Breath of the Dead

Chapter 203: Start with large quantities of architectural design drawings (59152)

Chapter 203: Start with a large number of architectural design drawings (59152)

Compared to the three architectural design drawings that made Gu Xi excited, when the two architectural design drawings that Gu Xi could not understand appeared, Gu Xi's first reaction was, how could there be such a thing.

 The second reaction is what is the use of this thing.

  【Energy Lighthouse Design (Small): Using 300 resources and 10 units of metal, an energy lighthouse (small building) can be built in the city to capture the energy of an area and illuminate an area. 】

This lighthouse was something that Gu Xi didn't quite understand, because the explanation inside it made Gu Xi unable to judge whether it was useful or not.

 There was something else that also confused Gu Xi.

[Dryad Jungle Design (Medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 10 units of herbs, and 10 units of wood to build a Dryad Jungle (medium-sized building) in the city. You can enter it once a month. Kill the guards inside and get the corresponding Quantity of treasures. 】

At first, Gu Xi thought this was a treasure that was placed in the city once a month. However, when he discovered that he needed to build a barracks before building a Dryad Jungle, Gu Xi was not so sure.

 It is not uncommon for Gu Xi to find such a building with pre-requisites. However, since the pre-requisite is a barracks building, Gu Xi really has no way to judge.

For these two architectural designs that he couldn't understand, Gu Xi could only keep his doubts in his heart and figure out when to find someone who understood them.

As for the remaining thirteen architectural plans, there is nothing too eye-catching.

 There are seven medium-sized architectural design drawings and six small-sized architectural design drawings, all in various directions, which are used to fill in the blanks.

[Bloody Herbal Garden Design (Medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 5 units of stone, 5 units of metal, 5 units of wood, and 5 units of herbs to build a **** herbal garden (medium-sized building) in the city, ordinary herbal garden, Blood sunflower, white moss and other herbs used to replenish blood can be planted (can be upgraded)]

[Blood Eye Vineyard Design (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a Blood Eye Vineyard (medium-sized building) in the city. It can produce 30 units of grapes per week, and the grapes can be used to make wine (can be upgraded) 】

 【Decomposed swamp design (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a rotten swamp (medium-sized building) in the city, which can generate a large number of corpses every day and increase the training speed of insect troops (can be upgraded)】

[Skinned slaughterhouse design (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of wood, and 10 units of metal to build a skinned slaughterhouse (medium-sized building) in the city. It will produce 5 units of food and 2 units of fur every day. Kill beasts in the wild. You can Arrange manpower for skinning (can be upgraded)]

【Bright fire enchantment table design (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of metal, and 10 units of herbs to build a bright fire enchantment table (medium-sized building) in the city, where enchantments below level 1 can be performed (can be upgraded)】

 【Rusty Bone Basement Design (Medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of metal to build a Rusty Bone Basement (medium-sized building) in the city. Various mechanisms can be created in the basement (can be upgraded)】

[Dark prison design (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of metal to build a dark prison (medium-sized building) in the city. It can be used to hold prisoners, and can be combined with evil temples, cemeteries, and spiritual tombs. A type of building produces regional linkage (can be upgraded)]

 These seven medium-sized architectural design drawings can be said to be all kinds of strange and have a little bit of everything.

 Gu Xi looked at it for a long time but couldn't see any pattern. The only good thing is that there is a design drawing of the basement, which is one step closer to the building Dimi requested.

 Compared with these seven medium-sized architectural design drawings, the remaining six small-sized architectural design drawings are in better condition. The directions of the small-sized buildings have been decided long ago and are prepared to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the troops in the city.

 【Design drawing of magic arrow tower (small): Use 200 resources and 10 units of metal to build a magic arrow tower (small building) in the city. When the archer attacks from the arrow tower, it will automatically add rocket or ice arrow effects (can be upgraded)】

[Sand moat design (small): Use 200 resources and 10 units of stone to build a sand moat (small building) in the city. Arrange a moat made of quicksand outside the city gate. Enemies who step into the moat will have a 35% Chances of being swallowed directly by quicksand (can be upgraded)]

[Iron-Blooded Assembly Point Design (Small): Use 200 resources, 5 units of stone, and 5 units of metal to build an Iron-blooded Assembly Point (small building) in the city. Troops gathered here can temporarily gain an attack +1 effect (can be upgraded )】

[Design of the Magic Fountain of Victory (small): Use 200 resources and 10 units of stone to build a Magic Fountain of Victory (small building) in the city. In the city defense battle, every time a victory is achieved, all troops produced in the city will be defended. +1 (can be upgraded)]

[Hidden manger design (small): Use 200 resources, 5 units of wood, and 5 units of herbs to build a hidden manger (small building) in the city. All players and troops entering the city will have their movement speed increased by 25 for the next week. % (can be upgraded)]

 【Magic tree design drawing (small): Use 200 resources and 10 units of wood to build a magic tree (small building) in the city. It must be planted near the magic tower, which can increase the upper limit of the magic tower level (can be upgraded)】

 After looking at all the architectural design drawings, Gu Xi was thinking about how to arrange these things.

After returning this time, Alidovi City will definitely need to be re-divided, especially the two areas that have completely changed and require major changes.

 The buildings in each area also need to be adjusted.

 Gu Xi thought about it. The upper city area looked very big, but in fact there was not much land for construction. There were magic towers and clock towers there, all leaning towards magic. It would be a good choice to build it into a magic district.

At the same time, the large plots of land in the main city area that Gu Xi has used up have been used up. Now there is a link between the evil church and the White Bone Evil Temple. Future construction will naturally focus on this aspect.

 This can be turned into a bone area from now on.

Coupled with the Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery area, the dock area and the magic plant area, the positioning of Alidovi City can be quickly divided.

As for more areas, we need to wait for Gu Xi to lay down more territory.

 Now Gu Xi is also thinking about this matter.

 The city area that can be conquered has been conquered. Where should we attack next?

 Alidovita or the foggy area outside the city?

 What will it look like in the foggy area outside the city?

 Gu Xi couldn't judge for a while.

 (End of this chapter)

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