Breath of the Dead

Chapter 200: Return to Sanxian Garden (please subscribe)

Chapter 200 Return to the Sanxian Garden (please subscribe)

Looking at what Lei Pengpeng took out, Gu Xi was also stunned for a moment. It was a flask that was not too big, and inside the flask was the soul of a young dragon.

  【Black Dragon Soul (young dragon): The soul of a black dragon that died not long after it was born. Although it died relatively early, it is still more or less a dragon spirit and can be used as the core material for making bone dragons. 】

Looking at the [Black Dragon Soul] in front of him, Gu Xi slowly shook his head.

Gu Xi’s reaction surprised Lei Pengpeng.

"Hey, you went to the Sanxian Garden specifically to collect dragon blood crystals and dragon steel to make a bone dragon? Although this is a young dragon, it is also a dragon spirit. Why don't you want it."

“I already have a bone dragon, I don’t want this, and it feels useless and of little use.

I will use the undead method to piece together a bone dragon or ghost dragon. This kind of young dragon soul is at most a patchwork bone dragon, level 7, and there is only one.

 This doesn't make sense to me. I might as well find a way to find the architectural design drawings of the Dragon Tomb. "

“Okay, you have three magical skills, which is amazing.”

Lei Pengpeng knew as soon as he heard it that Gu Xi's thinking direction was different from others.

 Other necromancers are thinking about replenishing troops, strengthening their own troops, or finding ways to strengthen their troops through other routes.

 What Gu Xi was thinking about was farming.

 He wants nothing that has nothing to do with farming.

 People with such clear goals are often the ones who go further.

Lei Pengpeng thought for a moment and then said to Gu Xi: "Then I don't have any other good things in hand, but we can exchange contact information. If I find any architectural design drawings or the Bone Magic Lantern in the future, I’ll sell it to you directly.”

 Looking at Lei Pengpeng's expression as if he had found the sponsor, Gu Xi also laughed.

“Okay, I am currently collecting various architectural design drawings. If you have any, please send them to me directly. I will accept any amount.”

Lei Pengpeng immediately agreed upon hearing this, and the two parties also exchanged Raven's contact information.

 After Lei Pengpeng left, Gu Xi no longer had the interest to hang out here.

 What Gu Xi wants to do most now is to quickly find a safe place and enter Alidovi City.

First release the undead troops frozen in the undead natural disaster circle, and then place the newly obtained bone magic tower in Alidovi City.

As for other things, Gu Xi has no time to care about them now.

 Everything has to wait until he settles the affairs in Alidovi City.

 After putting away everything, Gu Xi carried the Cold Wind Staff and walked towards the blue portal not far away.

That is the portal back to Sanxian Garden. Before Gu Xi saw many players had gone back.

 So he didn’t stop much and walked towards the teleportation gate.

Not long after Gu Xi left, a group of players came over.

 “Where is the man? He was still here just now.”

 A player wearing a black robe and carrying a short staff started looking around as soon as he arrived.

“Xiao Liu, are you really sure there is such a person?”

"Of course, I have been listening on the side. That guy never bargained for anything, and he also said that he would charge the price of the architectural design drawings. After hearing this, I ran to find my elder brother."

"As long as you have it, you guys can look for it. That batch of goods has been in our hands for a while and has never been released. Now that I have found this guy, as long as the goods can be sold, I invite everyone from Tianxianglou Three Three days and three nights.”


 “Brother, you are so proud!”

  “…”    It’s just that Gu Xi has already passed through the portal at this time.

When he stepped into the portal, Gu Xi thought he would experience the feeling of being pulled again.

Unexpectedly, just as his eyes grew cold, the surrounding environment changed.

 He returned to the ground of Sanxian Garden, where the general's platform was.

 Gu Xi looked around and saw that many players were dispersing from the general platform.

After hesitating for a moment, Gu Xi released the evil coffin, jumped up, and followed the path in his memory to slowly find his way back to the house Du Wushuang rented.

 Gently pushing the door, Gu Xi found that the door was locked and no one seemed to be inside.

This made Gu Xi somewhat worried. After all, this battle was too dangerous, and he didn't know how the little Du Wushuang was doing now.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi sat down in front of Du Wushuang's house. As soon as the shadow of the Alidovi city gate appeared behind him, an owl flew out of the city gate.

 Gu Xi wrote a note, tied it to the owl's talon, and then said to the owl.

 “Go to the owner of this room.”

The owl glanced at Du Wushuang's home, seemed to have locked onto something, spread its wings and flew out.

Looking at this situation, Gu Xi finally felt a little more at ease.

The owl can fly out, which means that the person is still alive. No matter what happens in the end, it is a good thing.

This made Gu Xi feel at ease a lot. He leaned against the door so hard that his eyes were about to close.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance.

Along with the sound of horse hooves, there was Du Wushuang’s scream.

"Gu Xi, I knew you were still alive. Help me quickly, this horse can't stop."

Just as Gu Xi was about to stand up, he heard a bang. When Gu Xi looked back, he found that Du Wushuang's helmet hit the ground, and at the same time, her whole body flew up high and fell backwards.

 Gu Xi didn't have the ability to go forward and hug the person. He could only run towards the place where Du Wushuang landed, hoping to see if the person was alright when Du Wushuang landed.

However, Du Wushuang's vitality was much stronger than Gu Xi's. After hitting the ground, she just turned over and got up.

Seeing Gu Xi running towards him, she jumped forward and fell on Gu Xi.

Gu Xi hugged Du Wushuang in his arms, and a smell of sourness and rust hit his face.

"You are hurt?"

“No, that was someone else’s blood. I couldn’t wear my helmet and it flowed in from the collar.

 Originally, I said I would find a place to take a bath before coming back, but when I saw the owl you released, I knew you would miss me. Why don't we just go take a bath together? "


 Gu Xi did not expect that Du Wushuang would make such a proposal.

"Ah, what, let's go together. I know there is a bathhouse with a small private room, which is perfect for two people to take a bath together. I just need to deal with the hair. There is too much blood and it sticks together. It can't be dealt with. Looks like I'll have to shave it off later.

  If you don't shave it off, it will stick to the seams of the armor, and it will hurt when you pull it off. "

“Hey, can I listen to this for free?”

 “What, I’m talking about hair, do you know hair?”

 (End of this chapter)

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