the city's combat effectiveness or the city's military strength. City walls, arrow towers, lucky springs, and mana pools are all included.

  With Gu Xi’s new skill, the city gate released at the beginning of Death City is also a type of small building.

  The important thing is that the city gate, the moat and the suspension bridge on the river are three different small buildings.

The final auxiliary buildings are much simpler. The street lights and signs on the road are all included in the auxiliary buildings. Generally speaking, these auxiliary buildings have little impact on the city, but they would be very uncomfortable without them.

At the same time, some achievement statues are also included in the auxiliary buildings. Like the core buildings, the auxiliary buildings have nothing to do with the floor area, but are related to the city level. Every time the city upgrades to one level, 10 more auxiliary buildings can be built.

  It can be said that if you want to upgrade quickly, it is wise to build more auxiliary buildings.

Of course, Gu Xi is not in a hurry at the moment. The city is already in his hands, and his priority now is naturally the city's security.

 Gu Xi has seen that the city of Alidovi has been judged as a territory under dispute.

 This concern is understandable.

 The entire city is 2.9 square kilometers, but he only occupies 0.9 square kilometers, not even one-third. .

The remaining cities are still in the enemy's hands. If this situation is not the territory being contested, then nothing is the territory being contested.

Of the five roads outside the city, three lead to other neighborhoods in Alidovi, and the other leads to the mirrored underground palace where Gu Xi and the others came from.

 According to what is shown on the map, the mirror-like underground palace also has a name. It is called the Aridovi Tower. It is the mirror image of the Victoria Tower and is also the core of controlling the entire Aridovi City.

 Occupy this castle, all resources in the city, including troop training and material production speed will be doubled.

At the same time, when the battle fortress is released at level 17 of Death City, this castle is also released.

The last road leads outside the city. Gu Xi is not sure what is there, and there are no signs on the road, only the word "danger" is marked on it.

After careful consideration, he decided to activate three buildings in the territory first.

 Think about others.

Anyway, now that Alidovi is in hand, even if he quits the game, he can freely enter and leave Alidovi. He is not too anxious to conquer other places yet.

 At the moment, it is better to consider the issue of your own military strength first.

 At this moment, Luna also floated in.

“Sir, I have an idea about this city.”

 (End of this chapter)

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