Breath of the Dead

Chapter 204: Transactions of purple clothing (please subscribe)

 Chapter 204 Purple Equipment’s Transaction (please subscribe)

 After putting together all the architectural design drawings, Gu Xi asked Du Wushuang for help and dragged the materials outside the door of Warehouse No. 9.

Then Gu Xi turned his hand, and the city gate appeared above these supplies. As the city gate moved forward, all the supplies were sent into the city of Aridovi.

Du Wushuang was also quite surprised by Gu Xi's method of operation.

“Where are your undead men? Why don’t you let them come out and move things in?”

“Forget it, I almost lost all the undead in this battle. I haven’t released the compensated undead yet. There is no one in my city now, so I can only send things in this way.

 After I finish taking care of things here, I can go back to deal with things in the city. "

 “Is there anything else you want to do here?”

Du Wushuang blinked and looked at Gu Xi expectantly.

"There is still a transaction that has not been completed. Liu Kai helped me make an appointment with a rich guy who can buy the purple-colored one. In addition, I still have the task of the wisdom tree that has not been completed."

"What kind of task are you doing? You can't do long-term tasks like that. I wonder if you are blind. No, I won't let you go today."

When Du Wushuang heard this, his cheeks bulged up. He stretched out his hand to grab Gu Xi and picked him up, "You don't want to go anywhere today."

"Okay, I know, can you let me down first?"

 Gu Xi felt quite uncomfortable being carried, and he was afraid of hurting Du Wushuang, so he could only wave his hands as a struggle.

As for the long-term tasks and the wisdom tree, Gu Xi simply can’t care about them now.

Anyway, this mission is for free, so there is no shortage of this mission for the time being.

 Seeing Gu Xi's struggling movements weaken, Du Wushuang also smiled happily.

 While she was laughing, the sky in Sanxian Garden turned from white to black, and then from black to white again, without knowing why, and a day and a half passed in the blink of an eye.

It wasn't until Liu Kai's raven delivered the letter that Gu Xi, who looked even thinner, walked out holding his waist.

He held the cold wind staff in one hand while releasing the evil coffin, then raised his head and said to the raven that delivered the message.

“I’m not familiar with this place. Can you show me the way later?”

 The smart raven glanced at Gu Xi, and finally landed on the evil coffin.

 Gu Xi tried his best to turn over and climb onto the evil coffin, holding tightly on the iron chain on the evil coffin with one hand to protect his body.

Xie Coffin quickly rushed forward and rushed out with Gu Xi.

The raven flew and pointed the direction, bringing Gu Xi to the edge of the crystal forest.

There Liu Kai was talking with a handsome death knight.

This death knight is tall, with broad shoulders and a strong body. He wears a silver-blue half-armor, holds a helmet in his hand, and has long black hair hanging down casually. He can dress up as much as he wants. .

 At his feet lay a white-gold square-headed hammer with a long handle.

From when the hammer was erected on the ground, for some reason, Gu Xi could hear a strange piano sound in the distance.

Such anomalies made Gu Xi pause. He understood that the hammer might be a piece of purple equipment.

Seeing Gu Xi's little move, the death knight burst into laughter.

"Kaizi, you are right. He has good purple equipment. Hello, my name is Song Yumo, death knight. Nice to meet you."

Gu Xi quickly reached out and shook his hand, "Gu Xi."

"I've heard that you, the chief of the Underworld Wind Academy, have mastered one of the three divine skills, known as the Breath of the Dead." "Thank you, thank you!"

“Not much else to say, Kaizi said you have a purple tank and a shield from the Death Knight, take it out and let me take a look.”

Gu Xi felt proud when he heard this. He took out the ghost-faced skin and the fairy hand and placed them in front of Song Yumo.

“It’s not one piece, it can actually be viewed as a set.”

Just when Gu Xicai took out the ghost mask, Song Yumo's expression changed. A strange clear light appeared on the square-headed hammer at his feet, and a skeleton was waving its hands in the clear light.

Song Yumo also had a serious look on his face. He held up the ghost-faced skin and carefully checked the properties of the ghost-faced skin before saying something at last.

"nice one."

Liu Kai also took the mysterious hand that was placed aside at this time. He glanced at it doubtfully, and then looked at Gu Xi speechlessly, "Comrade Gu, you are actually packing this guy out as a partner?

Are you crazy? Do you know that any death knight can sell this thing for a sky-high price? "

 “Oh, what is it, show me?”

Song Yumo reached out and took the fairy hand, only glanced at it, and then looked at Gu Xi.

"Comrade Gu, you really shouldn't sell these two items together. Your shield is for the main tank, and this magic hand is for the off-tank. If you mix them together, you won't be able to sell them at a high price."

Gu Xi was also speechless. He didn't expect that there were so many differences in the equipment of the tanks.

 He thought that if they were packaged together, he could charge a higher price.

 I didn’t expect it to happen here.

 Fortunately, Song Yumo was quite interested in these two pieces of equipment.

“But it’s okay, I have a lot of death knights in my family, and the Fairy Hand can be used by my brother. Instead, it’s this shield..."

Song Yumo was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not easy to get rid of this thing in my house."

 Gu Xi wanted to ask why, but when he looked up at Song Yumo's handsome face and thought about the special skill of Ghost Face Pimp, Gu Xi came to his senses.

If his family all had faces like this, no one would be willing to use ghost faces.

Just as Gu Xi was about to take back the Ghost Face Skin, Song Yumo added: "It just so happens that I have a friend who is willing to use this. He is attacking the main tank position of the Fourth Regiment of the Knights of the Sun, and this thing is quite important to him.

 Let me estimate the price first, and if he gives you more, I will transfer the more to you. "

Hearing what Song Yumo said, Gu Xi couldn't help but turn his eyes to Liu Kai.

Then he responded with a smile: "Okay, you make a price, and if it's successful, the matter will be done."

“I heard from Kaizi before that you wanted a large-scale architectural design, and you also named the Lich Tomb or the Dragon Tomb of the Bone Dragon.

I have to say that the price you quoted is not much different from the price on the market, but these two items are not that easy to find, especially the dragon tomb of the bone dragon, which is not available on the market at all.

 There is no dragon tomb building even in the guild.

There are two of them in the mausoleum guild, but all they produce are corpse witches.

And these two are the treasures of the Sun Mage Group. When all necromancers join the Sun Mage Group, they will record their phylacteries in the mausoleum. If they die in battle, they will be transformed into corpse witches here.

I heard that the older generation of players fought for these two tombs for more than five years.

 If you want these two kinds of architectural design drawings, it’s basically out of the question. I have an idea about how to settle for the next best thing. "

 (End of this chapter)

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