Breath of the Dead

Chapter 201: Big supplementary meal (please subscribe)

 Chapter 201 Big Supplementary Meal (please subscribe)

Sanxian Private Bath, according to the boss, this is the place where the Sanxian in the tomb took a bath with several fairies when the Sanxian in the tomb was still there.

It’s just that the brand new decoration here doesn’t look like a bathroom that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Fortunately, Gu Xi and the others didn't worry about this. After helping Du Wushuang wash away the blood on his body, Gu Xi soaked in the bathtub and didn't want to move.

“This battle was so difficult that I almost didn’t come back.”

Gu Xi, who was soaking in the bathtub, stretched his limbs and then spoke slowly.

 “Is it that dangerous over there?”

“Yes, of the players guarding the outer nodes, only thirty or so of the one hundred came back alive, and all the other soldiers were defeated.”

Gu Xi turned over in the water and made room for Du Wushuang, letting her sit down at the other end of the bathtub, "But we gained a lot this time, and we finally didn't suffer a loss. How about you guys?" Is there much loss in this battle?”

“Fortunately, there was no loss. When we found the enemy, all the death knights gathered together to charge, and then the ghouls or black guards under our command went to clean up the battlefield.

I followed the team and didn’t hit many people.

But because it is a team battle, you will get some experience, and you will also get some things after cleaning the battlefield.

 The most important thing is that our battle this time is considered fighting with the Knights of the Burning Sun. I also got a Knights of the Burning Sun battle badge, the kind that can be painted on the battle flag. "

As soon as Du Wushuang talked about the situation on his side, he couldn't help but get excited and chattered non-stop.

Gu Xi also happily talked about the situation he encountered at the Undead Natural Disaster Array.

 Get rid of some of the depression in your heart.

 The two of them soaked in Sanxian Private Hot Spring for nearly four hours.

It wasn't until the waiter came to inform Gu Xi and Du Wushuang that their clothes and armor had been cleaned and maintained, that they climbed out of the bathtub.

"Change into ordinary clothes. If you wear them like this, you won't be afraid of wearing them."

Seeing that Du Wushuang was about to put on the armor directly, Gu Xi quickly stopped her.

"Oh fine."

Du Wushuang hesitated for a while, but finally agreed. She usually doesn't want to wear ordinary clothes not because they don't look good, but because of her size.

 When I wear ordinary clothes and go shopping with my best friends, I always feel like a parent taking a primary school student to the street.

 Now that Gu Xi’s request is in mind, Du Wushuang naturally has nothing to do with it.

She **** her hair, put on a small skirt that she had not worn for a long time, and followed Gu Xi in a bounding motion.

Gu Xi also changed his clothes and put on relatively casual clothes. If he hadn't been holding a cold wind staff in his hand, he would never have thought that he was a necromancer.

 After leaving the house, Gu Xi discovered that almost all the players in Sanxian Garden had changed into casual clothes. It seemed that other players also knew how to relax and take a good rest after the war.

 Under the leadership of Du Wushuang, Gu Xi had another good meal outside.

This time Du Wushuang did not bring Gu Xi to eat any hidden meal, but took Gu Xi to eat the death knight's favorite meal.

This meal was a big deal. As soon as Gu Xi and the others sat down, a hundred roasted oysters were served.

 Then came two roasted beef legs that were thicker than Gu Xi's legs, and a twenty-kilogram roasted lamb chop.

 After these appetizers are served, the main dish is served.

 There is no need to ask questions about rice here. There are two buckets placed beside each table, one filled with rice and the other filled with beer.

"I told you that this restaurant's big supplement meal is the best. The main feature is that it's cheap but has a large amount, and the food is served very quickly. You don't need to say anything after eating, and new dishes will be served immediately.                         When I really couldn't eat anymore, I stuck my knife and fork on the table so that no one would serve me any more food.

But you have to pay attention, you only have one chance to stop the food delivery. If you can't eat anymore, it means you have to leave.

 They will be ready to change the situation and will not serve you food again. "

Du Wushuang has eaten here many times, and when he introduced it to Gu Xi, he swallowed half of the oysters in one go.

 Then she picked up the leg of the cow and broke the bones with one force, then placed it in front of Gu Xi.

“Eat the marrow first, that’s the most delicious thing.”

Before Gu Xi, who was eating oysters, could react, the oily bone marrow was poured into his mouth.

The rich smell almost made Gu Xi go to head.

 But after getting used to it, Gu Xi felt that the taste was really good. At least he felt quite refreshed when he ate it.

 “How about another glass of wine, let’s enjoy it.”

 “It’s so enjoyable and delicious!”

 “If it tastes good, eat more.”

As he spoke, Du Wushuang blinked at Gu Xi.

For some reason, when he saw Du Wushuang's eyes, he felt a chill running down his spine, and a stream of cold air went straight to his waist.

Feeling that something terrible would happen next, Gu Xi immediately took the initiative and said: "Wushuang, I'm going to the No. 9 warehouse to pick up the goods later. You can come with me. My luck is not that good. Last time I opened an architectural design project. The blind boxes in the picture didn’t yield anything good, so I’ll lend you your luck this time.”

“Okay, your reward for this battle is the architectural design?

 Is your city going to be built a lot? "

“Yes, in addition to the architectural design drawings, there are also a large number of materials. This battle can be regarded as making up for the missing parts of city construction.

How long will you stay in this world? "

“There are still three and a half years to go. I signed a five-year garrison agreement and only got one week of vacation every year. I don’t even have time to go out. Sometimes, I run out of time before I even reach the exit point.

 It’s better for you, come here temporarily, complete the task and then you can leave. "

 Gu Xi was about to say that he could come back later, but he immediately thought that this world was a garrison world, and that he could come in this time only because of the White Walker invasion.

 If you want to enter this world, you must sign a three-to-five-year garrison agreement. If the time is not up and you don’t have a vacation, you cannot come in and out freely.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh, and he was no longer in the mood to eat.

On the other hand, Du Wushuang had long been used to this kind of thing. Seeing Gu Xi's expression, she started laughing.

“It’s okay, these three years are enough for me to settle down. After three years, I will be able to reach level 5. Don’t deny me then.”

 “No, I...”

Before Gu Xi could finish his words, Du Wushuang stuffed another mouthful of beef bone marrow into his mouth.

Looking at Du Wushuang's happy look, Gu Xi also had a look of helplessness on his face, and the good atmosphere was suddenly ruined by her.

 (End of this chapter)

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