Breath of the Dead

Chapter 205: Can be integrated with land title blood cellar (please subscribe)

Chapter 205 Fusionable Land Deed-Blood Cellar (Please subscribe)

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“Vampire, do you know, Comrade Gu, you know?”

Hearing Song Yumo’s question, Gu Xi immediately became energetic.

 Of course he knows about vampires, and there is a potential leader in Aridovi who can command vampires.

 Currently, Gu Xi is still troubled by the various buildings Dimi needs.

 At the same time, he also understood that what Song Yumo said was not impossible.

Even though vampires are a mid-level undead unit, they are considered to be a unique type of existence, and do not belong to the series of bones, corpses, and ghosts.

 does not belong to the category of suturing or transformation, but has its own characteristics.

There was even a period of time, because the death knight could not be attributed, the vampire once represented the death knight and became a member of the high-level undead arms, with a status just below the bone dragon and ghost dragon.

 It can be said that Song Yumo's proposal is exactly what Gu Xi needs.

 It's just that Gu Xi hesitated at this time.

He is not sure what kind of vampire comes out here, the ugly one at the beginning? Or inject spider venom into the body? Or a standard old vampire.

There are too many variables in this thing, and Gu Xi himself can’t even judge whether it’s right or wrong.

Song Yumo saw Gu Xi's expression changing and understood what he was worried about.

So he smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who is careless. My vampire is Acarus, a type of spider venom that requires a ritual to transform. I'm not an ordinary vampire."

 “From the Spider Cult?”

 Gu Xi knew the origin of the vampire that Song Yumo mentioned as soon as he heard it.

He also understands that if this kind of vampire training camp is upgraded to a higher level, the soldiers that come out will really be at the level of a death knight.

The status is higher than that of corpse witches and lower than that of lichs. This is exactly what Song Yumo said about taking a step back.

  But the resources required to invest here are huge.

 Gu Xizheng was about to refuse when Song Yumo said again.

“That’s right, it’s a vampire from the Spider Sect, and it’s a complete set of buildings. If Comrade Gu agrees, I’ll give you the city title deed as well.”

Gu Xi stared at Song Yumo with his eyes widened.

 Does this mean that the building design will be provided directly with a land that can be integrated? And the land for all the buildings has been built?

 If that’s the case, that’s no problem.

I can.

As for whether Song Yumo had city land deeds or other issues, Gu Xi was not worried at all.

  When he received the chief reward from the Wind of the Bones Academy, the dean gave him a fusion land deed.

 This means that in the hands of some guilds, there are actually many such spaces that can be integrated.

 It’s just that some spaces have been developed, and some spaces have been left in place for various reasons and no one wants them.

  Since Gu Xi had not yet captured many urban areas in Aridovi, he had no idea of ​​taking this kind of space.

 In addition, his goal during this period has always been architectural design drawings, so naturally he did not consider some such integrable spaces.

Hearing Song Yumo's suggestion, Gu Xi knew that this business could be done.

 “Okay, but I need to inspect the goods first.”

 “Okay, wait for me.”

Seeing that Gu Xi was willing to agree, Song Yumo was also quite happy. He took out a raven with golden feathers around its eyes and said a few words before letting it go.

At this time, Liu Kai was also there and said: "I tell you, Comrade Gu, don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with the land deed given by the Song family.

The Song family's original black guard was a vampire earl, which was very popular. Later, because I found a better one, and due to the attribute problems of the heirloom purple equipment, I gradually lost the Vampire Black Guard and embarked on a different path.

However, their Blood Guard Palace is still quite famous in our guild.

 This time I think they will give you the deed of an area surrounding the vampire mansion. "

Gu Xi did not speak, and he was not sure what he would get in the end.

However, vampire training buildings are nothing more than secluded houses, mansions, mansions, palaces and castles. Different buildings represent different origins and development directions of vampires.

Each different change will have a different impact, so Gu Xi is also a little curious about what kind of vampire training camp he will get.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves coming from outside the woods.

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi decisively moved his hand and grasped the cold wind array.

 “Don’t worry, he’s my companion.”

Song Yumo quickly stopped Gu Xi's next move, "He's here to deliver something."

As he spoke, a death knight riding a shining golden horse appeared nearby.

Gu Xi felt a flash of golden light in front of his eyes, and the death knight came to Song Yumo.

 “Master, I brought the things.”

After speaking, he handed a box that was obviously made of lead into Song Yumo's hands.

Song Yumo took the box, opened it and pushed it towards Gu Xi.

Gu Xi looked down and found that what was inside was a parchment-like scroll.

  【Obtain the blood cellar title deed】

[The blood cellar covers an area of ​​0.35 square kilometers and has no population. After occupying it, you can have 1 large plot (Level 2 Vampire Mansion), 2 medium plots (Level 2 Blood Garden, Level 3 Blood Pool), and small plots. 3 places (Level 4 Vampire Statue, Level 4 Blood Throne, Level 3 Bat Cave)】

  【Building name: Vampire Mansion

 Level: Level 2

 Trainable troops:

 Vampire (Level 6), can consume 1000 negative energy to recruit vampires, and can recruit 5+4 vampires every week.

 Vampire Sir (Level 7), can consume 1500 negative energy to recruit Vampire Sir, and can be shared by a number of vampires. 】

[Vampire (level 6, summoned troops): experience (0/5000), attack 14+4, defense 8, life 80, skills: undead creature, vampire embrace (20% of the damage caused by the vampire will be used for healing and resurrection itself. ), transmission. 】

[Vampire Sir (level 7, summoned troops): experience (0/8000), attack 16+4, defense 10, life 95, skills: undead creature, vampire embrace, teleportation, backhand kill (after killing the enemy) , can damage another nearby enemy with the same attack power)]

  【Building name: Bloody Garden

 Level: Level 2 (can be upgraded)


 The garden provides 30 units of blood food every week (blood fruit, after consumption, the vampire's attack power is temporarily +1).

 Vampires in the garden are immune to the damage bonus effects of sunlight and silver weapons. 】

  【Building name: Blood Pool

 Level: Level 3 (can be upgraded)


 The blood pool provides 45 units of blood food (blood wine, after consumption, the vampire's vitality will be temporarily +20) every week.

 Severely injured vampires can soak in a pool of blood and quickly recover. 】

  【Building name: Vampire Statue

 Level: Level 4 (can be upgraded)


 All vampire-related buildings in the city have a production speed of vampire units +4. 】

  【Building name: Throne of Blood

 Level: Level 4 (can be upgraded)


 All vampire units in the city have attack +4. 】

  【Building name: Bat Cave

 Level: Level 3 (can be upgraded)


 All vampires in the city will automatically master the skill of turning into a bat. 】

  【Transform into a bat: A vampire can transform into countless bats to escape from the battlefield. As long as there is still one bat, the vampire will not die. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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