Breath of the Dead

Chapter 197: Temporary large-scale trading market (please subscribe)

Chapter 197 Temporary large-scale trading market (please subscribe)

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“Well, if possible, I would like a large-scale architectural design, preferably the Corpse Witch Tomb, or the Bone Dragon Tomb.”

“Don’t plan on this. I have only heard of the design drawings of the Corpse Witch Tomb. I can guarantee that there is no design drawing of the Bone Dragon Tomb in the guild.

 Forget it, let me help you talk to him. In addition, I will quote the normal price plus three times.

Don't worry, their family is rich and they won't lose you. "

 After letting the raven go, Liu Kai turned to Gu Xi and said.

"That's all right. When you get back later, you can wander around the Sanxian Garden and wait for news from me."

Looking at Liu Kai's affirmative look, Gu Xi nodded. He happened to want to take a rest in the Sanxian Garden, so it wouldn't be a problem to wait a few days.

As long as the person introduced by Liu Kai is really capable, he can make money back in a few days.

"Okay, I have something else to do, you can have fun on your own. If you want to go back to the Sanxian Garden and see if there is no green portal over there, just go in."

But if I were you, I wouldn’t leave so early. I heard that players from the Extremely Frozen Sea and Death Snow Peak will also come over.

 They will have some goods that are not available in Sanxian Garden. You can communicate with them. "

 “Okay, thank you very much!”

Hearing what Liu Kai said, Gu Xi just said nothing. Whether he would stay or not was another matter.

After Liu Kai left, Gu Xizheng was planning to go somewhere else. Unexpectedly, at this moment, several players gathered around him.

“Comrade, do you know Liu Kai?”

“Yeah, I’ve done business with him before. What’s wrong? Is there anything wrong with him?”

 Gu Xi glanced at these players and found that they were not here to cause trouble for him. Instead, a look of envy flashed in their eyes, which somewhat surprised Gu Xi.

“It’s nothing, but we just heard that the poisonous curse book of the poisonous lich Liu family already has an heir, that is Liu Kai just now. This is a big deal, the poisonous curse book is the best purple equipment of the necromancer.

Everyone is stuck at level 5, but their fates are so different. "

The best purple outfit for the Necromancer?

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi blinked his eyes. At this time, Gu Xi finally understood Liu Kai's current status.

 It seems that after activating his talent, Liu Kai's status in the family has become different.

 At the same time, Gu Xi also understood from the side how important a top-quality purple outfit is to some ambitious players.

At this time, Gu Xi had already raised the price of Gu Mianpi a little higher in his mind.

 After leaving several players, Gu Xi walked around the scene again.

 At this time, the players have completed the skin transaction, and are now taking out the harvest from the undead natural disaster circle for on-site transactions.

 Gu Xi went over to take a look and found that most of them were green and white props and equipment.

 Most players keep the blue quality ones for themselves. Unless they really don’t need them, they won’t sell them.

This kind of white-green quality props, unless they have particularly good attributes, will not attract Gu Xi's attention at all.

 After Gu Xi walked around a few times and found that they were all filled with items like this, he had no interest at all and was about to leave.

At this moment, Gu Xi found a group of players gathered around a place, as if there were some good things for sale there.

 Gu Xi’s curiosity was immediately aroused.

 He also walked over and patted the players outside.

“What happened inside the comrades that makes it look so lively?”

"Oh, you don't know, a player was lucky and got a bridge pillar this time. This is a good thing. If you place it, you can get a **** bridge in the wild training camp at the designated location, which will produce 5 cannibals every week. magic.

Now he is selling employment quotas for ogres. "


 Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he knew what the ogre the player was referring to. They are not little guys like ghouls, but a middle-level unit. Their nickname is Big Stick Giant. They have the blood of giants. They are between two and three meters tall and fight with a big stick. .

There are also some innate abilities that can automatically activate bloodlust.

But for the Necromancer, they are the best materials for making Abominations or Stitches.

The essence of the bridge pillars mentioned by the player is not much different from the cabin backpack mentioned by Gu Xi.

 It's just that Gu Xi's hut backpack gives out a farmer's hut, which is the lower level among the low-level units.

This bridge stone pillar shows a **** bridge, which belongs to the position above the middle-level army.

 The gap here is huge.

“Will he sell the bridge pillars?”

 Gu Xi asked again.

"It's impossible. Several players have asked about this before, but he didn't agree. He only sells the 3 ogres produced every week, and he has to keep two for himself."

 Gu Xi knew as soon as he heard that this was an ambitious player.

 It seems that he knows very well what he got this time.

 So he has always held his own final interests. No matter what others say, the control of the field training camp must be in his hands.

 Gu Xi somewhat admired this person's attitude.

At the same time, Gu Xi also understood that these players really had some good things in their hands, but he had less time to wander around and didn't discover them.

So Gu Xi stopped thinking about leaving immediately, and then started to think about it again.

Have to admit that Gu Xi is still very lucky sometimes.

 Soon, Gu Xi found a bone placed by a player on the stall.

This bone is a rib with flesh and blood on it, and is three meters long.

 Gu Xi stepped forward and touched it, then raised his head and asked, "Is this the rib of the bone giant? Do you have a complete corpse?"

"Yes, I killed a White Walker leader, and the body is intact, but I won't sell it whole."

 The player raised his head and glanced at Gu Xi, "The ribs and spine will be more expensive, and other bones will be cheaper."

 Gu Xi was a little puzzled. This player knew the condition of the bones very well.

 Wouldn’t it be better to package and sell them together like this?

 Why are they sold apart?

 Gu Xi was about to ask something, but the player had already seen Gu Xi's attitude, "Don't ask, I'm happy to ask."

“Well, give me two ribs.”

As soon as Gu Xi said these words, the player was stunned.

 Two ribs? This amount is too small. Players who buy bones to prepare for the Bone Dragon start with twenty bones.

 What do two of them count for?

Is it possible that he saw my plan?

This player is thinking in his mind.

 In fact, he did not have the body of the bone giant in his hands. He just mastered a relatively rare skill, bone synthesis.

 Can transform ordinary bones into huge ribs or vertebrae.

 So he can sell ribs or vertebrae in large quantities, but he cannot produce a complete bone giant corpse.

Gu Xi's attitude made him think that his ability had been seen through.

“Forget it, forget it, I think it’s easier for you, don’t tell anyone when you go out.”

Gu Xi blinked, and a row of question marks appeared above his head.

 (End of this chapter)

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