Breath of the Dead

Chapter 202: Good luck to Du Wushuang (58152)

Chapter 202 Good Luck Du Wushuang (58152)

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 Sancian Garden Warehouse No. 9.

Gu Xi and Du Wushuang stood in front of the warehouse door.

Kern, the warehouse manager, was looking at the two bills of lading sent by Gu Xi.

It was still a bit impressed by Gu Xie Ken. After all, Gu Xi directly took away ten architectural design drawings from him.

This time he wants twenty copies again. Is he planning to do wholesale?

Kern was complaining in his heart but did not ask any more questions. After glancing at Gu Xi, he said coldly.

 “Wait here.”

After speaking, Kern went directly into the warehouse. After a while, some statue-like beings came out pushing heavy boxes.

These boxes contain Gu Xi’s supplies.

 Because it was the key to building a city in the future, Gu Xi did not dare to relax.

 After the statue put down the box, Gu Xi quickly opened the box and counted them one by one.

“Negative energy, the number is the most correct, the quality of food can only be considered average, the herbs are all the most ordinary, the wood is not cut well..."

After a long period of checking, Gu Xi finally finished checking the supplies in front of him.

 Although there are some problems here, there is no problem with the quantity.

No matter how unhappy Gu Xi was, he could not ask for an exchange on the grounds that the quantity was wrong.

Fortunately, Kern quickly brought out the twenty architectural design drawings Gu Xi asked for, which immediately attracted Gu Xi's attention.

Looking at the twenty boxes placed on the ground, Gu Xi glanced at Du Wushuang. The meaning in his eyes was clearly: Girl, come on and see your luck.

Du Wushuang was not polite, stepped forward and opened a box, and then shouted excitedly: "Gu Xi, come and see, how is my luck?"

Gu Xi looked inside and found that the box contained a small ball of soil, with a hint of blue aura hanging over the soil.

 【Haunted Mine - Crystal Design (Medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a Haunted Mine-Crystal (medium-sized building) in the city, which can produce 1 unit of crystal every day (can be upgraded)】

As soon as he saw this situation, Gu Xi smiled and said to Du Wushuang: "Okay, you can do this. Your luck is really extraordinary. Come on, come on, do it again!"

Without Gu Xi’s explanation, Du Wushuang knew that she had hit something good this time, and she laughed happily.

 “I’ll drive next?”

“Of course, you come and open more of these mines, and then I can boast that I have mines at home.”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Gu Xi's words, Du Wushuang burst out laughing.

However, she did not stop moving her hands and opened another box.

This time, what comes out of the box is no longer a medium-sized building design, but a small architectural design, but the quality is still good.

 When Gu Xi looked over, he found that the box contained a piece of iron. 【Steel City Gate Design Drawing (Small): Use 200 resources and 10 units of metal to build a steel city gate (small building) in the city. The gate can be equipped with three defense components (can be upgraded)】

 It is another city gate.

 Gu Xi was quite happy.

 Now that the strength of his dead city is limited, he can only place city gates on the battlefield.

In the battle with the Undead Natural Disaster Array, Gu Xi discovered a weakness in his Death City skill. When there was only one city gate, he fought at the gate instead of quickly mobilizing troops through the gate.

If Gu Xi had two city gates during the final battle, he could have placed one inside the undead natural disaster circle to guard the token, and the other outside to fight against the White Walkers.

 In the end, those who retreat will not leave so many undead outside the undead natural disaster circle.

“Gu Xi, what’s wrong? Am I not holding it well?”

“No, for me, the more city gates, the better. This is a good thing.”

Seeing that she didn't ask any questions, Du Wushuang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she still hesitated whether to open it again.

 Gu Xi also noticed Du Wushuang's worry and quickly explained the situation to Du Wushuang.

This time, Du Wushuang was not so entangled. After all, a death knight could carry Gu Xi away directly. The main thing was that he was short and careless, so he would not be entangled in this matter for long.

  After opening two boxes, she got up and started outputting a burst of information to the boxes on the ground, opening all the boxes in one breath.

 Gu Xi followed behind and looked at the contents of the box. He had to admit that Du Wushuang's luck would be better than Gu Xi's.

Within the eighteen boxes, there were as many as three architectural design drawings that made Gu Xi excited, and there were two other architectural design drawings that Gu Xi was not sure how to draw.

【Plunder Hall Design (Small): Using 300 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of metal, a plunder hall (small building) can be built in the city. After each battle is won, an additional 250 corresponding resources will be obtained. 】

[Witchcraft chamber design (medium size): Using 500 resources, 10 units of stone, 5 units of metal, and 5 units of herbs, a witchcraft chamber (medium-sized building) can be built in the city. The speed of magic research and learning in the magic tower is increased. 50%. 】

[Altar of Eternal Servitude Design (Medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, 10 units of wood, and 1 unit of mercury to build an Altar of Eternal Servitude (medium-sized building) in the city. After each battle, our undead corpses There is a 50% chance of automatically returning to the altar and re-recruiting at a cost of 50% higher than the recruitment price. 】

These three buildings have different meanings to Gu Xi.

 After the plunder hall is built, Gu Xi can get extra negative energy from every battle. Although it is only a little bit, for Gu Xi, this can be regarded as a way to add up to a small amount.

The witchcraft secret room is exclusively for the magic tower. Gu Xi knows very well that after the magic tower is built, it is not just a place for players or heroes to learn magic.

 You can also train mage troops of various levels, and at the same time let the mage troops learn the magic recorded in it.

This kind of building that can speed up magic research and learning is a relatively rare building no matter which city it is in. Gu Xi has opened it, which is a sign of Du Wushuang's great luck.

The final Altar of Eternal Slavery is especially prepared for the Necromancer.

  When the necromancer's subordinates die in battle, they can actually use spiritualism to deal with them.

 But ordinary necromancers rarely do this, because the success rate of spiritualism is not high, and when summoning spirits, they are only level 0 skeletons. There is not much difference between using the corpses of one's own subordinates and using the corpses of the enemy.

But the Altar of Eternal Servitude is different. Half of the corpses can be recovered here, and you can be resurrected at the original level by paying money. This is a good way to restore combat power.

Had there been such a building earlier, Gu Xi's combat team 1 would not have been wiped out. For this reason, Gu Xi was very concerned about the altar of eternal slavery.

 (End of this chapter)

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