Breath of the Dead

Chapter 199: Get large buildings (57150)

 Chapter 199 Acquire large buildings (57150)

Just as Lei Pengpeng said, you won’t be missing a piece of meat just by looking at it.

So Gu Xi and Lei Pengpeng found a place to sit down and took a look at the large building that Lei Pengpeng and the others obtained from the mission.

Just at the first glance, Gu Xi knew why Lei Pengpeng and the others didn't keep this large building for their own use.

If Gu Xi didn't have a city in his hands, he wouldn't dare to use it himself. As long as this kind of building is built in the wild, it will definitely be a battleground for military strategists, and the three people in front of him cannot be saved at all.

Bone Magic Lamp (green): An oil lamp made from the skulls of lich, corpse witch, blood mage, and skeleton mage. If this oil lamp is placed in a designated location, a bone magic tower can be arranged in the city or in the wild. 】

  【Note: There must be a level 1 magic tower built in the city, and outdoor buildings must be built near a level 1 magic temple. 】

  【Bone Magic Tower (Large): Use 1500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a Bone Magic Tower in the city (large building, can be upgraded).

 After completion, 30 skeleton mages (level 4) can be trained every week.

 If there are other evil temples, regional linkage can be generated, and the training speed of skeleton troops will be increased by 50%.

Or if there are other magic tower ancillary buildings, regional linkage can be generated, and the training speed of the legal troops is increased by 50%. (Choose one of two regional linkages)

 After completion, the attached magic tower or magic temple will produce +1 spells. 】

  The skeleton type of unit is a type of unit that the necromancer cannot get around.

 Skeleton mages are the pinnacle of conventional troops among skeleton troops, and the only thing that can compare with them is the rarer skeleton knights.

 No matter who sees a training building in the wild that can train skeleton mages, they will not consider whether it has an owner. They only have one idea: grab it.

Lei Pengpeng and the others understood this precisely, so they did not build this building in the wild like the previous player did, train and sell skeleton mages every week to make a living.

 Instead, I plan to sell this thing.

If the price offered by Ji Frozen Sea was not too low, the negative energy might not even be 1,500, and Lei Pengpeng would not have delayed it until now.

 Looking at such a good thing, Gu Xi's eyes naturally lit up.

 “How much do you want?”

 “You want us to quote?”

Lei Pengpeng pointed at himself and looked at Gu Xi with some uncertainty.

“Yes, you quote a price. If it’s suitable, I’ll take it directly. If it’s not suitable, I’m not very good at bargaining, so I won’t take it.”

 Gu Xi also knows how talented he is at bargaining.

It’s not that he didn’t know that some things would be expensive, but he really didn’t have the talent to negotiate prices, so he simply asked the price directly.

 If it satisfies him, he will accept it. If the price is higher, he will not negotiate the price and forget about it.

This time, Lei Pengpeng was stunned.

If there is any bargaining, Lei Pengpeng can talk people to death.

 But now Gu Xi has made it clear that he will not bargain with you. You set the price yourself. If I am satisfied, I will buy it directly. It doesn’t matter whether you have inflated the price. If I am not satisfied, I will not want it.

Such a simple and crude attitude made Lei Pengpeng hesitate for a moment.

Finally she said: "Well, let me say a few words and see if Gu Zhanyou agrees with this. If you agree, then we will make a deal at this price. If you don't agree, then we can just make friends and forget about it." ”

 “Okay, I like a cheerful person like you!”

 Gu Xi decisively agreed with Lei Pengpeng's quotation method.

Lei Pengpeng was just there, minding his own business.

“Comrade Gu, let’s consider it from your perspective first. Using our Bone Magic Lantern, you can directly get a Level 1 Bone Magic Tower. Will the materials be saved?

 It’s not too much for me to ask for a share of materials. ” ˆ ˜ “Not excessive. "

Gu Xi thought about it seriously and found that this request was not excessive.

  If he buys an architectural design drawing and takes it back, he also needs to pay this part of the money.

"Then the payment is settled. Now we save you the time of construction. You pay a payment here. It's not excessive."

 Lei Pengpeng said again.

 Gu Xi has used a cabin backpack before, and he knows that when he puts it down, a new building will appear directly, so he will definitely save time on building it.

 “That’s not too much.”

“Then I’ll calculate it based on the current price of building stones on the market. One building stone has 500 negative energy. If you don’t believe it, you can ask around. It’s the same price everywhere.”

 “Okay, I accept this.”

Gu Xi thought about it seriously and realized that this was really the case. Although he didn't care about the waiting time, it was already included in it, so he had to admit it.

Seeing that Gu Xi was so easy to talk to, Lei Pengpeng also became happy.

“The next thing is the most critical thing. I won’t say how much effort we spent on this task. I will calculate it based on the price of large-scale architectural design drawings on the market.

 A large architectural design drawing requires at least one copy of Longgang. "

 “Wait, how many did you say?”

Gu Xi was stunned when he heard this.

“One copy of Longgang, this is the standard price. If you encounter better large-scale architectural design drawings, the price will be higher.”

 “The quote was low.”

Gu Xi patted his thigh and realized that the price he quoted Liu Kai was too low.

"What?" Lei Pengpeng didn't understand. She didn't think Gu Xi would say that her quotation was low.

“Nothing, where did you find the quotations for large-scale architectural design drawings on the market?”

 Gu Xi did not answer Lei Pengpeng's question, but asked his own question.

“It’s all at this price now. I asked several buyers, and they were all only willing to pay this price.”

Such an answer made Gu Xi couldn't help but press his forehead. Before there was a market of his own, the prices of various materials were always so confusing.

 “Okay, there’s no problem with the price you mentioned.”

 Gu Xi didn't think much about anything else. The price of the thing in front of him was really not exaggerated. Except for the uncertainty about Longgang's replacement of large-scale architectural design drawings, the other data were all available.

 Lei Pengpeng did not cheat himself in this regard.

The price is nothing to talk about, and Gu Xi really needs this thing, so he naturally buys it.

“Let’s trade, a piece of dragon steel, 2000 negative energy, 10 units of stone and 10 units of wood, they are all here, you can count them.”

 Seeing the supplies that Gu Xi easily took out, Lei Pengpeng was also a little stunned.

  “A local tycoon.”

“Generally, you fought hard this time and got more rewards. Why, do you still have good things?”

“Yes, but it’s not an architectural design. Take a look at this and see if you like it!”

Lei Pengpeng didn't want to let go of such a wealthy person, so she quickly rummaged through her backpack.

 (End of this chapter)

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