Breath of the Dead

Chapter 198: Crazy shopping (56150)

Chapter 198 Crazy shopping (56150)

 It’s another day of working hard to update, please subscribe, recommend, monthly tickets, etc. anything that can stimulate me, thank you everyone!


 Under the inexplicable concession from the player, Gu Xi finally bought thirty ribs that were still full of flesh and blood.

The quality of this kind of rib is good, whether it is placed in the dragon bone laboratory to raise the incarnation of death, or placed in the hundred-armed giant cemetery area to raise land, it is a good choice.

 But for some reason, Gu Xi always had the feeling that the player did not want to sell any more ribs to him in the end, rather than that he no longer had such ribs on hand.

 After that, Gu Xi replenished the players with a batch of cheap arms, such as spears, arrows, swords and the like. For players who had just come off the battlefield, that was the most valuable goods on hand.

These players are different from Gu Xi. Gu Xi has a city waiting for resources, and his demand for weapons and equipment is quite high.

These players don’t have much troops at hand. Maybe without this battle, they would never have commanded a battle involving thousands of people.

 Such a lot of weapons and equipment are a waste for players. If they don’t want to pack them up and sell them to the blacksmith shop, it is most profitable to find a new home to sell them here.

 So when the first player lays out their weapons and equipment, they have already rolled them up themselves.

 When Gu Xi saw these weapons and equipment, the price was only a little higher than the purchase price in the blacksmith shop, between one-tenth and one-fifteenth of the price of normal weapons and equipment.

 Under such circumstances, Gu Xi could no longer call it a purchase, and he directly started the shopping mode.

As long as the quality is good, the price is not high, and there are no gray broken swords or other junk, Gu Xi will make a decisive move.

 “I want them all.”

 After that, the gates of the city of death, which amaze the onlookers, will be opened, and these weapons and equipment will be swept away and sent to the city of Aridovi.

 And what Gu Xi paid was a little bit of negative energy.

 Gu Xi kept buying and selling, and finally raised the price of arms transactions by himself.

Looking at the rising prices of weapons, Gu Xi shook his head, gave up the plan of sweeping the goods again, and prepared to close the city gate and go back to Sanxian Garden.

At this moment, a voice came from far away.

“Hey, why is there a city gate here?”

“Are you stupid? It’s the city of death, one of the three magical skills. I didn’t expect a big boss to show up. Let’s go and have a look.”

 “Okay, let’s go and have a look?”

Hearing this sound, Gu Xi knew that players from the other two places were coming.

Gu Xi had no intention of being a monkey here. He closed the city gate, turned around and planned to leave with the cold wind staff in hand.

 Having that time, Gu Xi might as well go to the city of Aridovi and put in the troops he just obtained.

Just when Gu Xi turned around, the voice that just spoke came over again.

"Hurry up, don't you see that he is a ready buyer? Take out the large-scale architectural design drawings we got from the last mission. He has a city of death, which means he has a city in his hands. He is selling this thing. It’s the best. Why are we all so stupid?”

Hearing this, Gu Xi stopped for a moment.

 He turned his head towards the direction from which the sound came, and found three necromancers, one female and two male, walking towards them.

It was obvious that the female necromancer was the leader among them. She was wearing a white mage robe, holding a staff in her hand, and a thick book in her left hand.

From her dress, it is obvious that she is a necromancer of the conjuration system. She mainly uses magic attacks, such as corpse explosions, bone spurs, or curses as the main means of attack.

The necromancer following her was wearing thick scale armor and holding a sickle in his hand, with a bunch of human heads hanging on the head of the sickle. This person is the person who directs the battle in a small group of three people. Although he is also called a necromancer, he can also step in when fighting head-on.

There are also such necromancers, and there are many of them, but they usually appear in necromancers who control various mid-level troops.

How would I know that melee combat is the romance of a mage, as a necromancer who has just started.

The last necromancer following will be shorter, with messy hair under his hood, and many bottles and jars hanging on his waist.

 It is obvious that his route is based on poison and plague, or on abilities such as voodoo.

This kind of necromancer is relatively small and difficult to practice, but his attack methods are so weird that it is scary.

It can be said that when you encounter a mature voodoo necromancer, you are like being caught in a huge spider web, with all kinds of small tricks emerging one after another, making it difficult to guard against.

 Such a three-person combination is relatively rare among necromancers.

 Normally speaking, there should be a necromancer who replenishes blood in the necromancer team.

It's just that the team in front of him is not Gu Xi, and Gu Xi has no position to judge the opponent's situation.

At this time, the female necromancer also noticed Gu Xi, she took a step forward and asked.

“Excuse me, was it you who released the gate of the city of death just now?”

Gu Xi nodded calmly.

As soon as the female necromancer saw it, she immediately started talking with interest.

“Hello, my name is Lei Pengpeng, a level 4 necromancer. I have something to talk to you about.”

“Gu Xi, level 4 necromancer.”

“I just saw a city gate behind you. Are you the city of death that masters one of the three divine skills?

 You have a city of your own, right? "

Lei Pengpeng has a relatively straightforward personality and talks like a machine gun.

  As soon as I saw Gu Xi, I asked him everything.

At first Gu Xi wanted to say, it’s none of your business.

But in the end, it was discovered that Lei Pengpeng actually had no ill intentions. She was just used to this way of speaking.

 “Yes, I have a city of my own.”

“That’s really great. Let me tell you, we did a task before and got a large building. It’s not a blueprint, it’s a large building that can be used directly on the land.

 At first I wanted to sell it to Jifrog Sea, but the price they gave me was really not worth the price of this thing.

 Not to mention other things, this is a large building. They didn't even have the money to build a large building.

 We naturally won’t sell this thing to them, but among the necromancers we know, there are no other necromancers who control the city, and they don’t want it either.


And the most important thing is that we don’t have land. If we build it in the wild, it will be easily taken away by others, so we have been dragging it down.

Now that I see you, I feel that this is definitely suitable for you. Come and take a look, you won’t be at a loss if you take a look. "

 (End of this chapter)

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